Looks like we can both disagree all we want. Like I said earlier there will always be complaints, all I'm saying is that fans and the organization will be more satisfied with an unsung quality player than someone that garners a lot of attention with less results. No way to really know for sure unless we had parallel realities.
EDIT: Actually your position may be more prevalent here, I don't know as I haven't been around here long. I know many Kings fans though and none have ever expressed any sort of concern about individual media coverage for Kings players so maybe it's just a narrow subset of Kings fans that hold it to be so important, possibly internet driven.
Take a look at our membeship numbers. I think we've been exposed to a lot more Kings fans than any one individual could possibly meet unless he/she was taking tickets at Arco every night.
You're new here. I think what you're not understanding is that this board does, in fact, reflect the views of a myriad of Kings fans from all over the world.
What I'm also objecting to is the slightly disparaging tone with which you seem to view the board and our members. Narrow subset of Kings fans? I don't think so.
We're very proud of what we have here, and what we have is the most popular Kings message board on the Internet. Our members come from every walk of life, every age group is represented, both genders are equally active, and we have continually grown, even during the lean years.
So, while I respect your right to have an opinion, I think you need to recognize that as far as this board goes, you're the newbie. You're the one who cannot possibly be as familiar with our membership as are those of us who have been around for a very long time.
Sparky said:
EDIT: I've come to this forum as a Kings fan and was immediately surprised by regular not-so-veiled jabs and insults, rudeness and negativity. I'm trying to stick it out here because guess what- I LOVE THE KINGS- but this sort of negative immaturity just isn't my kind of thing. I'm too old for it.
And there's part of the problem. Instead of working to resolve your issues, whatever they may be, with some of the members, you're immediately starting with insults, etc. That's not going to bode well. And you're not that old.
Just take a deep breath, step back a bit and relax. Don't make quick judgments about us or our members. Learn to get to know us a bit before you decide we're rude, negative, etc. There are boards out there - and some that are no longer around - who thrive on that kind of adversity. We're not one of them.
If we've gotten off on the wrong foot, that can be repaired. But only if you keep characterizations and personalizations out of the equations.
Most of us are here because we love the Kings. Some of us (hey, tradepeja!
) cannot manage to get along very well at all but we find a way because of that common thread. Give it a chance.