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    Jerry Reynolds on Grant's 4-7pm was Great!

    While I think Jerry has some funny one-liners, he can really get on my nerves sometimes. I can do without "Spec-tac-a-lar", or after a player makes a good play "And that's what he can do"...
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    Our bench and the amnesty rule...

    That's not going to happen. Teams are not releasing players because they aren't cut out for the NBA anymore. The types of players that will be released are purely financially driven, and have little or nothing to do with whether or not said player can still play. In fact, I'd be willing to bet...
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    Darius & Mo...

    So what's new, Tina? His (arrogant) posts are always so much fun anyway...
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    Darius & Mo...

    With respect to these two, perhaps Geoff Petrie is waiting for the upcoming amnesty deadline of 8/15? Both are restricted FA's, so why not wait and see who may become available? After all, the Kings can match any offer made for either player by other NBA teams. Petrie is playing the...
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    Peja to work on his game?

    Peja is a horrible rebounder. Most of his rebounds are stray balls that practically land in his hands. Rarely, if ever, will you see Peja actually hustle around the rim to get a loose ball. Rarely. Yup, I'd like to see him rebound the ball more...
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    What about fan confidence?

    Where's the selection for "None"?...
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    Do no rumors mean Kings are standing pat?

    While I agree that there may not be as many teams taking advantage of this offer as many may think, there WILL be players made available through this one-time event. The question is, which teams take advantage of them? I just threw this out as a possibility for the silence. I'm not totally...
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    Do no rumors mean Kings are standing pat?

    It's quite possible Petrie is going to bet on a decent PF/C becoming available closer to pre-season. There will be teams that will be dumping players to avoid luxury tax implications. Chances are, many of these players will be available cheaply to hungry franchises...
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    Peja to work on his game?

    I'm one of those that thinks Peja won't improve his game much, if at all. After all, his career stats would strongly suggest that his game is extremely consistent, year after year. And being a good, consistent player is a good thing, if you understand what you are getting for your dollar...
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    We have no idea how good (or bad) Darko is in the NBA. Why take a chance?...
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    Peja to work on his game?

    Talk is Cheap... More media-talk from the master himself. Last season he wanted a trade. This season he's working on his game. Peja, you'd better. Otherwise, you can look for a big pay day from another NBA franchise...
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    OFFICIAL trade thread. Post trade proposals HERE! (merged)

    Ain't Gonna Happen... Nene isn't going anywhere. Kiki would be a fool to let his young, athletic PF go. Unless of course it's a deal he cannot refuse. Such a deal would probably NOT include Mobley...
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    Kevin? or Francisco?

    I have to agree with Bricklayer's thought regarding these two young players duking it out. Although it makes for good discussion, it certainly doesn't send a wave of confidence with respect to a bonafide starting back court. The fact is, either one of these two guys will end up being a backup...
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    Diminished Respect As far as I'm concerned, the Maloofs are millionaire idiots that cannot seem to separate their responsibility as owners of a NBA franchise from basketball operations. And let's be clear here: This isn't just an issue of Rick Adelman. I'm guessing Petrie won't be around much...
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    OFFICIAL trade thread. Post trade proposals HERE! (merged)

    Go back to winning only 20 a year? Not a chance. Certainly, not on purpose. There is no way the Maloofs allow this team to fall that far out of contention. Not on their dime. And they don't have to. Sure, this team needs an overhaul. But going back to the old days and winning only 20 games...
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    Peja Stojakovic: King For Life?

    It is a risk. Perhaps a good one just as much as a potential disaster. If the relationship with Peja remains good (and I have to believe it is now), there's no reason he wouldn't be willing to be involved in a S&T next season. The Kings will have Bird rights with Peja, so they will still...
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    Peja Stojakovic: King For Life?

    If I'm Geoff Petrie, I wouldn't hold any discussion with Peja or his agent about an extension or a new, multi-year deal. Heck, he has one more year left, and at $7.6 million, he is a decent bargain. Let him play under the pressure of a "contract" season and see how he responds. I would...
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    Peja Stojakovic: King For Life?

    Peja? Max contract? Laughable!
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    Petrie to hold press conference tomorrow

    whozit, I think you have them backwards (or perhaps the article does!). Songaila has early bird rights, something he obtained by signing a one year deal last season with the Kings. This right gives him a pay raise cap up to the NBA average salary (or 175% of his current salary, whichever is...