A little birdie told me

This is just getting ridiculous. And no leaks whatsoever. Very strange. Imagine the season ends and we go into the offseason and it never ever gets announced ;)
Grant just said he believes the ROY announcement will be announced sometime later this week. He thinks the 6th man award will be tomorrow. So,that makes either wednesday-friday for the official announcement. Oh, he also said Tyreke will win it.
Grant just said he believes the ROY announcement will be announced sometime later this week. He thinks the 6th man award will be tomorrow. So,that makes either wednesday-friday for the official announcement. Oh, he also said Tyreke will win it.
I wonder if Grant and Dave get their info from the same birdie?
And, in other quotes from the Grant Napear hall of fame:

"Grant Napear said on the radio that he believes Brian Skinner is the key guy to the Kings and will make the Kings better now and in the future." http://forums.kingsfans.com/showthread.php?t=4169&page=24

"Grant Napear spent several minutes this afternoon on his radio show reiterating how good the Webber trade was"

"Grant Napear said on his radio show (and I quote) 'Not just because he is a friend of mine, but the Kings should use their remaining 1.75 million to sign Scot Pollard.' He follows it up by saying that Pollard says that his back has not felt this good in two years. he can rebound and defend the post." (Following this, Pollard and his creaky back got 63 points, 68 rebounds and 7 blocks in two years, then retired.)

Grant said, now do I think he (Ron Artest) will be a King past the trade deadline? No." (Dec. 2006, only a year and a half off.)

"Grant answered that he just got a call form someone's agent saying that Bonzi was being traded to Indiana for the 2 guys that we've been talking about all day."

"On the radio today, Napear said that there has been no Artest talk at all within the Kings org. He said that he doesn't think Petrie will take a chance on a player that could set the team back 10 years if it turned out to be a disaster. He thinks Artest is too 'out there' for Petrie's taste." (mid-Dec 2005, right before the Peja-Artest trade)
Mmmmmmmmmmmm. 5 layer burrito.

Can't remember the lag time I had one of those! (I am trying to chip away at the 40 pounds I gained while my wife was pregnant). I can't help but think that it is great that we are even in te position that we are. All that stands between our phenom and his earned award is a day or two at most. I for one am just glad that this team is trying (I know it's hard to be patient) to get back to form to one of the most charismatic teams in the storied history of the NBA. Sorry to get all philosophical on you purple people eaters, just thought I should share my gratitude to for things finally starting to look up. (I have a feeling those cervezas contributed to this post!).

Check out my NBA Live 10 roster:

Eric Gordon

(I had to do a little editing on Rekes stats, Steph Curry is an 85 overall as a rookie! I thought it only fitting I raise Rekes inside scoring, rebounding, and strength)

Tyreke Evans is the 2009-10 rookie of the year, the rest of the world just doesn't know it yet guys!

P.s. Aplogies to Bajaden for stealing his cervezas (in my defense you make a beer sound incredibly good when you call them by their real name!)
wow that lineup looks amazing!

would it be possible??

i assume trade no.1 pick for lopez
sign Gay in FA
but eric gordon would be tough! i dont think wed have anything good enough to trade for him. Maybe casspi+ next years 1st rounder?
wow that lineup looks amazing!

would it be possible??

i assume trade no.1 pick for lopez
sign Gay in FA
but eric gordon would be tough! i dont think wed have anything good enough to trade for him. Maybe casspi+ next years 1st rounder?
I did a fantasy draft pups, so no I don't thnking getting that starting 5 would have been possible if i started my dynasty with the current kings roster. I would have to hope that the nets, clippers, and grizzlies were willing to trade me pretty much the best players on their teams for a bunch I role players.

Hey while I am waiting for this announcment maybe I will try to see if I is possible, doubt it though, cap space will get in the way. I picked Tyreke 1st overall, and hus contract is 6.75 millij for one year, huh? I have to resign my number 1 overall rookie pick after only the first season in my dynasty, sounds more like a nightmare then a fantasy draft.

Mmmmmmmmmmmm. 5 layer burrito.

Can't remember the lag time I had one of those! (I am trying to chip away at the 40 pounds I gained while my wife was pregnant). I can't help but think that it is great that we are even in te position that we are. All that stands between our phenom and his earned award is a day or two at most. I for one am just glad that this team is trying (I know it's hard to be patient) to get back to form to one of the most charismatic teams in the storied history of the NBA. Sorry to get all philosophical on you purple people eaters, just thought I should share my gratitude to for things finally starting to look up. (I have a feeling those cervezas contributed to this post!).

Check out my NBA Live 10 roster:

Eric Gordon

(I had to do a little editing on Rekes stats, Steph Curry is an 85 overall as a rookie! I thought it only fitting I raise Rekes inside scoring, rebounding, and strength)

Tyreke Evans is the 2009-10 rookie of the year, the rest of the world just doesn't know it yet guys!

P.s. Aplogies to Bajaden for stealing his cervezas (in my defense you make a beer sound incredibly good when you call them by their real name!)
check out my nba 2k10 roster..

Stephon Curry (89 rating)
Tyreke Evans (92 rating)
Donte Greene(72 rating)
Jeff Green (77 rating)
Johkiam Noah (81 rating DEFENSIVE BEAST)

with garcia landry and udrih off the bench


got this in 2 years all fair trading and no editing
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The Wait Continues

Well it's not being announced tomorrow (today probably your time), because per John Hollingers twitter the Hawks just put out a press release telling the press that they will be announcing a major award at 3 pm tomorrow (refer to ESPN twitter feed).

I guess that means Jamal Crawford has the 6th man award (not very surprising).

Another day of waiting.... :(


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
21st Century Athlete Awarded ROY
stardate: 2358.42
by Prin Pirak, Cardassian Special Envoy

Long before the Klingon Empire, the Federation, or any of the other political entities commonly known today, there was a dynasty established in the tiny Old Earth farming town of Sacramento. Centuries later, that dynasty is being honored.

Two meter tall human athlete Tyreke Evans was announced today as the winner of the 2009-2010 National Basketball Association Rookie of the Year Award.

Basketball, a prominent 20th-21st century sport involving the bouncing of a spherical shaped air bladder, received an enormous popularity boost in the Sacramento Region with the arrvial of Evans as a mere 20 year old (Earth standard). Within a few short Earth years, Sacramento had conquered the National Basketball Association -- a regional sporting association containing the bulk of Old Earth's best air bladder bouncers .

Historians who have examined the digital archival evidence point to Evans as perhaps the premiere basketball athlete of his generation, and one of the best before the sport became dominated by Trilarians in the early 22nd century. They point especially to his ability to "drive" the ball to the basket, despite only having two arms and two legs and living in the pre-cybernetic age.
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21st century athlete awarded roy
stardate: 2358.42
by prin pirak, cardassian special envoy

long before the klingon empire, the federation, or any of the other political entities commonly known today, there was a dynasty established in the tiny old earth farming town of sacramento. Centuries later, that dynasty is being honored.

two meter tall human athlete tyreke evans was announced today as the winner of the 2009-2010 national basketball association rookie of the year award.

basketball, a prominent 20th-21st century sport involving the bouncing of a spherical shaped air baldder, received an enormous popularity boost in the sacramento region with the arrvial of evans as a mere 20 year old (earth standard). Within a few short earth years, sacramento had conquered the national basketball association -- a regional sporting association containing the bulk of old earth's best air bladder bouncers .

historians who have examined the digital archival evidence point to evans as perhaps the premiere basketball athlete of his generation, and one of the best before the sport became dominated by trilarians in the early 22nd century. They point especially to his ability to "drive" the ball to the basket, despite only having two arms and two legs and living in the pre-cybernetic age.
RekeROY watch suspended for today, nice to know I can live my life as normally scheduled ;)

But to add another person to KingsFans " Villains-be prepared to argue via email list," Cedric Maxwell says he voted for Curry :mad:
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Since the race is really between two guys who aren't in the playoffs, the NBA has no rush to release the award so it coincides with exposure of the player like a 6th man or MVP award would.

Plus, once the ROY gets announced you all will have nothing to wait for until draft day. It's helping delay TDOS a little.
Since the race is really between two guys who aren't in the playoffs, the NBA has no rush to release the award so it coincides with exposure of the player like a 6th man or MVP award would.

Plus, once the ROY gets announced you all will have nothing to wait for until draft day. It's helping delay TDOS a little.
TDOS doesn't start for me until there's no rooting interest left in the playoffs.