12 Month Plan (Detailed)

Hopefully Ronald Burkle gets a hold of this team..point blank Maloofs are losing money. Never a good sign.

Fire Geoff Petrie, he's had a good run and brought us some good basketball during the first half of the decade, but the clock is up.
Let go of Keith Smart. He is a solid intern coach but there is a reason Cleveland and Golden State didn't see him in their future plans..He's not a championship caliber coach. You can argue that he has gotten the best out of Cousins so far, but there are plenty other more intriguing coaching options out there.

Hire - Chris Mullin as GM..His first tenure at Golden State brought mixed reviews. He ended the city's 13 year playoff drought and wasn't afraid to make the big move to acquire talent. (Baron Davis trade, NBA record 11player deal for Stephen Jackson) Some of these brash moves turned out for the worst and is the reason he was let go, like handing Adonal Foyle a monstrous contract, but he is undoubtedly a candidate who is dedicated to winning. Dream hire would be former Blazers GM Kevin Pritchett but he just recieved a brand new job at Indiana as director of player personal and would be unlikely to move.

Mid season - Trade JJ Hickson and Francisco Garcia to Atlanta for Kirk Hinrich.
Atlanta badly needs front court help for their playoff run since Al Horford went down, and Hickson is still is young and has value for them to decide take on Garcia's contract. Sacramento gets a veteran point guard who is capable of playing off the ball to compliment Tyreke, much like he did with Derrick Rose. The main gain is a 8million dollar expiring contract coming off the books. Well past his prime, at the worst "Captain Kirk" can help tutor young guards Jimmer and Isiah Thomas.

Off Season.. Amnesty John Salmons. Get him as far away from the team as possible. Siberia is my first choice.
Kirk Hinrich isn't a priority to be signed. At 32 years old he doesn't fit into this team trying to rebuild and would be better served on a contenders bench.
Let Donte Green walk. He came into the league as a diva one and done and has transformed himself into a hustler and decent defender. But its safe to say he's not in the team's future plans. His outside shooting is horrendous and we can afford to let him go to a team who will overpay based on his age and "potential."
Let Jason Thompson walk. He can stretch the floor and has an intriguing skill set for a big man but cannot catch the ball, finish or defend. He will never be a perennial starter for a good team.

Free Agency..Nic Batum has already stated that he intends to test the market first and find the best offer before negotiating with the Blazers this offseason after not getting an extension this season. We have the lowest payroll in the league. Throw the money his way. Somewhere around 5 yrs 25-30million range. In Batum you are getting a 23year old versatile small forward who excells on defense, can hit the outside shot and doesn't demand the ball or need to it be effective.

Brandon Rush - Shooting lights out this year for the Golden State, has always been a reliable defender and solid outside shooter. Warriors will probably let him test the market considering their crowded backcourt featuring Monta, Steph Curry and 10th pick Klay Thompson. 1yr 2 million is the qualifying offer.

Tyreke Evans and Marcus Thornton are both Shooting guards with a very similar game. While both talented scorers, I don't see the team succeeding with both of them on the roster, time for one of them to go. Tyreke still has ridiculous upside, hes just coming off a year playing on virtually one foot and hes still only 22. While he may never be Kobe Bryant, he can definitely improve and be a potential 23, 5, 5 player easily. I'm from the Philly area, I've seen him play for years..he has a crazy handle but he IS NOT a Point Guard. He still needs the ball to be dominant but don't most go to players..Kobe, LeBron, Joe Johnson, ect.. With Thornton what you see is what you get, he can score in bunches but will probably be a solid 15-16 ppg Jamal Crawford type player his whole career. Trade him while his value is decent. Take a look back at teams with similar guards who could put the ball in the basket..Doesn't translate to winning basketball. There's a reason we traded Kevin Martin as soon as Tyreke came into town originally.

Allen Iverson, Larry Hughes
Kobe Bryant, Eddie Jones
Monta Ellis, Steph Curry

Most teams realize to maximize their teams potential you need to part ways with one of the players while their value is high..Golden State is already considering it. Not to mention the Kings already have two other players in Cousins and Jimmer who need the ball frequently to be effective. Eddie Jones was a perennial All Star but L.A moved him to give the keys to Bryant which lead to numerous titles. I'm in no way comparing Reke and Thornton to any of these players, but just giving examples of the same types of situations.

Trade Marcus Thornton to Minnesota for Darko Milicic and their first round pick (Utah Lottery Protected, figures to be around 15-17)

Minnesota is loaded with young talent and is likely to trade this pick as Kahn manages to do every year. They aren't going to get a starting SG or impact Center at 16. Instead they receive a shooting guard that can create his own shot. As for the Kings they get another first rounder in a extremely deep talented draft. The Kings interior defense has been horendous this season. When Cousins sits or gets in foul trouble there is nothing to be had inside. Chuck Hayes puts forth the effort but is clearly over matched at 6'6 guarding 7 Footers. Jason Thompson can't defend a chair, and Whiteside is far from ready to contribute on a consistent basis. Darko gives us a quality big body off our bench to spell Cousins and somewhat improves our post defense.

DRAFT - With Batum on board, small forward isn't a pressing need. In a perfect world we win the lottery and select Ant Davis, but I can settle for potential College POY Thomas Robinson 18ppg, 12 rebs. While he doesn't have All Star upside or potential, he provides a blue collar approach and a high motor and can start instantly to form a formidable rebounding duo with Cousins down low. Hes never going to be a superstar but you know what your getting with him.

With the TWolves pick, target Kendall Marshall out of North Carolina. Hes not known at all for creating his own shot, and isn't a jaw dropping athlete in the mold of Wall, Rose or even Kyrie Irving, but is a pure floor general comparable to a Mark Jackson or Andre Miller. He averages a ridiculous 9.9 assists per game..exactly what the Kings need. Look at how the Twolves play with Rubio..when players know there is a player that will find them open and get them the ball they will play 10 x harder.
You are essentially getting two quality players who do not need to score or shoot the ball to make an impact. This leaves the bulk of the shooting for Tyreke, Demarcus and Gulp..Jimmer..to do. Instead of what we have now a bunch of talented 22 year olds chucking up garbage to pad stats.

C. DeMarcus Cousins (Star post presence, Rebounding)
F. Thomas Robinson (High motor/energy, Rebounding)
F. Nic Batum (Versatile Defender, Outside shot)
G. Tyreke Evans (Go to scorer, slasher)
G. Kendall Marshall (Floor General, Distributor)

C. Darko Milicic (Physical, Defense)
F. Chuck Hayes (Leadership, Toughness, Rebounding)
F. Tyler Honeycutt (Versatile Defender)
G. Brandon Rush (Outside shot, Defends, can spell Tyreke)
G. Jimmer Fredette (6th Man, 3 point threat)

G. Isiah Thomas (Crafty scorer, sparkplug)
C. Hassan Whiteside (Shotblocking, project)
F. Travis Outlaw (Veteran Reserve, Can jump pretty high..)

This team is built around Tyreke and Cousins, with quality young role players to play off of them. The Lakers wouldn't have won without players like Horace Grant, Rick Fox or Derrick Fisher or even Robert Horry..it is important to play as a team as opposed to a bunch of talent chucking up 3's and playing pickup ball with no defense. The one glaring concern is point guard. Kendall can get people the ball, Jimmer can shoot, but neither is a strong defender. The way this team is built, there are plenty of quality perimiter defenders to hide their weaknesses. Batum, Tyreke could potentially be lockdown duo. Honeycutt is compared to a poor mans Tayshawn Prince and can get his share of blocks, and Brandon Rush is no slouch either. The trade of Thornton also clears up minutes for Jimmer to show what he can do as the man option off the bench. One injury to Rush or Tyreke, Jimmer can slide over to 2 guard and Isiah Thomas can assume the backup pointguard duties, so he is a valuable asset to keep as well.
This team might not be contending for a title but keep this extremely young talented core together and you could be looking at a squad like the Thunder, where everyone knows there role..well besides Westbrook..and contributes to Wins
so you want to start 2 rookies with a 22 year old Cousins and a 23 year old Tyreke? Do you realize how long it takes MOST rookies to adjust to the NBA game? We will make the playoffs in 4 years with what you propose. I like the Batum and Rush idea, but we would only be able to get 1, Batum would be preffered for me, good shooter and fits our running style. Also Darko is not someone you want in your rotation, the guy has no confidence. Also you expect Jimmer to go where he is now(10th man, DNP's at times) to 6th man scorer ala Harden? Not gonna happen, im just hoping he is a consistent rotation player by next year, meaning gives you 15 to 20 minutes a night and gives you 10 to 12 points. Also you don't really need a prototype point gaurd as you say, when you have a ball dominant sg like tyreke and a C who will demand touches in the post like Cousins, what you do need is a consistent 3 pt shooter. I think Tyreke and Thornton can still work, as long as both work on becoming consitent.
trade jimmer for arron afflalo
sign batum

amnesty salmons


Isiah Thomas
+draft pick


The Game Thread Dude
Trade John Salmons for Kevin Durant. Trade Hickson for Dwight Howard (re-signed of course). Sign JR Smith and AK47. Convince Phil Jackson or Sloan to come out of retirement.


Bench: Smith/IT/JT/AK47

After that, we find the cure for AIDS and all's good.
  • Finance the arena
  • Re-sign JT
  • Hope for as high as a pick as possible and draft a SF.
  • GP has to get something for JJ!
  • Get Cisco off the books
jcwkings -

That was basically a rough sketch of a lineup. Im not saying play the rookies 30-35 mpg. But with that squad you would beable to implement a bunch of different looks. Tyreke at the 1, Rush at 2, Batum at 3. Marshall playing some point, Tyreke at 2, and Batum at 3. Tyreke at 1, Jimmer at 2, Batum at 3. I'm pretty sure if you got rid of Hickson, Francisco's deals along with not resigning Thompson and Greene there would be enough money to get Rush and Batum easily. As for Darko hes by no means a quality starter but he can provide 15-17 mins and defense. 5ppg 4 reb 1 block in 17mpg aren't the worst stats in the world. I personally am not a fan of Jimmer but we invested a high draft pick in him so you have to live with that. Basically bump his minutes up 5 to 25-26 range and have him try and provide a spark. Think Lou Williams best case. I dont know why some are so high on Thompson, he is not and never will be a solid starter on a relevant team. Our current team is on pace to win 30 games if it were an 82 game season. These changes clearly improve the roster so 35-38 wins aren't out of the question. Think Thunder, trusted young guys to come in like Ibaka, Harden who were barley legal to drink, had their share of struggles hung on to an 8th seed. Keep the team together and see what happens..
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trade john salmons for kevin durant. Trade hickson for dwight howard (re-signed of course). Sign jr smith and ak47. Convince phil jackson or sloan to come out of retirement.


bench: Smith/it/jt/ak47

after that, we find the cure for aids and all's good.


Hall of Famer
Geez these threads are awful. Everybody just thinks trades happen. That's your great plan. Trade this guy for that guy and these two guys for that guy and bam. This isn't play station people. Do think gm's can just call and say I wanna trade this guy and they say oh ok? "the plan" started with another owner buying team. Really? All your thoughts you put into this is just pipe dreams and fantasy. Yet it's your plan? I mean if you gonna throw fictional trades out there shoot for the stars. Let's just trade Honeycutt for lebron and call it a day.
Geez these threads are awful. Everybody just thinks trades happen. That's your great plan. Trade this guy for that guy and these two guys for that guy and bam. This isn't play station people. Do think gm's can just call and say I wanna trade this guy and they say oh ok? "the plan" started with another owner buying team. Really? All your thoughts you put into this is just pipe dreams and fantasy. Yet it's your plan? I mean if you gonna throw fictional trades out there shoot for the stars. Let's just trade Honeycutt for lebron and call it a day.
It's foolish in my opinion to read posts on a fan board as anything more than simply fan's ideas. I don't get why some people act as if this is serious business.


Find a Unicorn, sell it for millions, build an arena in the sky and use the rest of the money to sign Jeremy Lin, give him $30million a season and make him promise to win atleast 50 games. Wow, they should make me GM.


Trade John Salmons for Kevin Durant. Trade Hickson for Dwight Howard (re-signed of course). Sign JR Smith and AK47. Convince Phil Jackson or Sloan to come out of retirement.


Bench: Smith/IT/JT/AK47

After that, we find the cure for AIDS and all's good.
So after all that you'd keep Tyreke on the team, really, a blackhole, no, trade him for Rose and the United Center (They can move like they do houses) and then we have a deal, pshhh, Tyreke, come on, you'll never be GM.


Hall of Famer
Geez these threads are awful. Everybody just thinks trades happen. That's your great plan. Trade this guy for that guy and these two guys for that guy and bam. This isn't play station people. Do think gm's can just call and say I wanna trade this guy and they say oh ok? "the plan" started with another owner buying team. Really? All your thoughts you put into this is just pipe dreams and fantasy. Yet it's your plan? I mean if you gonna throw fictional trades out there shoot for the stars. Let's just trade Honeycutt for lebron and call it a day.
Of course this makes sense but it also makes sense that all our thoughts about the team we have are a useless bit of babble between fans also. What we wish may not happen as we cannot control the players.

This is a place for fanciful thinking and I believe that is why it is a separate area. Now back to that Honeycutt for Lebron deal? Would it involve multiple teams? Maybe they would want Outlaw also.


Hall of Famer
It's foolish in my opinion to read posts on a fan board as anything more than simply fan's ideas. I don't get why some people act as if this is serious business.
Perhaps your right. Maybe some of us take this a little too seriously. Personally, I try to put some serious thought behind any trade suggestion I might have. Probably for more personal reasons than anything else. First, I don't want to make a fool out of myself. And secondly, I consider myself a genius, and want to appear so :D. Just kidding on the second part.

Here's the thing. I believe he was serious when he/she started this thread. And I don't want to belittle anyone thats making an honest effort, regardless of its merits. If I thought he was just blowing smoke, I'd jump all over him. I actually like his very first proposal. Sell the team to Ron Burkle. Right after that, he/she lost me. I'm not opposed to replacing Petrie, but certainly not with Chris Mullin. Loved him as a player, but sorry, he didn't blow my socks off as a GM.

And, as Enity pointed out, its just not that simple. Some of it just isn't doable, and some of it I wouldn't do. Other than that, its great!

Edit: I forgot to mention that we used to have, I believe, an unwriten rule here, that when you proposed any trade, you explained why each side would make this trade, and it had to be doable under the rules of the CBA. I happen to like that rule, because at the very least, its financially plausable, and therefore might make sense.
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Perhaps your right. Maybe some of us take this a little too seriously. Personally, I try to put some serious thought behind any trade suggestion I might have. Probably for more personal reasons than anything else. First, I don't want to make a fool out of myself. And secondly, I consider myself a genius, and want to appear so :D. Just kidding on the second part.

Here's the thing. I believe he was serious when he/she started this thread. And I don't want to belittle anyone thats making an honest effort, regardless of its merits. If I thought he was just blowing smoke, I'd jump all over him. I actually like his very first proposal. Sell the team to Ron Burkle. Right after that, he/she lost me. I'm not opposed to replacing Petrie, but certainly not with Chris Mullin. Loved him as a player, but sorry, he didn't blow my socks off as a GM.

And, as Enity pointed out, its just not that simple. Some of it just isn't doable, and some of it I wouldn't do. Other than that, its great!
I get that. What I don't get is why folks would need hypothetical personnel moves to be doable in the actual world. i guess a lot of people approach a forum like this differently than I do. I don't come here looking for serious/educated trade talk. i just like to see what's on fan's minds, what ideas they come up with, no matter how far fetched, etc. It's just small talk to me.
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Tyreke Evans and Marcus Thornton are both Shooting guards with a very similar game. While both talented scorers, I don't see the team succeeding with both of them on the roster, time for one of them to go.
I agree with this. I'm not sure one has to go but at the very least I think Thornton needs to come off the bench as a Jason Terry/Bobby Jackson "spark plug" type player. Ideally I think it'd be best to move one of them for a player that fits the team's needs. This team has a lot of needs so that would be a quality SF, a defensive C, a pure shooting SG, or a pure PG.
I like some of your ideas and dislike others. I like the Darko idea. I think he'd be a nice backup C that can block shots. I disagree about letting JT go. I think he's developed into a solid player that can get you 10 and 10 on any given night. Resigning him would actually be one of my first priorities.
Yea i mean i was up late at night thinking about all this stuff and only registered this site to post this and see what you guys think, since you guys watch most of the games on the west coast. Im a Sixers fan but love the idea of taking a struggling team and putting it back together. Is Batum a longshot, probably..is Thomas Robinson in the draft..not really. The only trade I brought up was for Kirk Hinrich..which isn't a crazy trade proposal at all. The Thornton deal is more than reasonable, Darko isn't setting the world on fire and the Wolves need a 2, although I do think he can be great for the kings if he can accept 25-28mins off the bench as a gunner not as a 36mpg full time starter. Its not like the Kings look at any of our ideas or thoughts so in retrospective everyones comments are considered useless. Instead of just blurting out ideas I went the full mile and tried to make it as organized and a set plan as possible. I played against Tyreke in Highschool so I im probably extremely biased in stating you can soley build around him and hes going to be a franchise player haha he clearly is a bit of a blackhole as well. he was by far the best talent Iv seen up close an personal that includes a stacked Saint Patricks team of Kyrie Irving and Michael Gilchrist.
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Hall of Famer
If you were a guard he must have scared the crap out of you or at least had you scratching your head trying to figure out how to play him without looking foolish. :)
He would just toy with us and play streetball in highschool. His wingspan was so intimidating he stole EVERYTHING. Kyrie was more of a combo when we played him Dexter Strickland ran point, hes now at North carolina, but he was the quick as anything. Gilchrist was so raw but he played lights out defense and shouted alot trying to be Garnett haha.


Hall of Famer
I get that. What I don't get is why folks would need hypothetical personnel moves the be doable in the actual world. i guess a lot of people approach a forum like this differently than I do. I don't come here looking for serious/educated trade talk. i just like to see what's on fan's minds, what ideas they come up with, no matter how far fetched, etc. It's just small talk to me.
Well everyones taste is different. I happen to take basketball and especially the Kings seriously. So as a result, I don't indulge in fantasies. Maybe at 70 years of age, I just don't have time to waste on far fetched ideas. Point is, I don't think he thought his ideas were far fetched, which means he's out of touch with reality to some extent. But hey, thats OK! Enjoy!


Hall of Famer
I like some of your ideas and dislike others. I like the Darko idea. I think he'd be a nice backup C that can block shots. I disagree about letting JT go. I think he's developed into a solid player that can get you 10 and 10 on any given night. Resigning him would actually be one of my first priorities.
Don't know about Darko, but on JT we agree. He does a lot of the little things that need doing, and doesn't require the ball, or to have plays run for him. Every team needs players like JT.


The Game Thread Dude
So after all that you'd keep Tyreke on the team, really, a blackhole, no, trade him for Rose and the United Center (They can move like they do houses) and then we have a deal, pshhh, Tyreke, come on, you'll never be GM.
You obviously missed the (invisible) part of my post where I convinced an in-his-prime John Stockton to come out of retirement and join our team.


The Game Thread Dude
Don't know about Darko, but on JT we agree. He does a lot of the little things that need doing, and doesn't require the ball, or to have plays run for him. Every team needs players like JT.
Indeed, the NBA always has a need for the Horace Grants, Udonas Haslems and Nick Collisons of the world.