Adelman Needs To Go!!!!

I'm angry that he is still here. He is the most OVER-RATED coach in the West, period. This guy is terrible and I want him gone next year. Mo Cheeks would be good for this team. I see Cheeks getting the best out of this current Kings roster.
I agree with you, but I think it wont be easy to see him leave since hes an old teammate and friend of Petrie's. Anyhow, as much as I would like to see him leave, who would we hire? Theres no one really out there and its a little too late in the season IMHO.
MotorCityKingsFan said:
I'm angry that he is still here. He is the most OVER-RATED coach in the West, period. This guy is terrible and I want him gone next year. Mo Cheeks would be good for this team. I see Cheeks getting the best out of this current Kings roster.
I agree with you motor. I have been saying this for the last year. Adleman is not a defensive coach. Is main concern is offense. Rebounding and defense takes a back seat.
PFFFT!! said:
I agree with you, but I think it wont be easy to see him leave since hes an old teammate and friend of Petrie's. Anyhow, as much as I would like to see him leave, who would we hire? Theres no one really out there and its a little too late in the season IMHO.
Bill Laimbeer anyone???
Lol, Mo Cheeks? Flip Saunders.

Giggle Giggle...

Coach tenure is a bad thing, it leads to medeocrity.

But who am I to say anything? I have been hating on Adleman since forever. I mean, holding on to the 5th seen in the West after massive roster shuffle is always just reason to cut your coach, durring the season... [Scarcasim]


Super Moderator Emeritus
Yeah, it's ALL Adelman's fault! How dare he play all those new guys who haven't even practiced together? And the nerve of him not letting Peja on the court until last night? And what was he thinking in scheduling four games in 5 nights right after the team was totally changed?


Well, I guess this is how it starts. What's next? Wanting to fire Petrie?

I hate to be the one to bring a degree of logic into this conversation but Adelman is at the bottom of the rung on the blame ladder for our recent woes.
Didn't he though? Drexler? Robinsion?

Yes, Bill Laimbeer. Hmm, probably would preech O and Passing. (Not Scarcasim). Not realy what the Kings need right now, not to mention the little respectability thing.
hmmm we won 2 games where the 3 new guys were pretty much doing anything they wanted, but when they had that free day to review plays, we lost the following 2. Hmmm wonder why. Plays don't work or just a coincidence.
PFFFT!! said:
hmmm we won 2 games where the 3 new guys were pretty much doing anything they wanted, but when they had that free day to review plays, we lost the following 2. Hmmm wonder why. Plays don't work or just a coincidence.
Why Miller, D-Song, Peja, BJax, and three new players for one.
The other was a loss against a good team, where we were still short-handed, and very new.
Also, we must lower our expectations for this team, they are not as good as they have been in the past (even as recently as two weeks ago).
VF21 said:
Yeah, it's ALL Adelman's fault! How dare he play all those new guys who haven't even practiced together? And the nerve of him not letting Peja on the court until last night? And what was he thinking in scheduling four games in 5 nights right after the team was totally changed?


Well, I guess this is how it starts. What's next? Wanting to fire Petrie?

I hate to be the one to bring a degree of logic into this conversation but Adelman is at the bottom of the rung on the blame ladder for our recent woes.
Not to start a flame war or anything but why is Adelman always given a free pass??

The problems that we have are the same problems we have had since he has been here. Not to beat a dead horse but when I saw the way the guys came out in game 7 against Minny last year I though for sure he would be gone....the team looked unprepared and lacking any type of desire. It's also telling that he always is saying "we talked about this or that" at halftime or before the game and the guys don't do it.......HELLO????? Maybe because they don't listen to you???
Are you out of your mind!!! Believe me, I have my doubts about him too, but he has done a decent job with this chopped up roster we have now. MCKF,... puff puff pass that on my way ;)
Yeah, we should fire the coach right? That would be great for team morale a week after losing the leader of their team....Come on, can you really blame the problem on Adelman..I don't think so you can't just fire people willy nilly when they don't perform in every game up to your expectation...that's not how you build a team. In addition Coach has only had these new guys for a couple of games now, he needs time to figure out where they belong and they need time to learn our way of playing and all of our plays...give it some time before you start axing people!!
plays work, we got time off to organize and thats what we did. you can't be perfect right off the bat, it will take time. people are thinking more right now about where to be, how to get there, etc. this is taking them away from there game a little. as soon as they become comfortable and start playing off instincts, it will come, and they will play at their full potential.
Ryle said:
Not to start a flame war or anything but why is Adelman always given a free pass??

The problems that we have are the same problems we have had since he has been here. Not to beat a dead horse but when I saw the way the guys came out in game 7 against Minny last year I though for sure he would be gone....the team looked unprepared and lacking any type of desire. It's also telling that he always is saying "we talked about this or that" at halftime or before the game and the guys don't do it.......HELLO????? Maybe because they don't listen to you???
I would have agreed with you before the trades. Now, he is in a difficult spot. I don't think it's fair to give a guy basically a new team and expect a high level of performance.

I'm more in the camp of the guys on the team are not athletic enough to play great defense. Could it be better than it is now?? SURE? How much better I don't really now.

Last year the Kings actually stepped up their defense in the playoffs but offensively they could not get it done against Minnesota.

I think by the end of the year the the Kings will be better defensively. Timing, rotations, and other issues work themselves out with time.

Now PRIDE is a different matter!
Ryle said:
Not to start a flame war or anything but why is Adelman always given a free pass??

The problems that we have are the same problems we have had since he has been here. Not to beat a dead horse but when I saw the way the guys came out in game 7 against Minny last year I though for sure he would be gone....the team looked unprepared and lacking any type of desire. It's also telling that he always is saying "we talked about this or that" at halftime or before the game and the guys don't do it.......HELLO????? Maybe because they don't listen to you???
Agreed Ryle, I mean, most all teams fire coaches FIRST. Its no secret that Petrie and Adelman are friends from playing with the Blazers, to coaching them, and now since working in Sac almost 7 years ago. Adelman had a good defensive team in the Blazers of years past and he still couldn't use the full potential of that team. Whats the big deal to change a coach? The Bulls changed their coach and Skiles is doing a damn good job with them. Maybe we should call ourselves the Sacramento Adelmans for petes sake. All of a sudden Im not a Kings fan cause I don't like his coaching style, come on.
G_M said:
I would have agreed with you before the trades. Now, he is in a difficult spot. I don't think it's fair to give a guy basically a new team and expect a high level of performance.

I'm more in the camp of the guys on the team are not athletic enough to play great defense. Could it be better than it is now?? SURE? How much better I don't really now.

Last year the Kings actually stepped up their defense in the playoffs but offensively they could not get it done against Minnesota.

I think by the end of the year the the Kings will be better defensively. Timing, rotations, and other issues work themselves out with time.

Now PRIDE is a different matter!
GM, if you read a post I did, its not a good idea to fire him now, but if we don't do well the rest of the season and bail out the first round, I believe the guy should go in the summer. I agree with you that we should give the guy at least the rest of the season, hell, the whole team is washed up chemistry wise so may as well expect the miracle from both ends. Why not.
"i want him gone"

well its a good thing that it doesn't matter what you're just a fan hun

we've lost 2 games in a row...with guys not in there cuz of injury....three new guys and like zero practice time....give me a break....prior to the two game losing streak we had a two game winning streak....where were all the RA haters then?

you guys are ridiculous
G_M said:
I would have agreed with you before the trades. Now, he is in a difficult spot. I don't think it's fair to give a guy basically a new team and expect a high level of performance.

I'm more in the camp of the guys on the team are not athletic enough to play great defense. Could it be better than it is now?? SURE? How much better I don't really now.

Last year the Kings actually stepped up their defense in the playoffs but offensively they could not get it done against Minnesota.

I think by the end of the year the the Kings will be better defensively. Timing, rotations, and other issues work themselves out with time.

Now PRIDE is a different matter!
You know what, I'm not even really taking into consideration the last few games. This is relatively a new team and they need time to gel and play together. My whole point is that I had these issues even before the trades were made. I've been pretty consistent in my criticisms of Adelman and I'm not one to post knee jerk reactions after the Kings lose a few. It just amazes me that he can come out in interviews and say "we talked about that" and then shrug his shoulders like, "oh, well" and no one takes him to task for that. The only person that does is Voison and I think her credibility is shot with alot of people in town(even though she has been right on quite a few occasions).
Who exactly would fit the team and the roster better? Winning % wise I think only Phil Jackson is better who is plausibly available. There are no other title winning coaches other than Rudy T who could fill in. Scott is in NO and is the only other coach I believe with finals experience that could be available. I just don't see anyone better. Maybe we could get a defensive coach but then we'd need a defensive roster which doesn't seem to be the case. I guess we could start all over, but who wants to do that.
I want adelman gone too but..... who can we replace him with?, Flip, Mo cheeks, no way. George Karl was available....but he joined the nuggz. about Phil....

Let's be honest here, this team will never win a title with adelman as a head coach PERIOD

Adelman chokes in the playoffs...for the lack of a better word.

edit: Don't get me wrong, Adelman is a good coach but he is not a coach that can lead your team to a title. He proved it when he was with the Blazers...and then with the Kings (2002 playoffs).
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Ryle said:
Not to beat a dead horse but when I saw the way the guys came out in game 7 against Minny last year I though for sure he would be gone....the team looked unprepared and lacking any type of desire. It's also telling that he always is saying "we talked about this or that" at halftime or before the game and the guys don't do it.......HELLO????? Maybe because they don't listen to you???
Well, since half of that team had been there before (Webb, Peja, Vlade, Bibby, Christie, Miller, etc.) I'd expect that those players don't need their coach to get them fired up for a Game 7. If they do, that's sad and they really don't deserve to win anyway.

And I'd hate to break it to some of you, but with all the changes that have been made to this team lately...If Adelman isn't coaching this team, I really don't think we make the playoffs.

Give him some credit, For the past 5 or 6 games, we've had a different starting 5 almost EVERY game. We're lucky these games have been close.
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So according to you BullKing, the only non-choking coaches still in the league are the following Coaches, Greg Pop and Larry Brown who was a choker until last year.

Every other coach is a choker. The only non-choking coaches available are Phil and Rudy. Rudy isn't coming back I don't believe.

Coaches with Finals Experience as a Coach other than Brown and Pop:

Karl x 2
Scott x 2
Adelman x 2
Sloan x 2
JVG x 1

And that's it guys. Phil has monopolized the finals with 10 appearances. Larry has what 3. Rudy had 2.

Those 5 guys have a combined 9 finals experiences and no titles. I guess there all chokers. Please point the Maloofs in the direction of a clutch coach. Maybe you know of other ones.
BullKing said:
Adelman chokes in the playoffs...for the lack of a better word.

How is that even possible, when he doesn't even step foot on the court?

It's funny, because I never saw him missing those last second shots and free throws.
Ryle if that's true why did we come up 3 points short against a team we struggled with all year long on their home court. It doesn't make any sense. We came out prepared, we came up fired up, we just didn't have enough? No Bobby anyone? Peja 35% from the floor for the series anyone? Do you expect titles from coaches with important pieces anyone? There have been no title winners with serious injuries over the last 15 or so years that I can remember. Why do the Kings have to be the expections.

You can point to the Patrick Ewing Knicks but they didn't win it all either. You have to give Adelman credit though he coached our team well this year considering the number of games important players have missed and that we've traded new pieces and integrated new pieces into the lineup. Please you haters are so quick to judge a coach or a player. Please find a coach who can do a better job that we can possibly get.
kingsnation said:
How is that even possible, when he doesn't even step foot on the court?

It's funny, because I never saw him missing those last second shots and free throws.
In that case lets fire him, put Fat Albert as our new head coach and forget that coaches don't make a difference in games. Its beyond just free throws and last second shots.

What I stilll remember is how indifferent he was when Grant asked him why he doesn't foul someone when they have a foul to give or are up by three with like 5 seconds left. He pretty much said its not something thats really necessary. :\ *sigh*
bigbadred00 said:
Ryle if that's true why did we come up 3 points short against a team we struggled with all year long on their home court. It doesn't make any sense. We came out prepared, we came up fired up, we just didn't have enough? No Bobby anyone? Peja 35% from the floor for the series anyone? Do you expect titles from coaches with important pieces anyone? There have been no title winners with serious injuries over the last 15 or so years that I can remember. Why do the Kings have to be the expections.

You can point to the Patrick Ewing Knicks but they didn't win it all either. You have to give Adelman credit though he coached our team well this year considering the number of games important players have missed and that we've traded new pieces and integrated new pieces into the lineup. Please you haters are so quick to judge a coach or a player. Please find a coach who can do a better job that we can possibly get.
I just don't get peoples complacency?? If you are happy winning 50-55 games a year and tanking in the playoffs then Adelman is your man. Frankly, I spend alot of hard earned money on tickets and I would like to advance a little farther in the playoffs. Is that too much to ask??