Grades v. Lakers 04/07

What would it take to make you a Lakers fan?

  • The Kings leave Sacramento

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Vlade becomes their new head coach

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $1 million dollars

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • $1 billion dollars

    Votes: 15 19.7%
  • Get to sit next to Jack for life

    Votes: 3 3.9%
  • Get to live at the Playboy Mansion for life

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • If you don't, forced to eat nothing but brussel sprouts and anchioves for life

    Votes: 3 3.9%
  • A free pair of silicon implants

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Hell freezes over

    Votes: 35 46.1%

  • Total voters
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
You have to look at this one this way: the Lakers tonight got drafted into helping our rebuilding effort.

Kings stat of the night BTW: the Kings shot 7-30 from 3pt land. Why we took 30 chucks, other than the presence of Donte on the court? Do not know.

Theme: ok, were three possible ways to go on this one. One, Pretty Girls are clearly called for, but it would have to be a special crew in "honor" of how riled up people get by this matchup. And I am not sure I have left myself any "even prettier girls" in the hopper. Thought about chucking my all not prevoiously used girls rule, and just going back to the beginning and putting up the absolute hottest of the hot all in one thread, or making it into an all time list with the all time famous ladies like Marilyn etc. (Liked the Whedon suggestion BTW, in that it was suggested by somebody other than me and there were natural hot guys to include, but I have literally used just about every single one of the "Whedon babes", and Angel as well in the past year+, so I would be retreading. If we get two more blowouts to finsih this season though may do it anyway.)

So that left option #2, where I slip my history professor hat back on for "Great Historical Turning Points", in honor of us maybe turning the corner here this summer, in much the same way Great Construction Projects were in honor of the rebuild. And option #3, which is something a little less esoteric and closer to home and may be better comfort food (or not, given how much of it has been done). So theme will be: Successful Rebuilds: How the Top Teams Turned It Around

Nocioni ( C- ) -- ok, everybody was bombing in the early going, and nobody more than Noc, who had 8 points in the first 6 mintues, including two open threes and a flying drive down the lane since the Lakers weren't stopping anything early. Ariza was countering back the other way though, and Noc grew very quiet in the second quarter as the Lakers opened this one up. Nothing changed at half, as the early charge got exposed for being just that: an early charge based on a rush of emotion. And Noc, who opened up killing the Lakers, was himself killed by the end. 8 points in the first 6 minutes, only 2 for the rest of the game, and finished the night 4-13 from the field, and losing the battle to Ariza.

New Orleans Hornets
Nadir: 18-64 (2004-05)
Current: 48-29
Key Personnel: Chris Paul, David West, Tyson Chandler, Peja Stojakovic, Byron Scott
Key Transactions: Drafted David West #18 overall in 2003; Signed Byron Scott as head coach 2004; drafted Chris Paul #4 overall in 2005; Signed Peja Stojakovic to FA contract summer 2006; traded J.R. Smith + picks for Tyson Chandler summer 2006
How it worked: Well, it wouldn't without the drafting of Chris Paul -- that is always the trick to most rises to the top. Gotta find that star, normally near the top of the draft (and the Hornets only drafted #4 despite being 18-64, but stilll came up wiht their franchise guy). But they made a committment to a good coach back the year before they drafted CP3, already had a slow developing sleeper in David West from the 2003 draft, and with those cornerstones in place, got aggressive and opened up the pocketbooks in 2006 to add the interior rebounder/defender (Chandler) and outside marksman (Peja) that they needed to complete the puzzle.
How we compare: we are somewhere a ways back, like the Hornets were in 2003 or 2004 maybe, but in somewhat better position. We may have more young talent on the frontline than the Hornets did with West alone, but do not yet have the coach they signed in 2004, nor the star from the draft they drafted in 2005. Certainly we totally lack the rebounding/defensive type roleplayers they have been filling in around the edges as they got serious -- Chandler, Butler, Posey etc.
Question: Is Kevin a seperator between the two franchises at similar stages -- in essence meaning that we don't have to go out and sign Peja because he's already here? Or is he like Baron Davis was for the Hornets in 2003? The former (and still young) star that would eventually be moved for the new regime to take hold.

Thompson ( B+ ) -- powered inside in the early going as we hit the Lakers with this crew's best punch, but began to slow in the second quarter as the Lakers made adjustments, including one to actually guard him. Ended up sitting for a long spell as Natt started to smallball us to death. Got active again in the third, and benefitted from several Spencer hi-lo passes to him on the interior for little finishes. Still no presence inside for most of the night, but did come up with a couple of nice little hustle blocks to supplement Spencer. Felt like he got the better of Odom, although it was basically a statistical standoff. Difference, if there was one not in my head, was that it felt like Jason was getting his numbers through, and over, Odom more often than Odom was doing things in direct competition with Jason. But of course Odom's team won, he was very very efficient, and while Jason's offensive rebounding was exciting, Odom's work on the defensive glass is often more important for winning. So maybe just best to call it a draw.

Orlando Magic
Nadir: 21-61 (2003-04)
Current: 57-20
Key Personnel: Dwight Howard, Rashard Lewis, Hedo Turkoglu, Jameer Nelson, Stan Van Gundy
Key Transactions: Drafted Dwight Howard #1 overall in 2004; Traded for draft rights to Jameer Nelson #20 overall in 2004; Signed Hedo Turkoglu to FA contract summer 2004; Signed Rashard Lewis to FA contract summer 2007; Signed Stan Van Gundy as head coach 2007;
How it worked: In the classic pattern, the Magic drafted their superstar coming off their worst year (21-61 in '03-'04), jettisoned their old star (TMac), and then began constucting a team around Howard. In 2007 they found the coach to bring it all together, literally stealing him right out from under our noses after we had him in town to talk contract. Like the Hornets, they went to the FA market to horribly overpay for a 2nd tier player to play designated shooter (Lewis). But as they are now a 60 win team running with the big boys, it was worth it.
How we compare: this comparison is a stretch, beause we still have not accomplished the first thing the Magic did -- found our star. But certainly the rest of our personnel are considerably more advanced than were the holdover players around Dwight in his first year, so if by some miracle we came up with a superstar it could come together for us quicker than it did for Orlando, who still had to find all the appropriate support staff.
Question: You could ask the Kevin question here as well -- is he like TMac? The guy who gets moved as the rebuild kicks? Or is he an accelerant as a built in #2 or #3 guy to support an incoming star? Question #2 of course is whether this draft is going to provide any stars to build around at all.

Hawes ( A- ) -- came out dueling with Pau early as both he and Jason got off to great energetic starts. Was on the glass, hit a three, then started finishing inside. Was not really slowing Gasol's inside work however as they scored back and forth in there. As Jason began to fade a little, and so did the whole team actually, Spence kept it rolling in the second quarter and had himself a very strong first half, inside, with jumpers, on the boards. 13 and 9 before the break. Was not able to slow Gasol, and the two basically neutralized each other, but sitll, you'll take that against a guy of Gasol's caliber. Started off the 3rd with a couple of active hustle blocks, and kept on scoring. Once scored a hoop at the end of the thrid after Odom tried to save a ball along the baseline by throwing it off Spence, but the ball smacked the side of his face and stayed in as he scooped it up for the gimme layup. I was very close to going straight A with this one. In fact I would go so far as to say that this might be the best game Spencer Hawes has played, when you take into account attitude, production, opponent, "big game" etc.. This was maybe the first time Spencer has ever really looked like a dominant center out there. Not a promising one. Or one who dominated for a few minutes, but one ready to play in a "big game" against big opponents and be rock solid for you. In the end though, broke the minus back out. We got blown out, our defense was shredded again, and nobody shredded us as badly as Spencer's man. It was an impressive performance in all other ways, but if Spencer, or we, think we are ever going to be anything other than losers in this league allowing 122 points as people run over us inside, he is kidding himself. Very encouraging game, but he may have still lost the battle inside vs. his opponent, so A- it was.

Utah Jazz
Nadir: 26-56 (2004-05)
Current: 47-30
Key Personnel: Deron Williams, Carlos Boozer, Mehmet Okur, Andrei Kirilenko, Jerry Sloan
Key Transactions: Signed Jerry Sloan as head coach in Late Cretaceous Period; Drafted Andrei Kirilenko #24 overall in 1999; Signed Carlos Boozer to FA contract summer 2004; Signed Mehmet Okur to FA contract summer 2004; Drafted Deron Williams #3 overall in 2005;
How it worked: You could say that the Jazz inverted eveything, acquiring their most important piece last -- you will note everybody was already there during the 26-56 campaign that netted them Deron in the 05 draft, and that it was really the addition of the young stud PG that brought it all together and sent them on the rise. But its probably more true to say that the real core of the team was already there, and had been since the 1980s -- the Jazz are basically the only team in the league built around their coach.
How we compare: well, if you accept the built around Sloan hypothesis, then the Jazz rebuild is how we might have done it had we kept Rick around as our own institutional coach. But obviously we did not and are going to have to start all over on the coaching front, so if that's the Jazz reality we are not even at stage one. But if you think that Deron is the guy, not Sloan, then you could draw a shaky comparison to the Jazz roster in 04-05 (pre Deron) with our current roster -- they had two young bigs (theirs were free agents, ours are drafted) and a longterm holdover star who would have to learn to take a back seat (AK47/Kevin), and needed only to draft a young star PG to bring them all together. If you are a Rubio believer and ignore that Kevin is about his offensive numbers while AK47 is the glue guy, you can almost see it. Draft Rubio to be our guy, have it coalesce...but of course even if that's true we still need to find the bigtime coach as well to make it work.
Question: Well, can Rubio be a Deron? Can any of the other PGs? And who is that coach?
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Cisco ( B ) -- actually got the better of Kobe for a bit early before he got wild and Kobe said enough. Wasn't just the scoring as he repeatedly beat the Lakers defense with passes as well. But slowed as Kobe began to attack (although Cisco was increasingly covering other guys) and even as he was dueling with Kobe in the early 3rd with both teams running up and down scoring at will you could see the seeds of destruction sown -- got wilder, took dumber and dumber shots, took more and more chances on defense, and in general his poor little brain cell needed a timeout. But it wasn't effort related -- people saying we did not try this game were watching a differnet game. Cisco tried, he competed. It just so happens that he was matched against a slightly better player, a slightly better team, and has the brains of a turnip. But it wasn't for lack of effort. And for the portion of this game while we were competitive and challenging the Lakers, Cisco was there in the heart of it.

Boston Celtics
Nadir: 24-58 (2006-07)
Current: 58-19
Key Personnel: Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, Rajon Rondo, Doc Rivers
Key Transactions: Drafted Paul Pierce #10 overall in 1998 (after we passed on him for JWill); Signed Doc Rivers as head coach in 2004; Traded for draft rights to Rajon Rondo #21 overall in 2006 (after we passed on him for Douby); traded the #5 pick and filler for Ray Allen summer 2007; traded Al Jefferson and everything that wasn't nailed down for Kevin Garnett summer 2007
How it worked: Such a notorious case it hardly needs explanation -- Paul Pierce was the longtime suffering franchise player while the Celtics piled up draft picks and actively tanked go after Greg Oden. When the tank did not work out, they recovered brilliantly, swapping out the entire team aside from Pierce and two youngsters to fill out the starting lineup (Rondo and Perkins) for two perenial All-Stars hungry for a title. They also did well just sitting around waiting for us to miss on our draft picks and scooping up championship starters as a result.
How we compare: what they accomplished was unique and has nothing to do wiht our rebuild, but just for fun, this would be the way it would work for us. You need to find All-Star players in unsatisfactory losing conditions (unsatisfactory for both the team and the player). I can think of 5 basically -- Amare, Bosh, Carter, Arenas and Baron. So holdover = Kevin, Spencer and either Noc or Cisco. Trade the #1 pick this year along with Cisco or Noc + whatever else is needed to match contracts (but remember, we are well under the cap so can take extra contract back) and change for either Baron Davis or Gilbert Arenas. Trade Jason Thompson and a package of many other assets (Beno, KT's ender, Donte whatever) for either Chris Bosh or Amare Stoudemire. Enter next season with Arenas/Baron, Kevin, Noc or Cisco, Amare/Bosh, Hawes. Construct bench entirely out of scrubs and cheap free agents. Thta is how Boston did it to get their "Big Three". Of course they had a true franchise player (Pierce) in place, and we only have Kevin. They had a former coach of the year in palce. We only have Natt. And they were going after hungry veteran HOF type guys, while our targets would be various younger stars with shaky defense and/or attitudes. But that is what it would look like since we are comparing.
Question: Would it be a pipe dream or a pipe nightmare?

Udrih ( B- ) -- nothing great in the first half, but I think his minutes were more limited than they should have been. His own numbers were modest, but we were better with him at the point than the Bobby/McCants combo. Came on toward the end of the third, doing his simple dribble to open spots for the shrot jumper thing, and creating several passes as well. There was no defensive issues at all with the awful Fisher/Farmar combo tonight (they combined for 2-14 shooting) but Vujacic and Shannon Brown of all people had their moments. Was still getting minutes late in this one as Natt either benched the BJax/McCants combo for incompetence or because they were struggling with their injuries. Was not great, but won his matchups. Can't say we lost this one because of Beno.

Portland Trailblazers
Nadir: 21-61 (2005-06)
Current: 49-28
Key Personnel: Brandon Roy, LaMarcus Aldridge, Greg Oden, Nate McMillan
Key Transactions: Signed Nate McMillan as head coach in 2005; Traded for draft rights to LaMarcus Aldridge #2 overall in 2006; Traded for draft rights to Brandon Roy #6 overall in 2006; Drafted Greg Oden #1 overall in 2007;
How it worked: Through incredibly aggressive GMing. The list of transactions there is only the tip of the iceberg. They got lucky to get the #1 to land Oden, but the rest of the time they have created their own luck, trading draft picks, swapping them, buying them, and in the process acquiring young talent after young talent -- Aldridge, Roy, Oden, Travis Outlaw, Martell Webster, Sergio Rodriguez, Nicholas Batum, Jerryd Bayless, Rudy Fernandez etc.
How we compare: well, we've been rather badly out-GMed by these guys for years now, but you could say that our three best pieces are the same as the Blazers three best pieces (SG, C and PF) and that we "merely" lack the half dozen or so other young talents. And the coach. The big defensive centers...the All Star SG who makes everybody better...oh, and about 30 wins this season.
Question: So given that if you added up the stats of the Blazers' core trio, and added up the stats of oiur core trio, the numbers would likely come out pretty close, why is it exactly that we are so pathetic and they are in the thick of the playoff race for homecourt advantage? Intangibles? Defense? Caring about winning rather than merely shooting?

Jackson ( D- ) -- had the energy, but did not help at all in this one. Could not hit his shots, but took them anyway, joining Donte in particular in an ugly chuckfest. Not quick enough to stay in front of Farmar and friends on the other end.

Cleveland Cavaliers
Nadir: 17-65 (2002-03)
Current: 62-15
Key Personnel: LeBron James, LeBron James, LeBron James, Zydrunas Ilguaskas, Maurice Williams, Mike Brown
Key Transactions: Drafted Zydrunas Ilgauskas #20 overall in 1996; Drafted LeBron James #1 overall in 2003; Signed Mike Brown as head coach in 2005; traded a couple of expirings for Maurice Williams summer 2008
How it worked: Well, they drafted LeBron James. Funny how that works. More than in any other sport, a single player in basketball can transform a team, and the Cavs got bad at the right time (when they went 17-65 there was LeBron waiting for them) and ended up with just about the best. Throw in a longtime holdover 7'3" center and a committment to defense led by the new coach, and success was guaranteed no matter how incompetent the people you put around them.
How we compare: well, if we can just draft a LeBron in this draft, I think we will be just fine. the difference between winning and losing can really be that simple. Take out LeBron from the Cavs, and Kevin from the Kings, and our remaining players are at least as talented as the Cavs remaining guys. But our remaining guys aren't tough, defensive minded vets, but rather young offensive obsessed chuckers. And the #1 guy the Cavs rely on might be the #1 guy in the whole world, while the #1 guy we rely on is probably not Top 30.
Question: So how does one get their hands on a LeBron anyway?
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Greene ( D ) -- hit his first three off the bench with his feet set, but fell back into his too common trap of not being able to figure out what else to do and just kept chucking them. finally got a stanard +1 3pt play when he committed an obvious charge on Walton that was not called, and drove on abck to back possessions in the early 4th, but other than that jsut another night of senseless chucking. Be one thing if he ever hit them. But its just brick after brick out there, and it never stops him. Took 7 in 21 minutes. Made 1. At that pace he would have chucked 13 if he had gotten Cisco's 39 minutes. Walton generally proved too clever for him on the other end, adn as usual not much ont he glass or in the passing game.

McCants ( D+ ) -- came in off the bench aggressive, both firing and driving and dishing to teammates. had a big slashing drive along the beseline for the dunk, and was a physical presence. But slowed therafter, and his play odwn the stretch of the second quarter did not help us in any way. Missed shots, got burned by Kobe. Had an open court turnover. Oddly never returned after half. The late seocnd quarter was a struggle, but it still seemed conspicuous given that we needed a burst of scoring and it was not like anybody else was getting it done. Wonder if he reaggravated the ankle?

Simmons ( INC ) -- three minutes of garbagetime. Did not struggle as bad as last time, but in his brief minutes did have the supreme dishonor of having Sasha Vujacic dunk in his face. Sasha Vujacic.

Diogu ( INC ) -- the same three minutes Simmons got. Able to score inside this time. Nothing else.
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Yay we lost a game to the freaking lakers when we already had the worst record in the league in a weak draft with no superstar player, and had our arena trashed by laker fans! But hey, atleast we got another lin:rolleyes:


Hall of Famer
Tell the lakers to **** the lakers. We don't need help from the likes of them.

Haha. True dat.

The Good:
JT and Hawes were pretty beastly against the Lakers allstar level frontline. Didnt really slow them at all...But got theirs.

The Bad:
I dunno if we can trick Don Nelson into taking Greene for Randolph anymore.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
In honor of the lack of heart this team has showed at times recently, how about a famous movie androids/robots?

Fembots, Robbie, Bishop, Lenore, etc. - there are lots and lots of options!
How about to honor Jordan, Robinson and Stockton making it to the HOF, we get a theme based on them in hopes that the Kings could ever get talent on that level.

...or a ladies of Joss Whedon theme, with a couple of Angel and Spike for the ladies.


Disgruntled Kings Fan
I have a theme idea, worst concessions at arenas?

Longest tenured Kings fans at games?

Players with bad attitudes?

Players that you would let your daughter marry?


Super Moderator Emeritus
How about to honor Jordan, Robinson and Stockton making it to the HOF, we get a theme based on them in hopes that the Kings could ever get talent on that level.

...or a ladies of Joss Whedon theme, with a couple of Angel and Spike for the ladies.
I really like that idea, especially the part about Angel and Spike!!!


Super Moderator Emeritus
you guys seriously wouldn't consider 1 billion dollars to be a Lakers fan?
There are some things you simply cannot put a price tag on... There isn't enough money in the world. It reminds me of a line from a movie that goes something like, "It's not a matter of whether you'll sell your soul or not. We've already established that you will. Now we're just haggling over price."

Well, I'm not selling my soul.

Look at it this way -- for a billion dollars you could buy the Lakers and disband them. :p
That wouldn't make you a Laker fan and you wouldn't get 1 billion dollars then. How about we just move the Lakers to Sacramento? We'll get the billion dollars while being a Sacramento Lakers fan.
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