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  1. S

    Grade our Off-season so far

    That, IMO, describes the Kings to a tee...
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    Grade our Off-season so far

    How anyone can give this team a "B" is beyond me. Heck, a "C" is being kind...
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    The reason the Kings will have a good team!

    Honorable Mention for Rebounding - Brad Miller? Did I read that right?...
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    I cant wait for the season

    I'm with those that feel strongly that Petrie shouldn't be getting any free passes. Heck, some might argue that Adelman got eight passes, but never made it to the Big Dance. Why should Petrie? This team, as assembled TODAY, does not put a scare in most other WC teams. And although I believe the...
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    Daniel Weintraub: Why Dave Jones opposes the Kings' arena deal

    Dave Jones is just another left-wing, blow hard trying to use the hottest debate in town as a spring board for his own personal agenda. How better to gain a portion of public confidence than to drive a stake through the hearts of these measures? After all, just how much notoriety would he get...
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    Scot back in Sac?

    Really? I think Corliss may be the first guy to come off the bench to give Peja a rest, especially when Martin, Garcia and (at times) Bonzi are your other SF options...
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    Scot back in Sac?

    I don't know about Scot, but how about Dwayne Causwell? Is he available?...
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    Why will the Kings never play Defense? Petrie?

    OK, so apparently steals/game and rebounding are your only variables in determining a good defensive player? Do your homework, dude...
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    Why will the Kings never play Defense? Petrie?

    Where have you been? His name is Jason Hart...
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    Ric Bucher-Songaila rumor (merged)

    Why should anyone be surprised? Ric ******** has always been a Kings hater. Even during the 2002 season, he claimed the Kings were nothing more than the darlings of the NBA, and very rarely, if ever, gives them any respect. Speaking of "rare", that describes how often I read his diatribe...
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    This year could be the year.

    Correction: The sucked all year "during the regular season". When the post-season rolled around, that team turned on the defense, enough to stop every team in their way. And I remember many of those incidents happening in the 4th quarter of playoff games. That's what Championship teams do...
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    Barry on Block...(merged)

    Do the Kings really need another swing man that can score? The team is loaded at the 2 and 3, especially if Kenny Thomas gets some minutes at small forward. Besides, he has a bad hair cut! ;) We need a 5...
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    Why will the Kings never play Defense? Petrie?

    I agree with the thought process behind Petrie not signing defensive-minded players. He is a terrific GM (certainly not God), but history would suggest that he doesn't seem to gravitate towards those players that are proven defensive stalwarts. I'd also suggest that there aren't a ton of those...
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    This year could be the year.

    Let's see here... Some people say the Kings have little or no chance to win the title. Some say "you never know". Seems to me one can agree with both of these views and not be labeled as a pessimist or an optimist...
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    Am I the only one whos not excited?

    Ridiculous! There is nothing beyond winning a championship. Period...
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    This year could be the year.

    No Defense, No Title Period.
  17. S

    What do we think of Petrie now?

    I agree, VF21. My biggest two issues with the trade were: 1) It didn't improve the team from a basketball perspective (i.e.- didn't get enough in return for Webber). 2) It was done mid-year. Chemistry disaster! But, what's done is done. Now Petrie, the Maloofs and the fans must live with...
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    What do we think of Petrie now?

    Not sure it's a matter of whether or not the Brothers Maloof trust Petrie, but instead cannot stay out of the team's business. I think their overzealous behavior sometimes gets in the way of them getting in the way (does that even make sense? ;) ). And with respect to the Webber trade, I give...
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    What do we think of Petrie now?

    Walker vs. Rahim Let's see... Walker for $10 million/year? or Rahim for $6 million/year? Hmmmm.... I'll take what's behind door #2!...
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    Peja- clearing the air

    Please! The thought that Peja asked for a trade to "Better the team" is ridiculous! Just another NBA ego that didn't like the way things were unfolding for him. And the way he back-tracked is very similar to his style on the court: Rattle him, and he'll fold like a paper napkin. I really...