American Idol Week 11 (Top 10)
Hey I beat ya FAL. I am not sure if we need a new thread every week so I will let VF decide that. I started a new one here because the other active thread is labled Week 10.
Interesting night, here are my thoughts and comments. This is not my overall ranking PR ... just the ranking for last night.
#1 Elliott - Definitely and by far the best of the night, he was just awesome. Now I see what everyone here was seeing in him. Great Great performance.
#2 Paris - I thought she was very good also, one of her best and one of the best for the night Although her being #2 is more an indication how I felt about the entire night. Very sub-par show.
#3 Katherine - She was #1 for the night until Paris and Elliott went.
#4 Kellie - I know Simon didn't like her but I thought she did a nice job and compared to the others... She has a little Dolly in her voice and I love that.
#5 Chris - I have been very high on Chris the entire season, this week I dropped a bit. I actually thought the same comment that Simon did “Creed wouldn't be caught dead on AI"
#6 Taylor - Taylor, everyone’s favorite but I was not impressed. Need him to do some of his funky dance moves.
#7 Mandisa - She has good pipes but she is not the next AI - I didn't know were to put her to be honest. She probably shouldn't be #7, just not sure on her.
Bottom 3:
Lisa - This was the last straw for her, she is as good as gone.
Bucky - Butchered a great song, I don't see him being like Josh Gracin. JG has a great overall voice. Bucky doesn't have that range and is kind of 1-dimensional, when he leaves I don’t expect to see him on the charts.
Ace - Like Bucky he absolutely butchered a great song and one of my favorite songs at that. I love train and his performance/butchering actually P* me off. I wish you could vote off a person because he gets my vote. And his showing of the Scar, he stupid glare into the camera at the end of every song, I just wanna reach out and sock him.