American Idol - And the weeks go on (merged)

Wow I missed coming here to KingsFans... Anyway I looove Elliott, but I'm worried for him. I would hope he at least lasts longer than Kellie, who I absolutely can't stand. I'm not a fan of hers, but Kat was really great last night.
My rating for last night:

1. McPhee
2-3. Taylor and Paris - they both did awesome,first time I actually enjoyed Paris singing (otherwise she gets on my nerves)
4. Chris - Obviously not his thing, but he did well enough
5. Elliott - I like Elliott and he has a good voice and he would have been higher on my list, but there were better performances
6-7. Pickler and Ace - I could really care less for either one. Pickler is just plain annoying (and shouldn't be in the same competition with top 5 from my list). Ace should have been gone long time ago. I wish both could be voted off tonight.
OMG - that was a great show last night by ALL !!!

Even Kellie, IMO - despite being pitchy did a pretty good job.

Not sure why they had Rod Stewart since they didn't sing any of his songs, but hey .... THE THEME WAS GREAT.

Okay - my rankings for last night (not rankings overall - that'll come later).

#1 - Katherine ... excellent
#2 - Paris .... loved her performance ...GOT SOME LUNGS
#3 - Chris ... he can do other things (need to see more of this)
#4 - Elliott ... I agree with Simon - MORE PERSONALITY-GREAT VOICE
#5 - Ace ... Loved his song, one of my OLD TIME favorites - nailed it
#6 - Taylor ... here only cuz I think others did better
#7 - Kellie ... ZERO stage presence ...FROZEN ???
Last night you saw the best in talent and the flaws of personality that I think each performer must overcome to win this competition.

Kathrine - She seems so robotic to me. Like someone took her into a labortory and made a singer kind of like Frankenstein. She is not natural enough for me. With that said she was very good. She looked terrible, but sang wonderfully. Maybe in the lead right now.

Paris - Can a performer who sings and performs like a 20 year professional but carries herself and looks like a 12-year old school girl win American idol. Paris was outstanding. She sang within her element. I agree with Randy, the thing that grabbed me about her in her audition was in full glory last night singing the blues.

Taylor - Can a grayhaired old soul from the Sixties win over a young demographic. Kelly clarkston, Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino, Carrie Underwood and, and, TAYLOR HICKS!!! Sing it with me "One of these things are not like the other, one of these things just don't belong" :). Taylor's performance was part one and part two. part one was very low key and part two of the song was over the top. America has to decide which part they like best. If they choose part 2 he will be safe.

Ace - His looks does not match his talent. Hollywood looks and State Fair talent. Ace was OK, but he seems to use gimmicks and props to carry him through. Like R and B'ing your way through a Standard. Or putting your hair in a bun. Or showing your scar.

Pickler - :confused: She has a wonderful story, but you just can't get past the dumb blonde act. When she was talking with Rod Stewart last night and he said "Words and lyrics are the same" and she let out a big ole HUH!!! I was dying. Kellie was not very good last night. Pitchy and her timing was off. She started out OK, but as the song went on, the worst she got. She did not help herself by saying "I butchered the song"

Elliott - Can his perceived "lack of personality" translate into cool and smoothness. His performance was not memorable. In fact I am struggling to remember what he sang. Oh, yes "It Had to be You". The background singers which has been solid all season was annoying as heck. But Elliott was good enough to move on to next week.

Chris - Can he show that he is more than a one-dimentional, high speed rocker. He kind of showed that last night. I don't think he was as good as the judges made him to be, but he did show another side of him that was solid.

Bottom Three Prediction - Ace, Pickler and Elliott

Eliminated Tonight - Should be Pickler, but I think Ace may have run his course. Ace.
Folsom Al said:
OMG - that was a great show last night by ALL !!!

Even Kellie, IMO - despite being pitchy did a pretty good job.

Not sure why they had Rod Stewart since they didn't sing any of his songs, but hey .... THE THEME WAS GREAT.

Okay - my rankings for last night (not rankings overall - that'll come later).

#1 - Katherine ... excellent
#2 - Paris .... loved her performance ...GOT SOME LUNGS
#3 - Chris ... he can do other things (need to see more of this)
#4 - Elliott ... I agree with Simon - MORE PERSONALITY-GREAT VOICE
#5 - Ace ... Loved his song, one of my OLD TIME favorites - nailed it
#6 - Taylor ... here only cuz I think others did better
#7 - Kellie ... ZERO stage presence ...FROZEN ???
I thought Taylor did OUTSTANDING yesterday!

My rankings:

#1 Paris - she can simply do it all
#2 Katherine - Her voice is excellent and she knows how to use it
#3 Taylor - Love his voice and how he uses it well with with his entertainment. Simon even said it was good!
#4 Chris - I liked the song he did yesterday. Liked that he can do otehr things
#5 Elliot - Nothing great
#6 Kellie - thought she was very bad but I am putting in 6th because I want her to stay 1 more week!
#7 Ace - Didnt like it

Great week!

Bottom 3: Ace, Kellie, Elliot

Time to go: Ace's turn
Chris – I thought he was outstanding and I don’t think I’m saying that because I was impressed that he didn’t alternative rock out and that he actually can stylize and interpret something himself that doesn’t sound like a cover of a cover.

Paris was fabulous. I did agree that if she did a whole album of that she’d blow up huge. For the first time I saw why some have her rated higher than Katharine in terms of overall talent.

Elliott - Can his perceived "lack of personality" translate into cool and smoothness? Eh, no. I love him and totally want him to win this but Simon was RIGHT ON - last night killed him and any chance he had of winning this competition unless something weird happens with the voting like it always does and Chris or Taylor get knocked off prior to the final 4. He can’t beat either of those two, I just can’t see it especially when he’s spent the last two weeks in the bottom 3. He should survive longer than Pickler or Ace and I hope he does because I’m not ready to not see him on the show any more. I would have liked him to have sung something different, but oh well.

Taylor – I thought the same thing Simon did, the first half was good but boring, the 2nd part was good and Taylor-infused. He wasn’t as gimmicky as last week which was a good thing for me. I liked it and figured that he’s cemented himself into the knock out drag out battle against Chris for the last male standing. But is his “act” translatable to an idol career, nope – I don’t see that happening either because a lot of that involves visuals which other than videos doesn’t seem to be part of the idol marketing.

Pickler - Glad she knew she butchered the song. Would have hated to think she thought she was good. Awful awful awful. Not enough to send her home because I think a lot of mischievous voting is keeping her around. She won’t win, so I take some solace in that.

Ace - You nailed it PR. Looks don’t match talent at least not to the extent that he does not display consistant talent. Thought the judges had it right on him too, if he used the falsetto more I might see him competing but he went away from that for whatever reason. But America doesn’t seem to care because the hack job he did last week and poor choice of song AND forgetting the lyrics should have finished him off. The bun and suit should buoy him another week.

Katharine - I actually thought she was spectacular. Chose a good song that was within her vocal range. I’m not as in love with her as the judges are but I thought she may have finished ahead of Paris last night in terms of raw vocals. I don’t think she was “in utterly another league” as simon would say – but she at least finished off the show on a higher note than it was headed.

Bottom Three Prediction - Ace, Kellie and Elliott (seems fair again)

Eliminated Tonight – I agree it should be Pickler, but I don’t think it will be. It also should have been Ace last week and I think the gimmicks saved his bacon even though his vocals left a lot to be desired. I agreed with Simon, Elliott might be in danger and am preparing myself for that outcome.
I don't know if the show has aired out west or not, but I totally disagreed with the one that got kicked off. While I agree that he/she was in my bottom 3, there was one that deserved to GO MUCH MORE THAN THE ONE WHO ENDED UP LEAVING. There was one in the bottom 3 that SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN there. Guess I should have voted.:cool:
Yes the show has aired out here on the Westside.

Although I do agree that Ace should have gone home as I and many of us predicted, there is no way in Hades that Picker should have been in the top three. She was flat out horrible!!!

Kellie Pickler is the next to go.
chelle said:
I don't know if the show has aired out west or not, but I totally disagreed with the one that got kicked off. While I agree that he/she was in my bottom 3, there was one that deserved to GO MUCH MORE THAN THE ONE WHO ENDED UP LEAVING. There was one in the bottom 3 that SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN there. Guess I should have voted.:cool:
The reason Kellie is still there is because of Your vote wouldn't have mattered compared to the thousands of vote that site produces.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Well, there are some people who actually place her above several others without the use of the stupid vote the worst site..

My power rankings of the remaining hopefuls:

1. Chris
2. Katharine
3. Taylor
4. Elliott
5. Kellie
6. Paris
No, just kidding. I actually do like Kellie... think she's a good singer. Of course, I didn't see her last week. But she seems to be one you either love or hate, and it's more fun pretending you're one or the other.
No surprise Ace was not voted on to continue ....

Before I go on, did you all hear that Mandisa is working with Barry Manilow ... Kenny Rogers ..... and Queen ???? ..... good for her, I liked her and she deserves everything that comes her way because of AI - working with Kenny and Queen should be interesting ....

Okay - back to my rankings with the current list:

#1 - Elliott - I love his voice, NOW GET SOME PERSONALITY !!!!!
#2 - Katharine - I'm captivated and mesmerized when she sings
#3T - Paris - when she does R&B, soul, jazz - SHE'S GREAT
#3T - Taylor - I LIKE TAYLOR - just feel others are better
#4 - Chris - Glad he's still around - he's doing well
#5 - Kellie - In her own unique way - she's hangin' tuff
My rankings are:

1. Katharine
2. Taylor (I'd love to put him as number 1 - and I think he does have the biggest fanbase out of all contestants :) )
3. Elliott
4. Chris
5. Paris
6. Pickler (do not vote for the worst!!!)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Folsom Al said:
Forgot to mention ... in case some of you may have missed it - next weeks guest - ANDREW BOCELLI

.... another interesting week ???

I'm guessing you mean world-famous Italian tenor, Andrea Bocelli, right?

Trivia fact: Did you know a large number of people first became aware of his voice when he sang "Con Te Partiro" on a TV ad for Bellagio, the Las Vegas resort?

His voice transcends opera. He has a gift that transcends any single genre of music...

::VF21 runs off to find one of her Bocelli CDs::


Homer Fan Since 1985
VF21 said:

I'm guessing you mean world-famous Italian tenor, Andrea Bocelli, right?

Trivia fact: Did you know a large number of people first became aware of his voice when he sang "Con Te Partiro" on a TV ad for Bellagio, the Las Vegas resort?

His voice transcends opera. He has a gift that transcends any single genre of music...

::VF21 runs off to find one of her Bocelli CDs::

::6th runs off to do the same::
Yeah ... there goes my Italian to Americanism translation :eek:

It is Andrea

In Spanish that would be Andres
In Spouthern Slang that would be .... Ann-dray-yuh'all (I especially like this one)
In Hawaiian that would be hookilau :D


Super Moderator Emeritus
Okay, wait...

Now I'm scared. PLEASE tell me the remaining hopefuls aren't going to try and sing opera...

Oh lord. I feel faint.
This is by far the worst season, each season keeps going downhill, if I remember right this is about the time I tuned out last year. I can only take so many weeks of sub-par performances and horrible themes.

Side Note: I was watching NVstar the other day and they are far better then anyone left on AI.

I would say Chris has a chance to produce an album afterwards but really how much of a chance. A rocker from AI? Doesn't give him any "street cred"

Katherine? Maybe... the rest are horrible.

I missed my ranks for after the show, I was messing with my PC.

Power Rankings.
1. Chris
2. Katherine
3. Kelly
5. Taylor
4. Elliot
5. Paris

To be honest, I don't feel good about those because none of them are good enough to really be there. The past seasons at least one person has stepped up and given a great performance every week. The kind that gave chills down the back. This year, none have done that to me.

Goodbye Ace... finally / Next to go - Chris or Paris (just think he is in trouble vote wise and if he butchers the song this week he is gone)
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Official Kings Fans American Idol Power Ranking Week 14

1t. Elliott - 43 (2 first place votes)
1t. Kathrine - 43
3. Chris - 42 (3)
4. Taylor - 36
5. Paris - 32
6. Pickler - 28
7. Ace - 20
8. Bucky - 16

1. Taylor - 38
2. Kathrine - 32
3. Chris - 31 (2)
4t. Elliott - 29 (3)
4t. Paris - 29 (1)
6. Pickler - 26
7. Ace - 12

1. Kathrine - 32 (2 1st Place Votes)
2. Taylor - 24
3. Elliott - 23 (1)
4. Chris - 22 (2)
5. Paris - (1)
6. Pickler - 10

We have picked the eliminated contestant for the last two weeks, can we make it three ;)