Artest Has Been Suspended for Game 2!!!!


Super Moderator Emeritus
...And my excitement about the 2006 playoffs shrivels up and dies...

I may just start watching hockey.
That was bad, but ARTEST GOT STITCHES. Games are physical and violent, go through all the game 1 tapes and you can find probably 10 plays just as bad. Where are the other suspensions? And if this is the league's standard for what gets you a suspension, how come Bruce Bowen is still playing? This is bad.
the nba officiating has become cumulative. it is based on credit history. anticipation calls, star player treatment, shaq exceptions, name it. it is not necessarily rigged but definitely painful and frustrating to witness.


TJinTX said:
After viewing the clip, I'd have to say that it does appear intentional. Still don't think it should of been a Flagrant 2, though.
Intentional yes, deserving a suspension? Hell no.
Bricklayer said:
If they want to call that an F1, okay. Not an F2. Not even terribly close even with what I am sure was some Manu overacting.
I'm not sure they're calling it a flagrant 2, it's the Anthony Peeler rule that is being invoked... no forearms or fists to the head.
Folsom Al said:
It ain't Ginobili's fault ... he didn't make the call (or the non-call) :cool:
Maybe because if you breath on him he snaps his head back violently like it's the worst blow he has ever taken??? :rolleyes:

Take a look at the tape. You see Artest hit him and his head kind of "wobbles" and then flips back like he has just taken a blow from Mike Tyson. I also don't understand WTF Duncan was doing on that play. Can they go back and call that a fould on him and let the Kings shoot 2 free throws and maybe give them 2 more points :D.
coolhandluke said:
Then why is Manu not suspended for hitting Ron on the mouth?
Well I don't think either should be suspended, but I'd imagine it would be because Artest putting his forearm into Ginobli's head was obviously intentional, whereas Ginobli's elbow was not. Also, if I remember correctly the rule was about forearms and fists, not elbows.
Folsom Al said:
Maybe the NBA needs a LESSON IN BONES :confused:

I think the point is they are trying to stop a player from "throwing a punch". It's hard to do that with your elbow, but it can be done easily with a fist or forearm (see Peeler, Anthony).

Of course, that's why I disagree with the suspension if that is their reasoning. That rule shouldn't apply here because the forearm didn't really make contact with the head in the act of "throwing a forearm".
Just heard about the Artest suspension. I think it's absolute horse-you-know-what. That's complete BS and I think this is nitpicking on the NBA's part. Not sure Artest would be suspended had it not been for his previous run-ins with the league.

If Artest is getting suspended then Shane Battier or whoever it was that set that illegal and unnecessary pick on Jason Terry last night should be suspended too. It's the playoffs - rough play is to be expected to a degree.



Hall of Famer
bibbinator said:
I see the bald head of a ref walk right by, looks like he's watching the whole thing as it happens.
The Refs obviously DID see it beceause the called the foul. It's the Leage (at Pop's urging) that has second guessed the call making it a flagtrant 2. I have real issues with this at a lot of levels. It may not exactly undermine the refs authority, but it does say we reserve the right to pile on peneltys. It does NOTHING to stop physical play... infact the message here is clear. "Spurs have carte blance to rock-n-roll, Kings better think twice about any but the softest of fouls." There was a lot of physical paly out there by BOTH teams to chery pick one incident not significantly different thatn any of probably 50 others is bad sampeling. To only punish one team, by suspending ont of their best players is tantamount to TAMPERING.
Of course, the media's running wild with this- "Just a matter of time before Artest relapsed to the old Artest", blah blah blah. That was a physical game from the very first play. A suspension??? Come on now...

I have a feeling this may light a fire...not sure under whom, though...