Race for ROY - revised title


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Anyone else watching the Bucks right now? Jennings is ON FIRE!

Edit: And he just broke Kareem's rookie scoring record!
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Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
The first game between Sacramento and Milwaukee this season is Saturday, December 19. Some quick-thinking young exec with NBA TV needs to push for an immediate change to their programming schedule.


remember how cocky he was during the pre draft workouts but damn who knew he would be so good so fast


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
That was amazing to watch. Dude's just fearless. No one can stay in front of him, he drilled just about every jump shot he took, (funky leg-kick fade away motion and all) and he was feeding Bogut and making him look like a star center. He basically won that game for Milwaukee by himself. When he hit that last big three to push it to 53 and all but ice the game for the Bucks, I was flipping out. Very impressive. One of the best single game performances from any player I've ever seen. Ever.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Hmm..the next 3 games are not terribly promising for a Reke response -- probably going to have to face Salmons vs. Chicago, JKidd, and then the Rockets again with Ariza and some experience. Until we solve the Beno issue, I don't think anybody is going to let him beat up on their minis anymore. But then we hit a nice stretch with Memphis, New York and New Jersey, and he might be able to average 60 for the week running through that tissue paper. Then New Orleans, possibly still without CP3, uptempo non defensive teams in Indiana and Phoenix...Jennings has thrown down the gauntlet (and damn Westphal for calling off Reke when we crunched those Warriors last week :p), but it ain't over yet.
He has been the best rookie so far even without this 50+ point performance!!

I think his success is a great ad for Euroleague and killer for NCAA. Obviously, I am hyperbolizing now but Jennings proved to many people that 1 year in Euroleague is better than 1 .. ok, may be even 2 or 3 years in college.
I know it might be a bit premature, but it looks like we got the second best guard in this draft :(
Way premature. It takes more than scoring. I admit, Jennings could very well be the best this year, but once Reke gets that Jumpshot, look out. He's a whole 'nother kind of point guard. Who would you rather have, Iverson or a bigger Walt Frazier?
If Jennings keeps this up he won't only be the ROY but also a all star. Seriously if this kid keeps the Bucks above .500 while putting up these kind of numbers he deserves to make the all star team.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I think his success is a great ad for Euroleague and killer for NCAA. Obviously, I am hyperbolizing now but Jennings proved to many people that 1 year in Euroleague is better than 1 .. ok, may be even 2 or 3 years in college.
Absolutely. He got better preparation for the professional game, a head start on marketing opportunities (Under Armour contract), more time in the weight room, and he got paid to do it. Seems like a no brainer to me. It isn't the best thing for every player -- Jennings worked really hard to make it work-- but it's ridiculous to force kids to go to college for one year when they're already good enough to be professional basketball players. And look at everything that happened in the NCAA last year-- recruiting scandals all over the place. All sorts of money is being moved under the table. At least with Jennings the money was going where it should go.
Not that it really matters, but Jennings didn't set the Bucks rookie scoring record- Redd scored 57 his rookie year, so Kareem's record was already broken. Not that it isn't impressive anyways, and not that Jennings might not just go ahead and score 60 before the year is out.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I hope we will not turn this thread into We should have drafted him because he is better than Evans.
You know, I thought Brandon Jennings should be our guy a whole year before the draft happened because I thought he was clearly the best player of that draft class. And even though I've been hyping him from day one and I loved watching him explode for 55 points tonight, I'm also a big believer in team chemistry and I don't think you can swap Jennings with Reke and say their numbers would be the same. He's in a situation now in Milwaukee where he has to score to keep that team afloat and that plays right into his strengths as a player. Both teams have won four games in a row. Tyreke is beasting on teams in his own way and putting our team in a position to win. I certainly don't take that for granted. I would have been mad if we drafted Rubio, but I thought at the time that Evans had about as much potential to be great as Jennings and I still think he does. And my 2 cents on the matter: I don't think the ROY race is over yet. I think it's just getting started.

Not that it really matters, but Jennings didn't set the Bucks rookie scoring record- Redd scored 57 his rookie year, so Kareem's record was already broken. Not that it isn't impressive anyways, and not that Jennings might not just go ahead and score 60 before the year is out.
Redd scored 57 in 2006. He wasn't a rookie. I watched the game -- the announcers were on it. They said when Jennings was at 50 that he was 1 point away, and then he hit that huge three (his, gulp, seventh of the game).
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Not that it really matters, but Jennings didn't set the Bucks rookie scoring record- Redd scored 57 his rookie year, so Kareem's record was already broken. Not that it isn't impressive anyways, and not that Jennings might not just go ahead and score 60 before the year is out.
Not likely -- only 1 more game against the Warriors. ;)

Let's put it this way -- starting center for the Warriors tonight? Mikki Moore. :p