Adelman Needs To Go!!!!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
forza kings said:
Arent you contradicting yourself? I thought you (and probably a few others) also claim that what makes Adelman a very good coach is that he can still keep the team playing competitive even with injuries? But for every play-off failure, the injuries suddenly become his excuse. Is he or is he not good at overcoming the injuries as a coach?
Keeping the team from tailspinning is the sign of a good coach. Having the team win a title with major guys out would be a sign of just about the best coach in history.

PJ lost Malone last year. He lost.
Pop lost Duncan in '00, he flamed out.
Riley lost Magic and Scott in '89. He got swept.

NOBODY wins titles with star players injured and out for the playoffs. That's not hyperbole. That's just fact, frustrating as it may be. There is such a tiny margin for error once you hit the playoffs, that it basically cannot be done. When the elite teams are facing each other, the difference between being the better team or the worse team is EASILY one major player.

Just for one example among many: Not once in all of his 9 championships did PJ not have MJ, Pippen, Shaq or Kobe. He had his number three gun every year for the Bulls teams too (Grant/Rodman). In the last few years as his team was hammered by injuries, they fell apart whenever they were hurt. Last year they lose Malone, and get swept out of the Finals after he's gone. In '95 PJ was confronted with something similar to the Webber situation -- his superstar came back to the team late in the year and was not himself. And you know what? PJ lost.


Hall of Famer
Webber, Christie, Bibby, Vladie, Bobby and Brad Miller have all had the best seasons of their careers under Adelman, but the guy has to go. RA is one of the winningst coaches in the game today and folks want to dump him for guys who have realy done almost nothing. Now Three new guys come along and thus far with very little coaching are playing at or near their career best and Adleman has to go. When they develop into better palyers than they ever were in Philly Adealman will still have to go. When the Kings supprise all the "experts" with their play off performance, Adelamn will still have to go. Basicly untill and unless RA wins the championship, he will have to go... I think I get it.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Not quite, Celt, but close. IF Adelman wins the championship, he'll have to go because he will have obviously peaked and be on the way back down.
It seems so natural to try to lay blame somewhere... somehow.

The fact is, the Kings are playing with so many new guys, all different styles and ways to play the game. Please remember the Kings haven't even had the chance to practice really with one another. I think they are doing remarkably well, given the circumstances.

They have gone through quite enough, and the last thing they need is to bring in a new coach. Besides, the Maloofs have decided to keep him around a little bit longer. He is a good guy - my only disagreement with his style is I think he needs to get a little tougher on his guys, let them know who is the frontrunner of the ball club.

Everything will work out fine.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Čarolija said:
If I recall correctly many people wanted him dead just a week or so ago :p
Dude, that was like a gazillion posts ago. You have to keep up. Don't let yourself fall behind...

VF21 said:
Not quite, Celt, but close. IF Adelman wins the championship, he'll have to go because he will have obviously peaked and be on the way back down.
What's wrong with always expecting a coach? What do you feel should get a coach fired? If your expectations are too low, you are effectively stating that even a coach that has gone 0-82 has hit rock bottum and can't be any worse.

If a coach significantly and consistently underperform, that coach should be fired. The Kings were among the favorites to win the championships for 3 straight seasons, and all three of them fell sort, twice falling short of the Western Conference Finals even. With the talent that the Kings had, that margin should be unacceptable.

Adelman is a great coach, but unless he can translate this to success, it means nothing. Living off late first round picks and big starting salary isn't a good way to go about collecting championships.

As for the post about how coachs never win without missing pieces, that may be true, but there are notable exceptions. The Knicks won without Reed for the majority of the series in '71. In '98, Pippen missed or was ineffective the last 2 or 3 games because of back problems, and the Bulls closed out the Jazz. Last year, Malone was hardly an integral part of the team, the Lakers played poorly, even if they had the entirety of their roster, it would be extremely doubtful they could have won the title the way they played. Half a dozen teams or more could have beaten the Lakers that fizzled that badly.
Bricklayer said:
Keeping the team from tailspinning is the sign of a good coach. Having the team win a title with major guys out would be a sign of just about the best coach in history.

PJ lost Malone last year. He lost.
Pop lost Duncan in '00, he flamed out.
Riley lost Magic and Scott in '89. He got swept.

NOBODY wins titles with star players injured and out for the playoffs. That's not hyperbole. That's just fact, frustrating as it may be. There is such a tiny margin for error once you hit the playoffs, that it basically cannot be done. When the elite teams are facing each other, the difference between being the better team or the worse team is EASILY one major player.
I disagree. The success of the teams that you mentioned depended primarily on their major star player or players unlike the Kings. As we have seen many times over the years, loosing Webber or Jackson for an extented period of time did not necessarily affect the efficiency of the Kings. Kings had the best record in NBA last year during Webb was out. Making the Kings a "team" rather than one or two-man show is definitely something that I would give Adelman credit for. Having said that however, losing in playoffs because you have a player injured should not be an excuse for a team like the Kings since they are not necessarily a player driven team (maybe with the exception of Bibby).


Hall of Famer
I am now a little confused should the 29 coaches who do not win each year be fired or just the say top 5 0r six taht are contenders who did not win? help me out I don't think I understand.
I dont care how efficient we were on offence. Losing major pieces hurts for the playoffs no matter how important or unimportant the player is. Our pieces that we lost are rather important no matter how you feel. Jackson was by far our best bench player. He was our best defender at the 1 and our team has always struggled without him. This year we have, last year we did. You just can't expect any team to win a title without being healthy.

And sadly if your mistaken we are a player driven team. All teams in the NBA are player driven and if actually think we aren't your sadly mistaken.

If you fail to realize that Webber was a superstar. Your sadly mistaken. 27/11/5 for a year is superstar stats, no matter what the player is and we have lost them, now forever.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Caesar Rex said:
As for the post about how coachs never win without missing pieces, that may be true, but there are notable exceptions. The Knicks won without Reed for the majority of the series in '71. In '98, Pippen missed or was ineffective the last 2 or 3 games because of back problems, and the Bulls closed out the Jazz. Last year, Malone was hardly an integral part of the team, the Lakers played poorly, even if they had the entirety of their roster, it would be extremely doubtful they could have won the title the way they played. Half a dozen teams or more could have beaten the Lakers that fizzled that badly.
Actually Pippen never missed a game in '98 -- he played in all 21 of their playoff games and averaged 17pts 7rebs 5ast 2stls and 1blk. Kind of useful.

If you go by W/L Malone was THE integral part of that team last year. And certainly their #3 man regardless. A major player for them.

Willis Reed missed ONE game of the '71 Finals (Game 6) -- a game which the Knicks lost by the way. He was injured in Game 5 after having a huge first 4 games, and then hobbled back onto the court for the inspiring 7th game.
Similarly the Lakers were able to finish the '80 Finals with Magic taking over when Kareem was gone for ONE game (Game 6).

And you can see how far we're having to stretch to even find teams that won it with main guns out for ONE game. My early league history is a bit shaky, but I can almsot guarantee that NO team has won the title with main guns out for huge chunks of the playoffs in 35 years at least. The few times teams have won with them even out for A game are now legend. It just does not happen wiht longer injuries. Not for the great coaches. Not for the bad ones. Major injuries in the playoffs has ALWAYS meant instant elimination.

In the regular season we can survive -- we can beat the Atlanta Hawks of the world -- still better than them without our stars. maybe pull off an upset over a good team or two as well. But to beat an ELITE team 4 games out of 7 without one of our maiin guns? No way. We've done amazingly to continue to force deciding games over the years. We got injured and lost to the 2x defending champs (who went on for the threepeat), and then in back to back years to only the teams with the best record in the Western Conference the next two years. Its arrogance and a bit of delusion to say we were better than those teams without our main guys all healthy.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
HndsmCelt said:
I am now a little confused should the 29 coaches who do not win each year be fired or just the say top 5 0r six taht are contenders who did not win? help me out I don't think I understand.
I propose the "key in the hat" system. If you're an NBA coach and your team doesn't make it to the NBA finals, you throw the key to your Coach Office into a hat. All the other coaches would do the same thing. Then they simply pass the hat around and everyone draws. If you get your own key, you have to select another.

Problem solved.


Hall of Famer
VF21 said:
I propose the "key in the hat" system. If you're an NBA coach and your team doesn't make it to the NBA finals, you throw the key to your Coach Office into a hat. All the other coaches would do the same thing. Then they simply pass the hat around and everyone draws. If you get your own key, you have to select another.

Problem solved.
Been a while since I ahve been to a key party but if memory serves correctly the way to do it would be to have the 29 loosing GM's put their keys in the hat and then let the Coaches pick a set of keys and the coach goes home with the GM he picked.


Hall of Famer
VF21 said:
I was making it more family-oriented.

Hard to get more family orentied than a good old fashiond key party! Certinaly not with out a Twister mat, wadeing pool, Slip-N-Slide and 100 gallons of Crisco ;)
Ok the question still remains. If you fire Adelman, then WHO DO YOU REPLACE HIM WITH? Who is out there that has done a better job coaching the last 5 years? Name me a coach not named Phil Jackson (who won't come to Sacto, nor do I want him to), that has done a better job that Rick has AND is out of work right now.

Answer that and I'll personally go hand Rick his pink slip.
Get ready, everyone.

I'm about to post the most articulate, the most practical, the most sensible argument FOR replacing Adelman that we've ever seen.


He's a meanie poo-poo head.

So there.

bdouble013 said:
Ok the question still remains. If you fire Adelman, then WHO DO YOU REPLACE HIM WITH? Who is out there that has done a better job coaching the last 5 years? Name me a coach not named Phil Jackson (who won't come to Sacto, nor do I want him to), that has done a better job that Rick has AND is out of work right now.

Answer that and I'll personally go hand Rick his pink slip.

that has been the question with m. Everytime I gt frustrateed with Adelman I come with the same conclusion that I cant thin of a coach who can do a better job then Adelman. Adelman can be frustrating at times but he's a hell of a coach.
Okay, after much deliberations I have come up with this. I accept that the Kings may never win a Championship in my lifetime, and I realize to be a true fan you have to accept that possibility and move on. Now, that doesn't stop you from wanting them to win it all or rooting for them. In my own views all I truly care about is watching GOOD basketball. Having GOOD, HAPPY players on the team who play well together and make every game entertaining and enjoyable and give us something to get excited about and cheer for. At the end of the day that's what I want, a team that's worth watching and worth being proud of which doesn't necessarily mean a championship winning team.
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BullKing said:
I want adelman gone too but..... who can we replace him with?, Flip, Mo cheeks, no way. George Karl was available....but he joined the nuggz. about Phil....

Let's be honest here, this team will never win a title with adelman as a head coach PERIOD

Adelman chokes in the playoffs...for the lack of a better word.

edit: Don't get me wrong, Adelman is a good coach but he is not a coach that can lead your team to a title. He proved it when he was with the Blazers...and then with the Kings (2002 playoffs).
Oh I'm sorry!...That was Adelman that choked in the playoffs..funny, I thought it was our know the guys that are actually out there PLAYING the game. What is Adelman supposed to say when he is asked by the media about our lack of defense? I have no doubt that it's an issue that he talks to our guys about ALL THE is up to them to execute it..why won't anyone put the blame for our weak defense where it belongs? With the players!!
EmKingsFan4 said:
he talks to our guys about ALL THE is up to them to execute it..why won't anyone put the blame for our weak defense where it belongs? With the players!!
HHHHHMMMMMM, does that mean his players no longer listen to him??

According to most of your logic Adelman should bear no responsibility for anything because the players are the ones playing. Well, if that is the case I nominate you for head coach next year since it doesn't seem to matter who is back there.

Coach puts in the game plan and makes the adjustments in the game. If the players don't listen to what he is saying it's because there is no accountablity and/or they just don't care about what he says. Not exactly the attributes I want in a head coach.....
EmKingsFan4 said:
Okay, after much deliberations I have come up with this. I accept that the Kings may never win a Championship in my lifetime, and I realize to be a true fan you have to accept that possibility and move on. Now, that doesn't stop you from wanting them to win it all or rooting for them. In my own views all I truly care about is watching GOOD basketball. Having GOOD, HAPPY players on the team who play well together and make every game entertaining and enjoyable and give us something to get excited about and cheer for. At the end of the day that's what I want, a team that's worth watching and worth being proud of which doesn't necessarily mean a championship winning team.
Well, in that case then the Maloofs can stop raising my season tickets and continually asking for more and more money from me. If the team is just going with "good and happy" players then I will pass.
EmKingsFan4 said:
I have no doubt that it's an issue that he talks to our guys about ALL THE is up to them to execute it..why won't anyone put the blame for our weak defense where it belongs? With the players!!
How do you know for sure that Adelman talks to the players about it "ALL THE TIME". Let's say he does and the players don't listen or execute..What is that telling you about our players and their respect for the coach? If Adelman is not happy about the defensive weakness of a player, what does he do about it? Have you ever seen him making a line-up change (or a significant change in minutes of a player) unless he is forced to do that due to injuries? The message that he is giving to the players on the floor is that no matter how much they won't listen to his so called "defensive emphasis", they won't be benched or have reduced minutes (even to make a point he won't do that).
Ryle said:
HHHHHMMMMMM, does that mean his players no longer listen to him??

According to most of your logic Adelman should bear no responsibility for anything because the players are the ones playing. Well, if that is the case I nominate you for head coach next year since it doesn't seem to matter who is back there.

Coach puts in the game plan and makes the adjustments in the game. If the players don't listen to what he is saying it's because there is no accountablity and/or they just don't care about what he says. Not exactly the attributes I want in a head coach.....
Well if what you are saying ( that the players don't listen to Adelman) is true do you want a team full of players who don't listen to their coach? I never said none of it was Coach's fault but when the topic of the thread is calling for Adelmans dismissal I find that it seems as if the majority of the blame is falling onto him, which is a bit unfair I think. By the way...thanks for the nomination for Head Coach I humbly accept the job! ;)