Cuz named to Select Team


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Yeah, like I say, in the grand tradition of the young, Cousins should flat out resent Colangelo and live for the day he can (metaphorically) step on the old man's throat and chase his *** into retirement. Being slighted by the old is often a prime motivator for the young. :)

Coalngelo BTW, is a born again christian with a stick up his *** the size of a redwood. He notoriously used to flip out every time one of his Suns had a personal problem, whether it be drugs, women, drunk driving, whatever. He is the very last person who would come around on a DeMarcus Cousisn, so Cuz simply has to make him irrelevant by leaving him no choice at all. And of course pee in his coffee cup when nobody looking should the opportunuity arise. :p
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Clearly they had preconceptions.

it's sad that this kind of thing can stunt opportunity even when it's no longer relevant. You look at how Artest, Sheed etc were treated by refs, Cuz is in for this during his career no question. And it'll hurt us as a team and him as a person, even if he never has another "out burst" in his life.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Another take, same subject, from Kurt Helin of NBCSports on 7/8/12:

Carmelo Anthony came out of the first day of Team USA practice in Vegas — where DeMarcus Cousins is a member of the USA Select team there to push the London-bound squad — and said this about the Kings big man of the future (via Sean Cunningham on twitter).

“He fouled the s— outta everyone.”

That didn’t impress USA Basketball president Jerry Colangelo, who was blunt about it during a conference call on Saturday night after announcing the Team USA final roster.

“Show respect to players, and you get respect back,” Colangelo said. “He needs to mature as a person, as a player if he’s going to have an outstanding NBA career. So before there’s discussion about him being part of our program, he has a lot of building to do…

“He has a lot of growing up to do.”

Cousins had run ins with former Kings coach Paul Westphal but his relationship with Keith Smart appears to be better. Smart has his ear. This is different. USA Basketball is the big boys and with them Cousins will be in for tough love.

Cousins also said during the season that if put on the Select Team he thought he would make the London squad. He’s not as close as he thinks. Coach Mike Krzyzewski is big on chemistry with this team. He and Colangelo want guys who are positive, who get along, who will represent the USA well on and off the court.

Coach K was more diplomatic in suggesting that Cousins can be that guy down the line and being on the Select Team can help him get there.

“His time here, playing in this culture and against these guys, sometimes can have a positive change for the players participating,” Krzyzewski said. “It indoctrinates (younger players), gets them accustomed to playing for their country.”


Hall of Famer
Marc J. Spears ‏@SpearsNBAYahoo

Jerry Colangelo said @SacramentoKings DeMarcus Cousins has some growing up to do if he wants to be a part of @usabasketball in the future.

I can't read Colangelo's mind, and I have no doubt that Cuz had little chance to make the team. But thats a fairly sharp response to the question, and perhaps Colangelo was feeling some unwanted pressure from sources around him to add Cuz to the team. Thus a response, that appeared to be aimed at putting the issue to rest, and was less than diplomatic. I would have liked to hear some comments from coach K, but apparently thats not going to happen. All in all, its a good experience for Cuz, and hopefully he can build some bridges in the future.

Its doubtful that coach K and Conangelo will be in charge for the next olympics. If not, there could be an entirely different prespective by then. Of course if Stern has his way, and an age limit is impossed on players playing for the USA team, this may have been Cousin's last chance at an olympic berth.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I can't read Colangelo's mind, and I have no doubt that Cuz had little chance to make the team. But thats a fairly sharp response to the question, and perhaps Colangelo was feeling some unwanted pressure from sources around him to add Cuz to the team. Thus a response, that appeared to be aimed at putting the issue to rest, and was less than diplomatic. I would have liked to hear some comments from coach K, but apparently thats not going to happen. All in all, its a good experience for Cuz, and hopefully he can build some bridges in the future.

Its doubtful that coach K and Conangelo will be in charge for the next olympics. If not, there could be an entirely different prespective by then. Of course if Stern has his way, and an age limit is impossed on players playing for the USA team, this may have been Cousin's last chance at an olympic berth.
1) knowing our animal, there is a high HIGH percentage chance he takes this as another putdown (as he should actually) and responds with a **** you rather than a yes sir, thank you for the correction

2) it really is too bad that an old fart would choose to throw a bucket of ice water on a talented kid who was actually really enthusiastic about playing for the U.S. Not a question of not taking him, that was largely inevitable. But in a process where guys sit out all the time for a variety of reasons here was a kid who really thought it was cool to play in it. Then on the way out the door you choose to take shots at him that could sour a rebellious soul on the whole idea.
Couple updates from today

Sean Cunningham ‏@News10Sean
Observor of the US Select Team scrimmage said DeMarcus Cousins was the best player on the floor today & said he was "unstoppable" #nbakings

Sean Cunningham ‏@News10Sean
Media wasn't allowed to watch Select Team Scrimmage, heard from an observor from another NBA team that DeMarcus Cousins was a beast today


Hall of Famer
Sean Cunningham ‏@News10Sean
LeBron James on Cousins: He's a great talent. I've always looked at him as on the brink of being one of the best PF or centers in NBA

Players appear to recognize the talent. It's apparently FO types and scouts who don't. But that's how a guy like Cuz drops to #5 in the first place.
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The Game Thread Dude
I did not think it was going to be possible for Cuz to get an even larger chip on his shoulder but I was apparently wrong. Look out world, next season Demarcus is coming for you. And you won't like him when he's angry.
I am with Bricklayer on this one. There were obvious preconceived opinions on Cousins going into the camp and it was always a very long shot that he makes the team. He is too much of a personality to fall in line with the politically correct nature of this team selection.

But one thing I am certain will happen is that Cousins will make the old fart eat some Crow. I have no doubt that Cousins will reach the level of play where he will be an instant selection and which point he should stick it right up the old fart and make him come back begging.

Nothing pisses me off more than the goodie two shoes like JC who judge everyone on every minor incident and act like they have done nothing wrong in their life time. Cousins is a talented beast and the players recognise that. He will reach the point where he will be the best big man in the league and which point someone like JC comes off looking like a twit.


Hall of Famer
Yup only one thing to do when they will not let you play their Reindeer Games: Go back to he Island of Misfit Toys, find a 60th pick undersized PG and practice the Pick and roll until Malone and Sockton cry. Then wait untill Santa comes beggin.
While Colangelo and Krzyzewski may not be fans of the big guy, it appears that some of the league's top players have a different opinion. From Ailene's column today....

Impressed with the way Cousins utilized his 6-foot-11, 270-pound frame to pound and foul and elbow with impunity during Friday's scrimmage, Bryant lobbied hard for his inclusion on the final roster. So did James.


Hall of Famer
While Colangelo and Krzyzewski may not be fans of the big guy, it appears that some of the league's top players have a different opinion. From Ailene's column today....
That adds fuel to the fire, when the two most likely cocaptains lobby hard for you to be included and Colangelo doesn't just say no, but rips him in the media as well. Might aslo be why Cuz wasn't available for media comment today.
As, I think it was, Brick mentioned, Colangelo is a "born again Christian," and it seems to me that he is more focused on trying to "reform" DeMarcus than to focus on how he plays basketball.
Cousins must have had serious issues with either Colangelo or Krzyzewski to provoke this kind of reaction from them. Especially when you consider that he was the best choice for Team USA in terms of both talent and team composition. Not to mention that he had players like Kobe lobbying for him.
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Well Lebron, Kobe, and other teammates lobbied hard for Boogie but no cigar. Now they have an excuse if they don't get to smoke a cigar bringing back the gold from London. Team Spain looms for sure...


Hall of Famer
Here is exactly what I'm worried about with Cuz, which is currently happening with Love. Really all that matters going forward is winning. Not prettier passing or next years TRob ROY hype which will happen, but winning. The difference between these two is Love has signed an extension but Cuz could potentially avoid signing one a couple years down the road. I bring it up because when you get players involved with All Star teams or Olympic team, the other guys start chirping in their ear.

"My patience is not high," Love said. "Would yours be, especially when I'm a big proponent of greatness surrounding itself with greatness? All these [Team USA] guys seem to have great players around them.

"It's tough seeing all these guys that are young and older who have all played in the playoffs. When they start talking about that, I have nothing to talk about. If I don’t make the playoffs next year I don’t know what will happen."

"At this point, I’m not afraid to go on the record," Love said. "Being around these [USA] guys, they know the situation I’m in and how competitive I am. I want to win. All the players on the Timberwolves feel the same way, as well. The coaching staff is awesome. They want to win and win now. Hopefully, we can make some stuff happen.
"I would say it's coming down to it for sure [next season]. It's no secret I was willing to commit to Minnesota for five years. I'm very happy with my contract. I'd love to be in Minnesota. But like anybody else, I want to win."

"If we don’t make the playoffs, I don’t know it’s going to be me or something, but our management needs to step up and make some moves," Love said. "Chase is good for us. Brandon if he can come in relatively healthy and be back to somewhat of where he was … we can be pretty damn good, especially in the fourth quarter with how he used to be [with the Trail Blazers] with LaMarcus [Aldridge] in the pick-and-roll. If Ricky can come back healthy that would be great.

"But I think our front office and ownership needs to step up and get us some pieces. We need to make some moves. We can't just stand still. We have to make this happen."
It's scary to think what could happen if we mishandled Reke moreso than we have and either let him walk for nothing or trade him for a low value replacement. If that were to happen and we still aren't a competitive playoff team at that point then this type of thing would likely pop up with Cuz, without him having signed an extension and playing out his QO and walking.
As, I think it was, Brick mentioned, Colangelo is a "born again Christian," and it seems to me that he is more focused on trying to "reform" DeMarcus than to focus on how he plays basketball.
Love how you and some others can totally see into the mind of Colangelo based on a sentence or two that he says. Because clearly, his statements had everything to do with the fact that he's a born again Christian who wants to reform Cousins, and nothing to do with Cousins' demeanor on the court (arguing with refs, "sulking"), his reputed locker room disputes with coaches, training staff and team mates (preconceived as the notion may be) and how those things have to be considered when selecting a player to represent the entire USA on an international level.

Maybe next time you can provide me with some insight into the minds of others.

It's easy for the other players to root for him on the team - no one questions his basketball ability. But as someone in charge of putting together a team to represent the nation, you have to take into consideration whether a player will do something that ends up reflecting poorly on team USA.
I love how when you see games during the season with the opposing teams commentary team all they do is say things like.

"... and there you see the negative body language"

"he's always sulking"

and yet when Perkins does the same thing.

"he is just soooooo tough"

"boy he's mean"

Same for Garnett and kobe all the other players that "Sulk" on the court. Why is so great when they do and yet so negative when Cuz does it?


The Game Thread Dude
Love how you and some others can totally see into the mind of Colangelo based on a sentence or two that he says. Because clearly, his statements had everything to do with the fact that he's a born again Christian who wants to reform Cousins, and nothing to do with Cousins' demeanor on the court (arguing with refs, "sulking"), his reputed locker room disputes with coaches, training staff and team mates (preconceived as the notion may be) and how those things have to be considered when selecting a player to represent the entire USA on an international level.

Maybe next time you can provide me with some insight into the minds of others.

It's easy for the other players to root for him on the team - no one questions his basketball ability. But as someone in charge of putting together a team to represent the nation, you have to take into consideration whether a player will do something that ends up reflecting poorly on team USA.
Image concerns didn't stop Colangelo from selecting a guy who once was accused of rape (Kobe), or one of the most reviled figures in America (Lebron). Hell, if you look back at his days of owning and running the Suns, he didn't have any issues with trading for notorious bad boy Chuck Barkley (though he did wind up trading him and with him any last chance the Suns had of seriously contending for anything). Hell, almost every single time he got rid of characters for percieved personal issues, I'd wager he made his team worse (Jason Kidd, even Dennis Johnson).


Hall of Famer
It seems like some on this board think Cousins isn't immature. While we saw a more mature player last year than in his first year, he still wasn't exactly Tim Duncan. Anybody that saw the games saw the mind surrender and emotion take over. Cousins is still at the stage where he'll lose games for you with his immaturity. I think it's safe to say that the good teams and players don't beat themselves, and Cousins isn't there yet. So for Coach C. or Coach K to intimate that the guy needs to grow up, what's the news? I'm glad that Cousins played on the Select team. It's good for him to get feedback from good coaches other than Smart and his assistants and it's good for him to just get more experiences that require adult behavior. Hopefully, next year he'll take one more step to maturity.
It seems like some on this board think Cousins isn't immature. While we saw a more mature player last year than in his first year, he still wasn't exactly Tim Duncan. Anybody that saw the games saw the mind surrender and emotion take over. Cousins is still at the stage where he'll lose games for you with his immaturity. I think it's safe to say that the good teams and players don't beat themselves, and Cousins isn't there yet. So for Coach C. or Coach K to intimate that the guy needs to grow up, what's the news? I'm glad that Cousins played on the Select team. It's good for him to get feedback from good coaches other than Smart and his assistants and it's good for him to just get more experiences that require adult behavior. Hopefully, next year he'll take one more step to maturity.
For once you and I agree. The way I see it I don't think the concern is so much losing games because of his immaturity more than it is a fear that something will happen that won't reflect well on the nation. Whether fair or not the fact is that because of his history and his demeanor Cuz has earned a certain reputation for being immature. Now if he wants to represent USA then he either has to prove his critics wrong (which takes more than a shortened season in the NBA that did have some conflict in it) or become so good that team USA wants him in spite of his supposed immaturity. Last I checked however, team USA wasn't in dire need of more superstars.


Hall of Famer
For once you and I agree. The way I see it I don't think the concern is so much losing games because of his immaturity more than it is a fear that something will happen that won't reflect well on the nation. Whether fair or not the fact is that because of his history and his demeanor Cuz has earned a certain reputation for being immature. Now if he wants to represent USA then he either has to prove his critics wrong (which takes more than a shortened season in the NBA that did have some conflict in it) or become so good that team USA wants him in spite of his supposed immaturity. Last I checked however, team USA wasn't in dire need of more superstars.
I'd like Smart to have a discussion with Cousins about being a future team captain, maybe for the 2013-14 year. Make it contingent on him acting like an adult this coming season. In fact, instead of that minor goal, how about having a discussion with him on acting like a leader, not just an uber talented kid this coming year. Sometimes the additional responsibility of the team can give a player pause about acting out his personal frustrations. Also, if he earns it rather than is just given the honor, it may be a signal to the media that Cousins has turned the corner, and it could be the first step to geting the monkey off his back.


Hall of Famer
I disliked Colangelo because he made it public and because it was vague. I don't know what a criticism about Cuz not knowing how to represent the USA means. I'm not going back over what Colangelo said to see the exact words but his criticism was vague and just hurtful. If he would have said "gee, Cuz you have to do this or that" to make the team, I would have liked that. But it was an attact on his demeanor and maybe even his love for his country. I'm sure it hurt Cuz because we all know, I hope, that the biggest motivator is to be the best. Unfortunately his drive gets him into trouble. I am sure as the years pass it will calm down and the retaliatory stupid fouls will lessen and he will simply be a basketball player. In other words, he won't simply be a mass of often misdirected energy but one whose energy is directed to playing. Then he will be the best.

The irony, and I admit I am reading a lot into what I think makes Cuz tick, is that his drive to be the best seems to be getting in his way at the present. The day will come when no one will want to step on the court with him as an opponent. I think that will be sooner rather than later.
I disliked Colangelo because he made it public and because it was vague.
That's what I didn't like. It was like he wanted to publicly insult Cousins. Maybe he meant to send Cousins a message, but it was completely the wrong way to do it. It made Colangelo look like a jerk to me.
Here's the thing. If Cousins was widely considered the most dominant big man in the game today and had a title under his belt, he'd be on the Team USA roster regardless of the negatives Colangelo currently sees in his personality and / or game. There's a ton of hypocrisy involved in the selection process. If you're a top 10 player in the NBA, the "immature" or "image" factor won't keep you out. However, if your name hasn't been established just yet, those factors will keep you out.
That's what I didn't like. It was like he wanted to publicly insult Cousins. Maybe he meant to send Cousins a message, but it was completely the wrong way to do it. It made Colangelo look like a jerk to me.
Listening/seeing some of the interviews that were coming out of the camp, I don't think Colangelo and Melo were trying to paint a bad picture of Cousins. That's what they did though when all most people get to see is the quote. In the video it was such a vague blurb about Cousins, it felt insincere to me and as if he was just trying to throw the reporters a few lines. The quote is pretty much the same thing that almost all national reporters say about Cousins, nothing we have not heard before. I bet people who are not Kings fans were probably just like yet, "Yep, DeMarcus being DeMarcus." To those of us who follow his progress and attitude it's a low blow knowing he has been making a lot of progress and trying to change his perception. For that reason I don't put much worth into the quote as I believe it was just a bunch of lazy interview responses.
Carmelo's comment about Cousins was taken completely out of context by every written media report I've seen. If people take the time to actually look at the videotaped interview with Carmelo, he was joking. He said they liked that Cousins was playing so physical, because that's how they play in Europe. He was smiling and laughing about it. And yes, I think the print reporters were trying to make Cousins look bad and perpetuate an image of a misbehaving, immature kid . Shame on them. Anyone can look bad if soething is taken completely out of context.

On the other hand, Colangelo was being dead serious in the interviews.