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Gargamel said:
As always.

I went into the kitch for a soda and a black widow was booking across the floor. I had to execute it with my houseshoe, sadly. Ever encounter a black widow in your house?
NO! That would definitely put tears in my eyes and the neighbors would have to call 911 from the shrieks alone! :D

P.S. That was an especially kind but untrue statement...I'm rarely right about anything!:D

Oops! Next question...hmm...what strange fear do you have? :D
:eek: Reptiles. I cringe and automatically draw back when confronted with lizard, gecko, snake or iguana (notice the descriptive progression of the reptiles I describe). My son has had one or more while growing up and I have nightmares about them being loose in the house, very scarry.

Where in the world would you want to live, and why?
I was a devoted ST:TNG trekkie a while ago, then got over it. But for the past few weeks I've been watching ST:Enterprise, so maybe I still have some of that sci-fi geek in me I guess...

What is the best sci-fi movie in your opinion?
RoyalDiva said:
I was a devoted ST:TNG trekkie a while ago, then got over it. But for the past few weeks I've been watching ST:Enterprise, so maybe I still have some of that sci-fi geek in me I guess...

What is the best sci-fi movie in your opinion?
The original Star Wars

Anybody been having problems getting around with the Tule fog?
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Yes, I'm afraid that I will hit one of the many jaywalkers who seem to be very prevalent lately for some reason.

What is your favorite 1980's teen movie?
I've loved many over the years, but Heathers is one of the few that has aged well, so I'll go with that one.

What was the last thing you ate, and did you enjoy it?
Cheese pizza last night. The first slice was good but I had to take the cheese off the second slice because I'm weird like that.

Do you have any pics of the KINGS saved to you computer?
Egg Nog and X-Mas music (not, NOT carols...weird stuff like the Maye West Christmas Album, etc.) while over-decorating the tree.

Good question, keep it going...
GoGoGadget said:
Egg Nog and X-Mas music (not, NOT carols...weird stuff like the Maye West Christmas Album, etc.) while over-decorating the tree.

Good question, keep it going...
Gotta be the Nog and Driving around town looking at lights. Ive always loved that:D

Same Q to U.
eggnog and Christmas-time parties with friends is the only thing I like about the season, other than that it totally blows.

What are the best and worst Christmas gifts you have ever received?
Prophetess said:
smell of fresh cut tree in the house, watching kids open gifts...

same q....
Those are my favorite things too! :) I love the smell and look of a festively decorated tree (especially the smell!).

I love the innocent excitement of my little nieces and nephews at all the hoopla (yes, it's commercial).

I especially love going to the children's Mass with my ex-sister-in-law, her family, and my 3 year old niece. I feel blessed with hope...

Okay, enough hokey stuff! :D

I also love the lights, the decorations and all that jazz...

the only part I hate is the shopping! :mad:

What do you love most about Christmas? Or Hannukah, Kwaanza, the Winter Solstice, or ?

I apologize for my ignorance but I don't know the equivilent for the other major religions, Ramadan? and ?

Happy Holidays to all, whichever you celebrate!
Everything. The shopping right after thanksgiviing at 4am. The decorating the whole weekend. The family. The friends. My mothers christmas cookies. The carols. The parties. The music. The anticipation of opening up gifts like you are 7 years old again. The chirstmas wrapping paper. My brother dressing up as santa (shhh...;))....

Same Q....
We leave to go on vacation Christmas Day each year, that is probably my favorite thing about The Day. That and the fantastic b-ball games (Stern know's how to pick 'em for Christmas Day).

What is your favorite part of the turkey?
albeitrue said:
We leave to go on vacation Christmas Day each year, that is probably my favorite thing about The Day. That and the fantastic b-ball games (Stern know's how to pick 'em for Christmas Day).

What is your favorite part of the turkey?
The breast meat. But the dark meat is good too.

Same q to u
at my uncle's house.......since my uncle was a chef.........

I'm a chinese and I don't really know much about
Are u guys gonna give thanks to someone in special on thankgiving?
The Turkey industry

What's an unusual food that goes well with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner (Turkey, mashed potatos, Yams, cranberry sauce, rolls)? Trying to try new things this year.
I'm Sicillian (1/4) and we have ravioli on Thanksgiving every year along with the traditional meal.

Growing up, all my little friends thought it was weird, but I can't imagine a holiday meal without ravs. I brought them to Thanksgiving dinner with the other side of the family (Swedes) and there were plenty of comments about my rather untraditional contribution to the family meal -- but there was not one bit of pasta left. Even the sauce had been sopped up with bread.

What's your family tradition(s) that may be a little outsie of the norm?
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