Adelman Needs To Go!!!!

PFFFFT!! Your going to rant on Adelman who has won a playoff series the last 3 years but your going to praise Scott Skiles who has never won 1 series in the playoffs. This is the problem guys you always think the pasture is greener somewhere else. I think Skiles is doing a great job but I think Adelman considering the circumstances could be doing a better job. Skiles has had less turnover, less injuries albeit he has a younger team but a very talented one.
PFFFT!! said:
True look at Scott Skiles, an outcast from Phoenix, then in the Bulls it worked out, with a bunch of newbs and rooks. The team is jelled and play well. There might be a nobody out there that will fit the players and have ideas. Nothing wrong with that. Everyone seems to think that Adelman is the best thing since sliced bread. *sigh*
And you seem to think that he couldn't coach a high school team.

Would you really throw out your 1995 BMW 525 that is in good working condition and get a 2005 Geo Metro just because you want something that is "fresh"?

This team is no longer the team that I became a fan of in 2002, but they have a shot at keeping up in the west thanks mainly to the coach. If Rick Adelman goes, Sacramento will lose whatever respect is left and will be just like the Blazers record-wise.
For my part, I'm amazed at Adelman.

Despite a lot of mixups, changeups, and what have you; the Kings are always going to the playoffs. The guy proves time and time again, that no matter the ingredients, he can lead in a way that this is a decent team year after year.

I would think that most people would be extremely frustrated if they were in the same position (dealing with habitual injuries and changeups) and yet he gets the job done season after season.

Maybe there is someone better, more professional. I'd be tempted to lay money on the fact that I can count the number on one hand! Is there someone as patient, I doubt it! I send many thanks to coach Adelman and wish him a less dramatic season for next year. By the way, this year is hardly over yet, let's see what coach can do!!!
Scott Skiles is a great example, look at the success he is having with a bunch of rooks...he has them playing great D (disregard the game against the Rox). Just think what he could do with the Kings....

Its time to give somebody else a shot, RA had his chances...and failed time and time again.

Why don't you go follow the Bulls (I guess you do). Cause you forget we aren't pulling in that kind of Young Talent he has. We don't have the personnel. Defence has to do with athleticism, effort and coaching. Honestly we will miss Rick more than you can imagine if he left. Honestly people pick a coach we could replace him with that's available and would do a better job. You can't. Phil Jackson. Yeah Triangle offence in Sacto, rofl.
kingsfan1950 said:
...Despite a lot of mixups, changeups, and what have you; the Kings are always going to the playoffs. The guy proves time and time again, that no matter the ingredients, he can lead in a way that this is a decent team year after year.
Decent, yes, this year included, however, don't forget about the widely held perspective outside of Sacto that he should have taken the talent-laden Kings of yesteryear(s) into the finals.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
twodogmac said:
Decent, yes, this year included, however, don't forget about the widely held perspective outside of Sacto that he should have taken the talent-laden Kings of yesteryear(s) into the finals.
One word: injuries.

Feel free to name the coach who's won the title with his top players out with injuries. Go ahead, look it up. I'll just sit over here and read War & Peace while we're waiting for you to find such a coach.
It's when Worthy won the Finals MVP. Most of his team was injury riddled. Then again the bench in Lakers camp had HOFers. Since then noone has been able to do it.
bigbadred00 said:
It's when Worthy won the Finals MVP. Most of his team was injury riddled. Then again the bench in Lakers camp had HOFers. Since then noone has been able to do it.
Most of the team, hardly.
Bricklayer said:
One word: injuries.

Feel free to name the coach who's won the title with his top players out with injuries. Go ahead, look it up. I'll just sit over here and read War & Peace while we're waiting for you to find such a coach.
Only BJax. Miller had been playing. Peja is back in and he has put up good numbers last night.
Why don't you go follow the Bulls
why don't you stop telling me who to follow. I follow both teams, but i'm first and foremost a Kings fan.

effort and coaching
thank you, you said it yourself....we need a defensive minded coach who can motivate his players to play some D, obviously RA doesn't fit this description.

IMO, D is all about effort...
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PfffT!! point is during the title chances we had over the last 3 years we have experience serious injuries thus derailing our title chances. No coach, not even Phil Jackson could win a title with a starting player going on the DL or for us our top bench player. You just can't win. NBA is very Star driven and when your star or 1 of your top players gets hurt your title chances wince. Every year like clockwork someone on the Kings got hurt in the POs.
We also don't have the athleticism with our Stars. That's another big problem. If you want to move Bibby, Peja, or Brad then the problem might be fixed but then again we might go back to the early 90s with wins.
please don't shoot me.....but i acredit some of our injuries to RA as well...that's because he is not using his bench enough, look at the minutes our starters have been putting in the last couple of seasons.....No wonder we always have someone injured.
BullKing said:
please don't shoot me.....but i acredit some of our injuries to RA as well...that's because he is not using his bench enough, look at the minutes our starters have been putting in the last couple of seasons.....No wonder we always have someone injured.
You should probably compare that with other teams.
injuries are a fact of life. who has the most serious injury this year. it's not a starter it's bobby J who played around 20 minutes a game. players get injured usually because their injury prone. marion plays 40 minutes a game this year and hasn't missed any minutes. bobby J is the best bench pg in the game when healthy, but when he's not he's nothing, that's the risk we take with him.


Super Moderator Emeritus
BullKing said:
please don't shoot me.....but i acredit some of our injuries to RA as well...that's because he is not using his bench enough, look at the minutes our starters have been putting in the last couple of seasons.....No wonder we always have someone injured.
ALL TEAMS have someone injured. That's part of being a professional franchise.

Look at Peja, just as an example. He has been fairly resilient, even when playing all season AND for his national team. Last summer, he didn't play at all. If anything, he should have been least susceptible to injury if your theory holds any validity.
OK, let me clarify...injuries will happen no matter land on another player's foot, you land ackwardly, etc...but by playing an excessive amount of minutes you increase a chance of suffering an injury...
I always find it funny when people say "We need to play better D-fense" or "We need to rebound better". Living in Dallas, I hear that a lot about the Mavs fanboys too. The funny things is that there is kind of a yin-yang to all of this. If you change your focus to being a defensive team, then the offensive pace and flow are often impacted. The Mavs have (somewhat) improved their defense this year (mostly through personnel changes), but at the cost of not being quite the offensive juggernaut of years past. Are they better overall? Not really sure...I think they are about the same. If you throw a bunch of rebounders out there to improve your rebounding advantage, then your shooting and assist numbers will most likely go down as those players will probably not be as skilled in the other areas. So saying things like "If only we could.." is kind of like asking for Adelman to magically grant Peja the ability to rebound for example.

To some extent, you are what you are as a team. So you must play to your strengths and try to improve in the other areas where you can, but mostly you end up trying to hide your deficiencies. I don't think Popovich, for example, could implement his style of basketball here becuase we don't have those kinds of players. Can you honestly tell me you think the players on this team are capable of holding teams under 95 ppg (barring a shot-clock draining stall offense a-la the Fratello era in Cleveland). Which reminds me, there needs to be some sort of stat that shows the number of points per game allowed divided by the number of possesions that the opposing teams average per game..points per possession...that seems like a better measure of a team's defensive prowess.

Anyways, back to the topic of the thread...that's what coaching is all about, adjusting your style to the weapons in your arsenal. And if you have a problem with the style of basketball that the Kings are cooking, you should probably take your complaints (at least in part) to the man buying the groceries...and it ain't Adelman. Now if the Kings were averaging 92 ppg, or if he was coaching the Pistons roster and they were surrendering 100+ ppg, that would be a different story. He is doing well with the tools he has.
skeletor8 said:
I always find it funny when people say "We need to play better D-fense" or "We need to rebound better". Living in Dallas, I hear that a lot about the Mavs fanboys too. The funny things is that there is kind of a yin-yang to all of this. If you change your focus to being a defensive team, then the offensive pace and flow are often impacted. The Mavs have (somewhat) improved their defense this year (mostly through personnel changes), but at the cost of not being quite the offensive juggernaut of years past. Are they better overall? Not really sure...I think they are about the same. If you throw a bunch of rebounders out there to improve your rebounding advantage, then your shooting and assist numbers will most likely go down as those players will probably not be as skilled in the other areas. So saying things like "If only we could.." is kind of like asking for Adelman to magically grant Peja the ability to rebound for example.

To some extent, you are what you are as a team. So you must play to your strengths and try to improve in the other areas where you can, but mostly you end up trying to hide your deficiencies. I don't think Popovich, for example, could implement his style of basketball here becuase we don't have those kinds of players. Can you honestly tell me you think the players on this team are capable of holding teams under 95 ppg (barring a shot-clock draining stall offense a-la the Fratello era in Cleveland). Which reminds me, there needs to be some sort of stat that shows the number of points per game allowed divided by the number of possesions that the opposing teams average per game..points per possession...that seems like a better measure of a team's defensive prowess.

Anyways, back to the topic of the thread...that's what coaching is all about, adjusting your style to the weapons in your arsenal. And if you have a problem with the style of basketball that the Kings are cooking, you should probably take your complaints (at least in part) to the man buying the groceries...and it ain't Adelman. Now if the Kings were averaging 92 ppg, or if he was coaching the Pistons roster and they were surrendering 100+ ppg, that would be a different story. He is doing well with the tools he has.
This post is so absolutely right on^.


If Adleman fails in the playoff's then there is no question that he needs to go...I wouldn't be surprised if Phil Jackson replaced him.
The thing is, if you're shooting for the title you have to play D...Look at the Pistons, and the Spurs, these teams are a proof that D wins championships. That's why the Heat, Suns, and Sonics don't really have a shot at it, they're what you might call the "pretenders" to the title. Mark my words, it will be Spurs vs. Pistons in the final.
hehe....reading thru this thread....its kinda funny. webber's no longer here to shoulder all the blame, cuz thats what people have been doing for years: blaming all the kings problems on chris webber. with webber gone, the only guy left to receive the blame is adelman. in seasons past, it was webber and adelman, together, taking the heat and hearing the criticism. now adelman's got to handle it alone. cuz God knows that the kings themselves are not responsible for the recent losses. their lack of commitment on the defensive end is, of course, adelman's fault. :rolleyes:

i say the best way for kings fans to vent their anger at tough times is to do what we've always done

blame finley ;)
Define success/failure? Is failure anything less than a championship...with this team? With the players we have, failure to me would be missing the playoffs, or getting annihilated in the first round by any opponent other than maybe the Spurs. If they can win a playoff series with all that has happened this year, I would be somewhat impressed.

If you are considering anything less than a ring failure, may I be the first to offer RA his walking papers on your behalf because these Kings will not be hoisting the trophy this year...barring some major unforeseen combination of events (alignment of planets, outbreak of world peace, etc.).

Not saying we shouldn't root for it or hope for it...but to expect it, even before the trades, is a bit silly to me. All you can ever expect for is for the team to play to the best of its ability and compete (as in get into the tournament, make a run) for a championship.
skeletor8 said:
If you are considering anything less than a ring failure, may I be the first to offer RA his walking papers on your behalf because these Kings will not be hoisting the trophy this year...barring some major unforeseen combination of events (alignment of planets, outbreak of world peace, etc.).

if you consider anything less than a ring to be failure, then you'd have 29 coaches getting fired every year. the kings have come close, and not achieved that ring. that doesnt mean these past 6 seasons have been a failure. i never understood that logic at all.
Padrino said:

if you consider anything less than a ring to be failure, then you'd have 29 coaches getting fired every year. the kings have come close, and not achieved that ring. that doesnt mean these past 6 seasons have been a failure. i never understood that logic at all.
That's the logic of a winner with a true love for the game. A true NBA player should never settle for anything less than the greatest achievement in his sport. While I agree that failling to do so shouldn't necessarily merit a firing, I will continue my support for the ultimate competitors. The ones who will stop at nothing to get that trophy; the ones who consider anything less than a trophy as a failure. That's how it should be. And I think we have some of those guys on our team.


Super Moderator Emeritus
PT Cruiser 9ROC said:
That's the logic of a winner with a true love for the game. A true NBA player should never settle for anything less than the greatest achievement in his sport. While I agree that failling to do so shouldn't necessarily merit a firing, I will continue my support for the ultimate competitors. The ones who will stop at nothing to get that trophy; the ones who consider anything less than a trophy as a failure. That's how it should be. And I think we have some of those guys on our team.
Nah. I wanna root for the guys who don't give a rat's patoot. The ones who show up with their shoes untied, dirty jerseys, a rotten attitude, etc. The ones who are clearly there just to get their paychecks and go home.


We all want to root for ultimate competitors. Sometimes, however, if you're a Kings fan you have to root for who's wearing the jersey. Yeah, we have some of those guys and I think RA would MUCH RATHER win than lose. He, too, has to play the hand he's been dealt, however, so this talk about Adelman needing to go anywhere is just myopic IMHO...

Bricklayer said:
One word: injuries.

Feel free to name the coach who's won the title with his top players out with injuries.
Arent you contradicting yourself? I thought you (and probably a few others) also claim that what makes Adelman a very good coach is that he can still keep the team playing competitive even with injuries? But for every play-off failure, the injuries suddenly become his excuse. Is he or is he not good at overcoming the injuries as a coach?
What they are saying is "Did the Bulls when the title with MJ gone/hurt? Did the Lakers win any of their titles with Kobe or Shaq hurt? Or can you think of any recent NBA team that won the title without one of their star players?" Popovich didn't win the title when Duncan went down a few years ago, should he get fired?