Tyreke Evans ROTY & 20/5/5 Watch

This season showed a lot of promise, but alas, Kings started to show their age and experience. Kings future does look extremely bright, with the brightest spot being Tyreke Evans.

We all know Tyreke Evans is a beast, but the media loves points and stats, as do NBA fans. Jennings had the 55 point game and has gone downhill since, but another rookie has joined the discussion that's giving Reke a run for his money at the ROTY award; Stephen Curry. He had a 36/13/10 game a couple weeks ago that drew media attention to him. He also had 25/14/6 against the Kings and 30/13/7 against Nuggets last night. Darren Collison has played amazing with Paul out, something like 20/10 in the last 10 games or something, even recored a triple-double game of 18/12/13, but his averages are near Reke/Curry/Jennings.

Reke doesn't need a 55 point or triple-double game, he just needs to continue playing dominate basketball. He's had a few clutch plays and is on the verge to finish the season averaging 20/5/5.

Reke right now averages 20.3 points, 5.4 assists, and 4.8 rebounds a game. He is extremely close to averaging a minimum of 20/5/5 in his rookie year, a task only Oscar Robertson, Michael Jordan, and LeBron James have done.

Reke has played 52 games this season with 25 games left in the season, so assuming in plays in all the remaining games, he'll have played 77 games. In order to average at least 20/5/5 in a season, a player must score 1,540 points, have 385 assists and points. So far, Reke has:

Points - 1,054
Assists - 282
Rebounds - 249

Reke needs the following in the next 25 games:

Points - 486
Assists - 103
Rebounds - 136

He would need to average 19.44 points, 4.12 assists, and 5.44 rebounds a game in the remaining 25 games and he'll have finished with a 20/5/5 average, pretty much guaranteeing himself the ROTY award.

Side note: I'm not saying Reke needs to average 20/5/5 to win the ROTY award; I believe he's got it in the bag, but averaging the 20/5/5 to boot would be an extraordinary achievement.
I have no doubt that he'll get the points and assists needed, but what concerns me is his rebounding. Lately it looks as if his rebounding and assists have switched in productivity. Maybe Westphaul wants him to stay back in case of transition defense?

If Evans can find that next "gear," I have no doubt he'll get the 20/5/5.
As the vdeo posted on cowbell kingdom said. Tyreke could stand at half cour reading a magazine for the rest of the season and he would get the ROTY award.

I would love to see him average 20/5/5 to put him in elite company. It would be icing on the cake.
I think of it this way:

If we go back to draft night last June knowing what we know now, is there any GM in the league that does not take Reke #1 (not including Griffin)?

I doubt it.

Therefore, ROY.
I have no doubt that he'll get the points and assists needed, but what concerns me is his rebounding. Lately it looks as if his rebounding and assists have switched in productivity. Maybe Westphaul wants him to stay back in case of transition defense?

If Evans can find that next "gear," I have no doubt he'll get the 20/5/5.
Agreed. He'll reach the points and assists requirement, but rebounding is the only challenging task for him.
I once thought Reke had it in the bag. I am not so sure now. Curry is making a push and the W's are playing better ball. I think the Kings need to start playing better and start winning some games to keep 'Reke in the lead for ROY. I am not saying that the team's goal should be to get 'Reke the ROY, but if the team plays well, 'Reke WILL get the ROY because when 'Reke plays well the Kings play well. There isn't a lot more to root for this season, so 'Reke getting the ROY is a big deal for us Kings Fans.

Curry might hit a rookie wall soon, and the W's are not wining that much either. Lets hope 'Reke can keep up the great playing and the Kings can start improving. If the Kings go in the tank, I think there is a possibility that 'Reke doesn't get the ROY. That would be sad if the team dragged 'Reke down and he lost out because of the Kings lack of effort. Really the only reason to watch the Kings anymore is because of Tyreke. He is the one player that seems to be putting out max effort every night. I don't understand the players on the Kings that are in cruise control as the car goes over the cliff! You would think that all the Kings players would be playing hard for their NBA lives! I understand errors made because of lack of familiarity or effort errors, but indifference errors are inexcusable!! Poor effort is unconscionable! WTF is going on !!!

Starting tonight the Kings players need to start playing with a sense of urgency! I don't know HOW Paul Westphal can get the players who are not part of the Kings future to play harder, but hopefully he has some way to motivate these players. He has benched players, started players, and moved them to the second string. Some players have responded but most have not. No matter where Hawes plays, he seems to not be motivated. Players like Greene and Casspi should play hard no matter what because they ARE the future of the Kings! Hawes is playing like he thinks he is not. Now without JT, Hawes is going to get a lot of playing time. WHAT he does with the time he will be given will go a long way in determining whether Hawes is a keeper or a clunker. How the HELL does HAWES NOT play like a man with his hair on FIRE !!

HAWES must KNOW this?!? We should see the Max Effort Hawes from here on out right? I understand he is too thin to win, but that should not keep him from hustling and trying as hard as he can to make some kind of difference in the paint. Hawes has to gain 25-30 pounds of muscle to be a player in the NBA. He can't do that during the season, but he CAN control his effort (if he doesn't bulk up this summer, he is a loser either way). I don't care how bad he looks, Hawes needs to give MAX effort in whatever he does from this point forward. THAT will show the coach and ownership that he cares and that he wants to be part of the solution and not part of the problem! Come ON HAWES! I have been one of Hawes's worst critics, but I really thought that he would at least make more effort. There is NOTHING keeping HAWES from making the MAX effort that he can. He needs to pull down 7+ rebounds a game on effort alone! I want to see Hawes succeed. He needs to SHOW the KINGS FANS that he cares and that he wants to play on the KINGS. PLEASE HAWES make your MAX EFFORT NOW! Kings fans want you to succeed! PLEASE TRY YOUR HARDEST NOW!!
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Hall of Famer
I once thought Reke had it in the bag. I am not so sure now. Curry is making a push and the W's are playing better ball. I think the Kings need to start playing better and start winning some games to keep 'Reke in the lead for ROY. I am not saying that the team's goal should be to get 'Reke the ROY, but if the team plays well, 'Reke WILL get the ROY because when 'Reke plays well the Kings play well. There isn't a lot more to root for this season, so 'Reke getting the ROY is a big deal for us Kings Fans.

Curry might hit a rookie wall soon, and the W's are not wining that much either. Lets hope 'Reke can keep up the great playing and the Kings can start improving. If the Kings go in the tank, I think there is a possibility that 'Reke doesn't get the ROY. That would be sad if the team dragged 'Reke down and he lost out because of the Kings lack of effort. Really the only reason to watch the Kings anymore is because of Tyreke. He is the one player that seems to be putting out max effort every night. I don't understand the players on the Kings that are in cruise control as the car goes over the cliff! You would think that all the Kings players would be playing hard for their NBA lives! I understand errors made because of lack of familiarity or effort errors, but indifference errors are inexcusable!! Poor effort is unconscionable! WTF is going on !!!

Starting tonight the Kings players need to start playing with a sense of urgency! I don't know HOW Paul Westphal can get the players who are not part of the Kings future to play harder, but hopefully he has some way to motivate these players. He has benched players, started players, and moved them to the second string. Some players have responded but most have not. No matter where Hawes plays, he seems to not be motivated. Players like Greene and Casspi should play hard no matter what because they ARE the future of the Kings! Hawes is playing like he thinks he is not. Now without JT, Hawes is going to get a lot of playing time. WHAT he does with the time he will be given will go a long way in determining whether Hawes is a keeper or a clunker. How the HELL does HAWES NOT play like a man with his hair on FIRE !!

HAWES must KNOW this?!? We should see the Max Effort Hawes from here on out right? I understand he is too thin to win, but that should not keep him from hustling and trying as hard as he can to make some kind of difference in the paint. Hawes has to gain 25-30 pounds of muscle to be a player in the NBA. He can't do that during the season, but he CAN control his effort (if he doesn't bulk up this summer, he is a loser either way). I don't care how bad he looks, Hawes needs to give MAX effort in whatever he does from this point forward. THAT will show the coach and ownership that he cares and that he wants to be part of the solution and not part of the problem! Come ON HAWES!
I have nothing against Curry. I wouldn't mind having him on our team. I think he would be the perfect fit next to Tyreke with his ability to hit the open shot and Tyreke's ability to draw the double team. Which brings me to why I think Tyreke should win it over Curry. Every team we face has its defense designed to stop Tyreke. Not so for Curry. Not so knock on Curry, but Tyreke has to work a lot harder to get his points. And with no one able to hit consistant shots on the Kings, his assists as well.
I have nothing against Curry. I wouldn't mind having him on our team. I think he would be the perfect fit next to Tyreke with his ability to hit the open shot and Tyreke's ability to draw the double team. Which brings me to why I think Tyreke should win it over Curry. Every team we face has its defense designed to stop Tyreke. Not so for Curry. Not so knock on Curry, but Tyreke has to work a lot harder to get his points. And with no one able to hit consistent shots on the Kings, his assists as well.
I agree with you 100% I think 'Reke has less to work with than Curry does for some reason. I really thought at the beginning of this season, the Kings had a better lineup than the W's, but it has not turned out to be. Curry is an incredible shooter, but his defense is poor. 'Reke is a great defender already in his rookie season. That will go a long way toward helping 'Reke wining the ROY. BUT the Kings need to show improvement and Tyreke needs to keep his numbers up for the ROY to be his. The fact that 'REKE is able to still score despite the fact that he has been double teamed from DAY ONE is pretty amazing! And if his team mates were hitting their shots, 'Reke would have 7 or 8 assists a game! It's no wonder why Tyreke takes the team on his shoulders and just forces the issue at the end of games. His Team mates have not stepped up to help him in any way!
I have nothing against Curry. I wouldn't mind having him on our team. I think he would be the perfect fit next to Tyreke with his ability to hit the open shot and Tyreke's ability to draw the double team. Which brings me to why I think Tyreke should win it over Curry. Every team we face has its defense designed to stop Tyreke. Not so for Curry. Not so knock on Curry, but Tyreke has to work a lot harder to get his points. And with no one able to hit consistant shots on the Kings, his assists as well.
I agree. Also, Reke has been doing his thing all season. Jennings has faded and Curry and Collison have only upped their games more recently. Reke should win ROY going away.

That doesn't mean Jennings, Curry or Collison won't be fine players, but Evans deserves to be ROY.

(And I fully expect Evans to be better and better.)


The Game Thread Dude
I once thought Reke had it in the bag. I am not so sure now. Curry is making a push and the W's are playing better ball. I think the Kings need to start playing better and start winning some games to keep 'Reke in the lead for ROY. I am not saying that the team's goal should be to get 'Reke the ROY, but if the team plays well, 'Reke WILL get the ROY because when 'Reke plays well the Kings play well. There isn't a lot more to root for this season, so 'Reke getting the ROY is a big deal for us Kings Fans.

Curry might hit a rookie wall soon, and the W's are not wining that much either. Lets hope 'Reke can keep up the great playing and the Kings can start improving. If the Kings go in the tank, I think there is a possibility that 'Reke doesn't get the ROY. That would be sad if the team dragged 'Reke down and he lost out because of the Kings lack of effort. Really the only reason to watch the Kings anymore is because of Tyreke. He is the one player that seems to be putting out max effort every night. I don't understand the players on the Kings that are in cruise control as the car goes over the cliff! You would think that all the Kings players would be playing hard for their NBA lives! I understand errors made because of lack of familiarity or effort errors, but indifference errors are inexcusable!! Poor effort is unconscionable! WTF is going on !!!

Starting tonight the Kings players need to start playing with a sense of urgency! I don't know HOW Paul Westphal can get the players who are not part of the Kings future to play harder, but hopefully he has some way to motivate these players. He has benched players, started players, and moved them to the second string. Some players have responded but most have not. No matter where Hawes plays, he seems to not be motivated. Players like Greene and Casspi should play hard no matter what because they ARE the future of the Kings! Hawes is playing like he thinks he is not. Now without JT, Hawes is going to get a lot of playing time. WHAT he does with the time he will be given will go a long way in determining whether Hawes is a keeper or a clunker. How the HELL does HAWES NOT play like a man with his hair on FIRE !!

HAWES must KNOW this?!? We should see the Max Effort Hawes from here on out right? I understand he is too thin to win, but that should not keep him from hustling and trying as hard as he can to make some kind of difference in the paint. Hawes has to gain 25-30 pounds of muscle to be a player in the NBA. He can't do that during the season, but he CAN control his effort (if he doesn't bulk up this summer, he is a loser either way). I don't care how bad he looks, Hawes needs to give MAX effort in whatever he does from this point forward. THAT will show the coach and ownership that he cares and that he wants to be part of the solution and not part of the problem! Come ON HAWES! I have been one of Hawes's worst critics, but I really thought that he would at least make more effort. There is NOTHING keeping HAWES from making the MAX effort that he can. He needs to pull down 7+ rebounds a game on effort alone! I want to see Hawes succeed. He needs to SHOW the KINGS FANS that he cares and that he wants to play on the KINGS. PLEASE HAWES make your MAX EFFORT NOW! Kings fans want you to succeed! PLEASE TRY YOUR HARDEST NOW!!
I'm not sure what Spencer Hawes has to do with Reke getting ROY. Maybe if he just stops rebounding altogether, Reke can get the requisite rebounds?
Curry will win it, he's hot, and will probably win this month's ROM and also the next 2...Reke started strong and has been consistant, but Curry looks to be an even stronger finisher(stat padder)...which should get him the award.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Curry will win it, he's hot, and will probably win this month's ROM and also the next 2...Reke started strong and has been consistant, but Curry looks to be an even stronger finisher(stat padder)...which should get him the award.

Nah -- he's hot...and putting up similar stats to Reke now. But its an inflated system, and people know that, and he took the first two months of the season off. He can't just match Reke and win the award. He has to rather severely outplay him the rest of the way out. That's before we get to the thing that NBA insiders also know -- Reke is a game changer that people are basing their entire defenses around stopping. Curry is still just a single coverage scat back in a wack system.

Jan: 20.7pts 3.5reb 5.1ast 1.6stl 0.4blk
Feb: 19.5pts 5.6reb 7.4ast 1.5stl 0.3blk

Jan: 19.1pts 4.4reb 5.1ast 2.0stl 0.2blk
Feb: 21.0pts 5.4reb 7.6ast 1.6stl 0.1blk

Its been a virtual statistical dead heat, and this is during Curry's hot months. And Reke obviously dominated the matchup the first half of the year. That's just not going to be enough to turn things. Let alone if Reke acheives the mythical 20-5-5 plateau.
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I think Reke's only worry is if Curry's improved play makes the Warriors look better while the Kings are currently looking hopeless. This can change the whole view of Evans stats.
Nah -- he's hot...and putting up similar stats to Reke now. But its an inflated system, and people know that, and he took the first two months of the season off. He can't just match Reke and win the award. He has to rather severely outplay him the rest of the way out. That's before we get to the thing that NBA insiders also know -- Reke is a game changer that people are basing their entire defenses around stopping. Curry is still just a single coverage scat back in a wack system.

Jan: 20.7pts 3.5reb 5.1ast 1.6stl 0.4blk
Feb: 19.5pts 5.6reb 7.4ast 1.5stl 0.3blk

Jan: 19.1pts 4.4reb 5.1ast 2.0stl 0.2blk
Feb: 21.0pts 5.4reb 7.6ast 1.6stl 0.1blk

Its been a virtual statistical dead heat, and this is during Curry's hot months. And Reke obviously dominated the matchup the first half of the year. That's just not going to be enough to turn things. Let alone if Reke acheives the mythical 20-5-5 plateau.
The 20/5/5 thing could go both ways...if Step continues to play(and pad)at his current level, he too could end up around 20/5/5, nagating the exclusivity of Reke's accomplishment. All this along with Curry's probable winning the ROM this month and tying Reke 2-2 in ROM awards, thus putting him in the driver's seat the last couple months. Reke has a chance to fall way below 20/5/5 as well, especially in the rebound department that is already slipping, and his scoring has gone down as well.
I think Reke's only worry is if Curry's improved play makes the Warriors look better while the Kings are currently looking hopeless. This can change the whole view of Evans stats.
This too!

edit: the Kings are just cursed from winning anything meaningful, even ROY for our 20 yr old franchise player. Your 2010 ROY Stephen Curry.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The 20/5/5 thing could go both ways...if Step continues to play(and pad)at his current level, he too could end up around 20/5/5, nagating the exclusivity of Reke's accomplishment. All this along with Curry's probable winning the ROM this month and tying Reke 2-2 in ROM awards, thus putting him in the driver's seat the last couple months. Reke has a chance to fall way below 20/5/5 as well, especially in the rebound department that is already slipping, and his scoring has gone down as well.

Reke is averaging 5.6 rebs this month. Not sure what fall you are seeing. Had a down month in January. Injuries, disruption maybe. Maybe just a down month.

And Curry would have to average 28pts and 7rebs a game the rest of the way to get to 20-5-5 at this point.

As an aside, the Warriors are 3-8 this month. They dropped their last 5 in January. Not too worried about them surging behind a chuckfest. And Maggette returnign will change things again.
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If everything from now till the end of the season stays similar to what's been happening so far, Curry will be thought of as the super scorer in GS while Reke will win ROY and be thought of as the savior who put his 17-win Sacramento Kings on his shoulders and lift us to... well... however many more wins we'll be getting by then...

Their overall stats will be more or less disregarded, when they are similar. And they'll be looked at for their other achievements.
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jennings is shooting his way out of the competition.. he's a chucker.

steph curry is the second rookie behind tyreke no doubt because of his shooting but he is not a double team threat like reke.. you just need to man up and stick to him and he wont be able to shoot lick if your a good defender. reke on the other hand, you cant stick to him cause hell break you. and if you give him room he has improved that jumpshot (no threepointer but its going to be scary good if he does). and it is really nice to see how these rookies play

if reke continues in his awesome plays and performance its already a lock. is there time for curry to catch up.. yes.. but just like jennings the league will catch up on him guard him more,

lol that draft night some kings must be kicking their heads, grizz for taking thabeet, wiz for giving away their pick (could use that rubio now huh) and the knicks for falling one pick short of curry (that one i loved). not to mention the point guard draft crazy khan that was a great night to be a kings fan too

20/5/5 reke! possible!
This is really not a contest!

Unless Tyreke packs it in completely and/or Curry play out of his mind the rest of the season, Reke will with this thing in a landslide!

ESPECIALLY if he does manage to be a legit 20/5/5 player when the season is over. He needs to pick up his rebounding a little bit to get to that level but he is a good chance of joining that elite company!


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
This is really not a contest!

Unless Tyreke packs it in completely and/or Curry play out of his mind the rest of the season, Reke will with this thing in a landslide!

ESPECIALLY if he does manage to be a legit 20/5/5 player when the season is over. He needs to pick up his rebounding a little bit to get to that level but he is a good chance of joining that elite company!
'Reke and the 20/5/5 milestone - What It Will Take

With only 23 games remaining, I thought it would be interesting to keep an eye on Tyreke and whether or not he can get 20/5/5 for the season. It's not very relevant to anything, but it would be a great personal achievement for him if he could do it. It would also draw some attention to the Kings.

Current averages:

20.4 PPG - 4.9 RPG - 5.4 APG

To get his averages to an even 20/5/5, Reke would have to average the following in the remainder of games (assuming he plays all 23 - otherwise my predictions will be slightly off).

"What's needed" averages:

19.1 PPG - 5.3 RPG - 4 APG

It's very managable. Interesting to keep an eye on as I'm sure people are keen to see if he can reach it.

If people show an interest, I'll update this thread every few games to let you know what his averages will need to be. All depends on the lines he puts up on the coming road trip.

Again, I am not necessarily a stats person, but I thought this would be a worthy thread. We all know just how good Evans is; this is merely an update thread to see if he joins Jordan, LeBron and Oscar. Not bad company for the second-youngest player in the League.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
An easy way to keep track of that BTW is simply to take the totals. Meaning right now:

Reke has played in 54 games

For 20ppg its 20x54 = 1080
For 5reb/ast its 5x54= 270

Reke has:

1100pts (+20 more than he needs)
262rebs (-8 fewer than he needs)
292ast (+22 more than he needs)

So every game you can just take the points/rebs/ast he tallies above or below 20/5/5 and add or subtract it from those +20/-8/+22 margin.

In other words if he has another game like last night where he score 22 (+2) grabs 5rebs (+0) and dishes 3 ast (-2) then after that game he would be at

+20 +2 = +22pts
-8 +0 = -8rebs
+22 -2 = +20ast

and so on. As long as at the end of the year all the totals are at least +0, we have a 20/5/5 winner. What Reek really needs is just one big rebounding game. Grab 11 (+6) in one game or something, and he'd be right there.

Actually that came out as a complex description, but the idea/process really is simplictiy itself. Just addition and subtraction.