I hope we do women and album draft. One suggestion i have though. Have you guys ever thought about trying to prearrange it so that all the people drafting agree to be online at a certain time? That would save a lot of time by not having to wait for the next drafter to show up.
I was okay with that, though for purely selfish reasons. Don't remember how my entire list worked out (am somewhat nerdily re-reading the thread at the moment), but I seem to recall not having to dip too far into my alternates thanks to the late obsession with fantasy land. Also can't get too worked up about it, since it was likely my (awesome) second round Tumbler pick that started the trend.
The Tumbler could still basically exist, more or less and you're right it made it so I got pretty much everything I wanted too. I actually thought I might have a chance in the voting rounds in that one though... nope.
For my second selection I choose the one and only Jim Carrey movie I actually like - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Some have categorized this film as science fiction - if so, the fiction certainly outweighs the science. But outside of the "scientific" premise, it's a very introspective movie -
what if you decided to get your memories of an old girlfriend erased? What if you decided halfway through the procedure that you didn't want them erased after all? What if, for all your efforts, you can't stop it?
The script is basically perfect, especially for those who know little to nothing about the movie coming in. It's not a movie you can watch twice, it's a movie you have to watch twice, and it stands up to repeated viewings beyond that with the best of them. And Jim Carrey is actually good and almost completely not annoying in it.
There are three films in particular I thought would be long gone. If all three make it back to me I'm going to have a hard time choosing which to pick. This draft is much, much less predictable than the last one.
There are three films in particular I thought would be long gone. If all three make it back to me I'm going to have a hard time choosing which to pick. This draft is much, much less predictable than the last one.
Dude! Don't say that. Before I realized what I was doing I now think I know what you might be referring to and I might actually pick one so I can get it before you do.
Dude! Don't say that. Before I realized what I was doing I now think I know what you might be referring to and I might actually pick one so I can get it before you do.
Err, it's nothing. Don't take whatever movies you're thinking of. Unless you're thinking of movies I'm not referring to. [/panic]
Seriously, though, best thing to do is take whatever movie you like best. Don't worry about what movie someone else will pick, just pick your BMA. Otherwise someone will inevitably pick the film you initally wanted but didn't take and you'll be left pissed. It always happens. Don't do it.
Err, it's nothing. Don't take whatever movies you're thinking of. Unless you're thinking of movies I'm not referring to. [/panic]
Seriously, though, best thing to do is take whatever movie you like best. Don't worry about what movie someone else will pick, just pick your BMA. Otherwise someone will inevitably pick the film you initally wanted but didn't take and you'll be left pissed. It always happens. Don't do it.
There are three films in particular I thought would be long gone. If all three make it back to me I'm going to have a hard time choosing which to pick. This draft is much, much less predictable than the last one.
There's at least half a dozen I expected to be gone by the time it got back to me. So far they're all still there though. It's gonna make my second pick pretty hard.
For my second selection I choose the one and only Jim Carrey movie I actually like - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Some have categorized this film as science fiction - if so, the fiction certainly outweighs the science. But outside of the "scientific" premise, it's a very introspective movie -
what if you decided to get your memories of an old girlfriend erased? What if you decided halfway through the procedure that you didn't want them erased after all? What if, for all your efforts, you can't stop it?
The script is basically perfect, especially for those who know little to nothing about the movie coming in. It's not a movie you can watch twice, it's a movie you have to watch twice, and it stands up to repeated viewings beyond that with the best of them. And Jim Carrey is actually good and almost completely not annoying in it.
Really good movie, if you're patient. Really good. Didn't think anyone would be picking it this early (we might be the only two people who have seen it, matter of fact).
Really good movie, if you're patient. Really good. Didn't think anyone would be picking it this early (we might be the only two people who have seen it, matter of fact).
Make that three. I've seen it a few times and it does get better with repeat viewings. It doesn't surprise me to see it go early as much as it does something like Hangover which I thought was way overrated.
Make that three. I've seen it a few times and it does get better with repeat viewings. It doesn't surprise me to see it go early as much as it does something like Hangover which I thought was way overrated.
I just saw The Hangover a few weeks ago, and it was funny, but I have no desire to see it again. So, yeah. I know the Tropical Island thing is a device, but for me, the key is rewatchability. I've seen movies I liked and then never thought about them ever again, and then there are movies that I've gone back to the theatre for, or couldn't wait for the home video to be released. And they're not all big budget popcorn flicks, either. Most of them aren't.
I'm entirely unconcerned with winning this draft. Just want to build a solid list and see what happens.
I just saw The Hangover a few weeks ago, and it was funny, but I have no desire to see it again. So, yeah. I know the Tropical Island thing is a device, but for me, the key is rewatchability. I've seen movies I liked and then never thought about them ever again, and then there are movies that I've gone back to the theatre for, or couldn't wait for the home video to be released. And they're not all big budget popcorn flicks, either. Most of them aren't.
I'm entirely unconcerned with winning this draft. Just want to build a solid list and see what happens.
That's pretty much what i'm doing too. I'm picking all films that would be among my favorites anyways but i'm going with the ones i think would work best in a desert island situation.
The fun part about this is I have no idea what will be picked next because I don't know what any of you folks taste in films is like. I may get lucky and end up getting most of my favorites anyways. So far the only ones that have went that i would have picked myself is Pulp Fiction and possibly Dawn of the Dead.
"You probably heard we ain't in the prisoner-takin' business; we in the killin' Nazi business. And cousin, business is a-boomin'."
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
I enjoyed this one so much I went to watch it in the theater twice in the same week, more than happy to pay for it. It has everything you want from a Tarantino movie: genius dialogues, good amounts of blood, tragic romance, black humor, action and the mixture of well known and under-the-radar actors (I'm talking about you, Christoph Waltz). It's also very hard not to fall in love with Melanie Laurent.
Eeeeeeeexcellent. With my next pick, I need a solid action movie. Classic bad guys, good hero, comic relief, and a hottie. Action packed, I say, action packed!
I definitely would have picked Inglourious Basterds at some point if it had lasted. Never was a very good chance of it lasting past the first few rounds, though. Christoph Waltz is just brilliant in it. Very memorable performance.
Really good movie, if you're patient. Really good. Didn't think anyone would be picking it this early (we might be the only two people who have seen it, matter of fact).
Yeah, I'm never really sure how many people have seen movies that are a bit less mainstream, but I know a lot of people who have seen it, and most love it. Something told me it might go high. Could have been a wrong gut feeling, but I ultimately decided that on a desert island, it's a high-priority movie.
Eeeeeeeexcellent. With my next pick, I need a solid action movie. Classic bad guys, good hero, comic relief, and a hottie. Action packed, I say, action packed!
For what it's worth, I've seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I thought it was OK, but nothing special. Maybe it will be better on second viewing as some suggest. I'll have to give it another go!
Well, I need some comedy on my island, and this is a classic. Might not be my favorite, but Mary's a 49er fan so this movie has a special place in my heart just for that.
Well, I need some comedy on my island, and this is a classic. Might not be my favorite, but Mary's a 49er fan so this movie has a special place in my heart just for that.
So like I mentioned, before Inglourious Basterds was picked I was debating if I should use this next pick on it instead of the movie I really had in mind, which kind of tips off where I'll be going the rest of the draft.
Grindhouse (2007)
When a project pitting a double feature of throwback to 70s action/horror/exploitation flicks was announced pairing two of my favorite modern directors, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino, I couldn't wait to see it. No doubt this was one I'd actually hit in the theaters. While most people preferred Rodriguez's effort, I favored QT's. No, not his best film, thus the dilemma when Inglourious Basterds was still on the table. But Death Proof had all the elements that make a good QT flick, just dialed down a notch. Infinite re-watchability is a big key here as you can choose between taking a quick break to watch either of the main features on its own or watching the entire flick as it was released - where the real standout was actually the faux movie trailers for other throwback flicks. These trailers were so good they already have resulted in one full length feature (Machete) and inspired a second (Hobo With a Shotgun, which won a Canadian trailer contest and then wound up getting a feature released this year). These trailers brought forth contributions from Edgar Wright, Eli Roth and Rob Zombie. How fun my desert island days will be envisioning developing these into full length films during the hours I am not watching movies.
After threats by the MPAA with an NC-17 rating, the movie was re-cut for an R - the filmmakers were able to use the stylized gimmick of the film to achieve these cuts by making it look like a film break or lost reel. The standalone versions were then released as unrated single movies with the footage put back in, however the trailers were lost until the Blu-Ray release restored the theatrical presentation and its R rating.
A fine selection pdxkingsfan, unfortunately imdb suggests that it is rated NC17 and is therefore not eligible due to rule # 2. Sure it isn't porn per se, but rules are G-R...Please re pick.
Edit: I missed that Dawn of the Dead is also unrated, so I may let this slide if there is an unrated version other than the NC17 one...Lets keep an eye on ratings people.
Also from IMDB:
Motion Picture Rating (MPAA)
Rated R for strong graphic bloody violence and gore, pervasive language, some sexuality, nudity and drug use See all certifications »
Parents Guide:
View content advisory »
There might have been a re-rating. This IMDB page for Grindhouse (Link) lists it first as NC-17 for the original rating in the US and then as R. I wonder if there was a re-cut after the original NC-17 rating to get it into the mainstream theaters before release.
Poking around it appears that they did re-cut for an R, and they actually were able to use the style of the film to achieve those cuts by making it look like a film break or lost reel. The standalone versions were then released as unrated with the footage put back in. The theatrical release and the Blu-Ray cut of the two movies together plus trailers are the R cut. I will add this to the footnote I already added to the pick.