hard to see a group of politicians scuttling amore or less done deal in a high profile vote/meeting. much easier to scuttle earlier through procedural means then now when the deal is made on a national stage and your no vote puts blood on your hands in front of the whole world.
Exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if it's 8-1... or even 9-0. I mean it. A no vote and you risk SO much if the arena basically catalyzes economically and culturally a rebirth of downtown and therefore the whole region. People are still taking in and realizing what this really means for the city. It will change the ENTIRE feel of downtown and the whole city. Just think of what the Jazz Festival can do with this space!!! Seriously big names would play that venue!!!
All this... especially with the easy access at a transit hub. So many people are going to be able to hop on a bus, lightrail or other means and scoot downtown and (drink and) have a great time or see an amazing show. And if that high speed rail ever gets built... people will truck in from Modesto, Stockton, Fresno... the whole bit. I mean this is just huge. Probably literally the biggest and best thing to happen to Sacramento since the Gold Rush. I'm not even joking.
You really don't want to be remembered as the politician who thought all this was a bad idea. It will haunt you in all future elections. All your opponent will have to do is say. "X" person didn't have the vision for revitalizing our region..."
Way bigger of a liability to vote no on this thing. Especially since it appears all $$ bases are covered by the city. This is just a sweet deal for all parties. And yes, there is such a thing. (Maybe that's the fundamental point the cavers can't get... one person doesn't have to lose for another to win. This is literally a win-win-win.)
Congrats to everybody. What a neat day. Oh and I just aced two tests today.