And the answer is... WE WIN!!!!!

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Not speaking for anyone else, but I'm going to wait until the Maloofs are gone for good before starting any full scale celebration. This is certainly a GREAT day for Sacramento Kings fans though. We still have a team next season and hopefully for another 35 seasons after that.
The clock has started and it is now a matter or time. The Maloofs have to do a little thinking and try to use the little room and leverage they have to try to make the best deal they can here. They may still need to check in with their masters in Sea before acting, but I suspect they are already in the process of letting that life line go. It's all just process now... and a bit more waiting.
David Aldridge ‏@daldridgetnt 58s

George Maloof says he will talk with Stern in next day or so, but still holds out hope of including Chris Hansen in potential sale with Sac.
So they can keep trying to block the new arena here.
David Aldridge ‏@daldridgetnt 1m
George Maloof says he will talk with Stern in next day or so, but still holds out hope of including Chris Hansen in potential sale with Sac.

David Aldridge ‏@daldridgetnt 54s
George Maloof: "if it had to turn out this way, it's fine with us. But my loyalty's to Chris, because he stepped up."

Doesn't this idiot realise that had they looked for suitors in Sac, they easily would have found some? How else would Vivek and co have popped up? He's such a detestable slimeball.
The more I hear George tweet the more I believe that they aren't done with their ************.

These guys make me so angry! They don't know how to lose with dignity.
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KJ just said that they were told they needed to cap revenue sharing.

So it looks as if we didn't have a choice on that...but I expect that Vivek is planning on being a payer into the system rather than a taker anyway...and it bodes well for our team in the future.
The more I hear George tweet the more I believe that they aren't done with their ************.

These guys make me so angry! They don't know how to lose with dignity.

The truth is, if the Maloofs went public directly to Sac investors, they would've never got anywhere close to the $525 million valuation. The franchise was estimated to worth around $290 million as recent as last season. The only way for them to get this kind of money was to go to someone like Ballmer/Hansen.

Now, this is not to say that the Maloofs intentions were to let Sac match once they got the offer they wanted. They are scums for wanting to cut Kings fans out of their team and history.

Now that they are in position to cash out much more than they originally could, let's hope they take the money and use it to rebuild their financial empires elsewhere.

The sooner they sell, the sooner new ownership can take over and hire a good experienced coach that can put together a great team build around DMC and Tyreke!


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Vivek lawyers and Maloof lawyers have been talking for weeks. Vivek thinks that they will be able to conclude this in a couple days.
The truth is, if the Maloofs went public directly to Sac investors, they would've never got anywhere close to the $525 million valuation. The franchise was estimated to worth around $290 million as recent as last season. The only way for them to get this kind of money was to go to someone like Ballmer/Hansen.

Now, this is not to say that the Maloofs intentions were to let Sac match once they got the offer they wanted. They are scums for wanting to cut Kings fans out of their team and history.

Now that they are in position to cash out much more than they originally could, let's hope they take the money and use it to rebuild their financial empires elsewhere.

The sooner they sell, the sooner new ownership can take over and hire a good experienced coach that can put together a great team build around DMC and Tyreke!
Yep as much as I despise the Maloofs personally at this point, particularly George, they squeezed the maximum amount out of the sale of the team as they could by going to Seattle first. If anyone was a pawn in this whole thing, it was the Seattle group. I never thought they could get 525 million for the team. They make enough out of their investment in the team to actually keep up their standard of living for a few more years. Of course they are now down to 0 money making assets so they will likely manage to squander their entire family fortune in 10 years.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
22-8 is way to dissenting a vote after a unanimous recommendation.. I wonder who/why
My immediate reaction too, but consider this possibility: the NBA wants to avoid a lawsuit. They want to continue to dangle the carrot out in front of Seattle. So, once the tally is clearly going one way, a few owners slide over to pump up the nays to keep the Seattle group thinking its offer was heavily considered and that its future prospects are good.


Hall of Famer
If the Maloofs keep dicking around they may find that their inflated sales price drops. If they continue to run the team next year they may find a huge boycott and they will end up in a worse financial situation than they are in now. Maybe this is all George could come up with today and a night's sleep may give him a moment of clarity. My goodness, guy, he is presently has a sales price at record amount and he thinks he is in the driver's seat?

It has been stated by some of the owners that no matter how poor the attendance is next year if the Maloofs retain ownership, it will not be held against the fans or the area. Wake up, BM. Everyone knows the problem is you!!
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