"SNEEK PEEK" of Brandon Jennings and Johnny Flynn


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
The question was also referencing the fact that Rubio hasn't scheduled workouts with any teams and Jennings and Flynn just finished a competitive "winner takes all" PG workout for the team with the #4 pick who desperately needs a young PG. "Why don't you think Rubio is working out for teams right now like you guys are?" How do you really expect him to answer that question? And then "Do you think maybe Rubio is all hype?" Is Brandon Jennings a scout? No, he's a 19 year old basketball player and right now everyone is talking about how Rubio is the number 2 pick in the draft and Jennings could go anywhere from 4th to 14th. Obviously he feels like he has to prove himself while Rubio is getting a free ride. He could have kept his mouth shut, sure. Whatever. I'm more interested in which is the better basketball player.
Am I the only one who has to wonder why Amick would even ask a loaded question like that? Maybe I'm off-base but to me it seemed as though he was well aware what the possible answer would be and was looking to shake things up.

No way. Amick gave him a softball question about how Jennings thought Rubio compares and Jennings started running off a list of guys that are better than him and how Rubio shouldn't even be a top pick.

Look at Johnny Flynn during that time period. He's looking at Jennings like "WTF are you doing!" Probably because he's a good and respectful guy. I doubt any other draft pick would answer Amicks question the way Jennings did.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Sorry but asking someone how they think another player compares is NOT a softball question. It's a loaded question...with pitfalls and sand traps and all kinds of ways to trip yourself up and give the wrong impression to fans who might think you're full of yourself. It's a pretty old journalist's trick. I'm sorry Jennings fell for it.


You know when I heard about the video I was ready to write the guy off, but it wasn't that bad. I think he sounds confident, which is what you need at this level. If you don't think you are an elite athlete then you don't belong in the nba.

Honestly, I have some of the same questions he does about Rubio. The problem here is he is a 19 y/o kid with a camera shoved in his face. How many of you have ever said harsh words about a co-worker. The difference between him and you is that you are mature and know not to talk on camera. He said his team beat flynn, so what? It isn't as bad as the bee wants you to believe.
Sorry but asking someone how they think another player compares is NOT a softball question. It's a loaded question...with pitfalls and sand traps and all kinds of ways to trip yourself up and give the wrong impression to fans who might think you're full of yourself. It's a pretty old journalist's trick. I'm sorry Jennings fell for it.
"He's a great player and has accomplished a lot. His style is totally different than mine. It's be up to each GM to decide which style they feel is best for their team and the NBA" Whatever. Total softball question

Yeah, Jennings fell for the "trick" but it's not like Amick pushed him over an over again until he finally said what he said. He ran his mouth at first chance.

I dunno, I like Amick's work and I think blaming him is unfair.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm simply voicing my opinion. I could be totally wrong. I've seen the same thing done before, though, and a good journalist can tell what kind of question to ask to get certain responses. Did Amick do it? I don't know but I think some people were over-reacting to what Jennings said and I was merely pointing out something I thought they should consider.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
It was a fairly straightforward question, and even a fair one given that Jennings is about the only guy who has actually seen Rubio up close and personal. If he had just answered it and left it, no biggee. But he had to go on and on which was the nose wrinkling part. But maturity has been one of the biggest questions about Jennings all along.


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"He's a great player and has accomplished a lot. His style is totally different than mine. It's be up to each GM to decide which style they feel is best for their team and the NBA" Whatever. Total softball question

Yeah, Jennings fell for the "trick" but it's not like Amick pushed him over an over again until he finally said what he said. He ran his mouth at first chance.

I dunno, I like Amick's work and I think blaming him is unfair.
Agreed. And more to the point, Jennings needed no prompting the second time when he expanded on his earlier comments. I don't particularly care that he badmouthed Rubio - I'm really intrigued by Ricky but have plenty of unanswered questions myself - but it is yet another indication that he has maturity issues.

The book on Jennings out of high school was that he had a real arrogance and sense of entitlement. Two positive articles from his time in Italy gave me the impression that he'd gotten a wake up call and had changed his behavior for the better, namely the ESPN piece. But now I watch him and still have major concerns about the way he carries himself. Those aren't questions you want to have about the PG that you are going to entrust with running your team.

Flynn on the other hand continues to show me something every time I see him. I continue to be fully onboard with him at #4 if that's the direction Geoff decides to go.
The question was also referencing the fact that Rubio hasn't scheduled workouts with any teams and Jennings and Flynn just finished a competitive "winner takes all" PG workout for the team with the #4 pick who desperately needs a young PG. "Why don't you think Rubio is working out for teams right now like you guys are?" How do you really expect him to answer that question? And then "Do you think maybe Rubio is all hype?" Is Brandon Jennings a scout? No, he's a 19 year old basketball player and right now everyone is talking about how Rubio is the number 2 pick in the draft and Jennings could go anywhere from 4th to 14th. Obviously he feels like he has to prove himself while Rubio is getting a free ride. He could have kept his mouth shut, sure. Whatever. I'm more interested in which is the better basketball player.
Ricky Rubio has been scouted far more thoroughly than Jennings has, and has played against higher competition for a lot longer than he has. So yes, it stands to reason that Jennings should have more to prove than Rubio. Also, Rubio has a lot of contractual concerns that justifies his need to be more strategic with his workouts.
You know when I heard about the video I was ready to write the guy off, but it wasn't that bad. I think he sounds confident, which is what you need at this level. If you don't think you are an elite athlete then you don't belong in the nba.

Honestly, I have some of the same questions he does about Rubio. The problem here is he is a 19 y/o kid with a camera shoved in his face. How many of you have ever said harsh words about a co-worker. The difference between him and you is that you are mature and know not to talk on camera. He said his team beat flynn, so what? It isn't as bad as the bee wants you to believe.
All the players in the draft are pumping themselves up and trying to come off as confident. However, no one else feels the need to talk crap on the other prospects, least of all specific prospects.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Ricky Rubio has been scouted far more thoroughly than Jennings has, and has played against higher competition for a lot longer than he has. So yes, it stands to reason that Jennings should have more to prove than Rubio. Also, Rubio has a lot of contractual concerns that justifies his need to be more strategic with his workouts.
Sure, I understand Rubio's point of view. And if you're a guaranteed top 4 pick, why should you work out for more teams? No one cares that Blake Griffin isn't working out for other teams. But actually, Rubio isn't working out for anybody, just conducting interviews which seems a little suspicious to me. Even Harden and Evans are at least doing solo workouts.

But more to the point, the only opinion Jennings can offer on Rubio is what he's seen playing him, which was exactly once for limited minutes and Rubio was injured. I'm sure it does look like all hype to him. Why do I have to work out against all these guys to prove I'm in the same league and Rubio doesn't have to? Plus there's the fact that Jennings already knows all these guys from playing against them in High School All-Star games. They're all his peers. Rubio is an outsider who plays in a different country, he's younger than all of them, and he's supposedly uber-talented. Wouldn't that sound like hype to you to? Even if the hype is coming from professional basketball scouts?
Sure, I understand Rubio's point of view. And if you're a guaranteed top 4 pick, why should you work out for more teams? No one cares that Blake Griffin isn't working out for other teams. But actually, Rubio isn't working out for anybody, just conducting interviews which seems a little suspicious to me. Even Harden and Evans are at least doing solo workouts.

But more to the point, the only opinion Jennings can offer on Rubio is what he's seen playing him, which was exactly once for limited minutes and Rubio was injured. I'm sure it does look like all hype to him. Why do I have to work out against all these guys to prove I'm in the same league and Rubio doesn't have to? Plus there's the fact that Jennings already knows all these guys from playing against them in High School All-Star games. They're all his peers. Rubio is an outsider who plays in a different country, he's younger than all of them, and he's supposedly uber-talented. Wouldn't that sound like hype to you to? Even if the hype is coming from professional basketball scouts?

Well put....


Rubio just does not impress me. I think at best he will be like J-will or Beno. Sorry to those of you that love him and the hype.


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Sure, I understand Rubio's point of view. And if you're a guaranteed top 4 pick, why should you work out for more teams? No one cares that Blake Griffin isn't working out for other teams. But actually, Rubio isn't working out for anybody, just conducting interviews which seems a little suspicious to me. Even Harden and Evans are at least doing solo workouts.

But more to the point, the only opinion Jennings can offer on Rubio is what he's seen playing him, which was exactly once for limited minutes and Rubio was injured. I'm sure it does look like all hype to him. Why do I have to work out against all these guys to prove I'm in the same league and Rubio doesn't have to? Plus there's the fact that Jennings already knows all these guys from playing against them in High School All-Star games. They're all his peers. Rubio is an outsider who plays in a different country, he's younger than all of them, and he's supposedly uber-talented. Wouldn't that sound like hype to you to? Even if the hype is coming from professional basketball scouts?
Again, my issue has nothing to do with the fact that he's talking about Rubio. It's about how he conducts himself. Johnny Flynn is only 7 months older than Jennings, but he acts much more mature which is what you want out of a PG.

I've read a number of interviews with Flynn and he's often asked about other PGs and has yet to say something insulting whereas this isn't the first time Jennings has run his mouth about other players. Let's not forget that he has proved exactly nothing on the NBA level himself.
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You know when I heard about the video I was ready to write the guy off, but it wasn't that bad. I think he sounds confident, which is what you need at this level. If you don't think you are an elite athlete then you don't belong in the nba.

Honestly, I have some of the same questions he does about Rubio. The problem here is he is a 19 y/o kid with a camera shoved in his face. How many of you have ever said harsh words about a co-worker. The difference between him and you is that you are mature and know not to talk on camera. He said his team beat flynn, so what? It isn't as bad as the bee wants you to believe.
Never. Other than to the closest of friends or family. Why, because I knew it would be a stupid thing to do and not likely to do any good for anyone and especially not for me.

I agree that it was a provocative question from Amick, but that's part of what reporters are paid to do. Try and get the quote that the person probably shouldn't have made.
Again, my issue has nothing to do with the fact that he's talking about Rubio. It's about how he conducts himself. Johnny Flynn is only 7 months older than Jennings, but he acts much more mature which is what you want out of a PG.

I've read a number of interviews with Flynn and he's often asked about other PGs and has yet to say something insulting whereas this isn't the first time Jennings has run his mouth about other players. Let's not forget that he has proved exactly nothing on the NBA level himself.
Well to me, talking trash about someone else is part of "how you conduct yourself." The way to sell yourself to potential employers is not by criticizing the competition. You can downplay someone else by just pointing out what you can do/contribute and why you think you're the right choice. I do agree that Flynn seems much more mature and in control of himself .


Nothing this guy said is as bad as the media is making it out to be. My Kings #1 priority is to pick the player that will make the kings winners. Being a nice guy is a lower priority. Let's not make Jennings out to be the next OJ.
Nothing this guy said is as bad as the media is making it out to be. My Kings #1 priority is to pick the player that will make the kings winners. Being a nice guy is a lower priority. Let's not make Jennings out to be the next OJ.
Who's doing that? Don't go overboard in your representation of what people saying. After all, a lot of people outside of kingsfans.com have questioned his maturity.


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Well to me, talking trash about someone else is part of "how you conduct yourself."
That was exactly my point.

Nothing this guy said is as bad as the media is making it out to be. My Kings #1 priority is to pick the player that will make the kings winners. Being a nice guy is a lower priority. Let's not make Jennings out to be the next OJ.
I don't think he's a horrible person. I just think he's still the bratty kid that he was coming out of highschool. That's not who I want running my team.


Honestly, how many NBA player do you actually know? Who is to say which players are immature from 5 min clips. Have any of you saying these things about this 19 y/o kid actually ever talked to him? Just be cautious about judging people, that is all I'm saying.
Sure, I understand Rubio's point of view. And if you're a guaranteed top 4 pick, why should you work out for more teams? No one cares that Blake Griffin isn't working out for other teams. But actually, Rubio isn't working out for anybody, just conducting interviews which seems a little suspicious to me. Even Harden and Evans are at least doing solo workouts.

But more to the point, the only opinion Jennings can offer on Rubio is what he's seen playing him, which was exactly once for limited minutes and Rubio was injured. I'm sure it does look like all hype to him. Why do I have to work out against all these guys to prove I'm in the same league and Rubio doesn't have to? Plus there's the fact that Jennings already knows all these guys from playing against them in High School All-Star games. They're all his peers. Rubio is an outsider who plays in a different country, he's younger than all of them, and he's supposedly uber-talented. Wouldn't that sound like hype to you to? Even if the hype is coming from professional basketball scouts?
Okay, if that's the case then he's either an idiot, a hypocrite, or xenophobic. How can he on one hand claim that he's matured so much playing against grown men and being a pro and then on the other hand think Rubio is hyped when he's been a pro and playing against that competition (with much more playing time and responsibility) for a lot longer than Jennings has? Explain to me how that's not a blatant double standard.

I've already quoted Jennings proving that he knew Rubio was at an extreme disadvantage that game. He wasn't like, "he seems talented, but I haven't seen much of him at full strength." He was more like, "he definitely is hyped because of this, this, and this" and this, this, and this were completely stupid reasons.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Wait. You're saying none of us can really judge a pro player and then you're pretty much making a blanket condemnation of Rubio?