Griffin or Rubio????

Griffin or Rubio with Kings #1??

  • Blake Griffin

    Votes: 40 47.1%
  • Ricky Rubio

    Votes: 45 52.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
that line ups not bad by any means but id like to bring in a #1 scoring option and have martin there as our 2nd. That + a quality PG would take us right back to the glory days


Hall of Famer
Rubio. PFs emerge EVERY year. PGs with instinct and raw, unbridled talent don't often show up at the podium. I would move mountains to get Rubio, and not least of all because he is essentially the Petrie dream pick. Rubio is the future of this franchise, and if we DON'T end up with him, I'll be both suprised and highly disappointed.

Thinking of:

SG: Martin
PG: Rubio
SF: Garcia
PF: Thompson
C: Hawes a great prospect, and one I would love to watch as we transition.
I don't have a mountain, but I do have a large mound of rocks that need moving. When are you available?:p
Griffin has the potential to create double teams down low. That could be how good he could become. Not many players today could create double teams. A guy who could create double teams down low would be the perfect compliment for Martin. I could see Martin hitting those open jumpers/three pointers/slashes to the hoop due to the double teaming on Griffin. Of course the big question is... could he become that good to warrant double teaming?


There is no way Petrie passes on Griffin. Ask any nba front office or any nba analyst who the most dominate player in this class is. If he did pick ruio with the first pick he would become the laughing stock of the nba. He is much too smart for that.
There is no way Petrie passes on Griffin. Ask any nba front office or any nba analyst who the most dominate player in this class is. If he did pick ruio with the first pick he would become the laughing stock of the nba. He is much too smart for that.

Everybody knows Griffin is going #1 this year, including Griffin. If we end up with the top pick and Rubio declares (and if Petrie is actually interested in Rubio, no proof yet), then there's no doubt in my mind that he will trade down for him and get an extra something out of it.
Everybody knows Griffin is going #1 this year, including Griffin. If we end up with the top pick and Rubio declares (and if Petrie is actually interested in Rubio, no proof yet), then there's no doubt in my mind that he will trade down for him and get an extra something out of it.
Petrie isn't really known for trading on draft days though. Doesn't mean it won't happen. It could, but just seem not likely.
There is no way Petrie passes on Griffin. Ask any nba front office or any nba analyst who the most dominate player in this class is. If he did pick ruio with the first pick he would become the laughing stock of the nba. He is much too smart for that.
You mean the same laughing stock as he was when he picked up Peja over John Wallace?!


Hall of Famer
People kind of knock Rubio's athletism, but I think with his length and BBIQ he can probably make up for it.

....I really really hope he declares and ends up a Kings. I'd pick him first overall as well. I dunno how high Griffin's ceiling is...But Rubio's sure seems up there.
We already had JT as PF, so what we need so far is a talented PG, Rubio must be the choice
Jerry Reynolds who works for the Kings front office I believe said every NBA team will select Blake Griffin number 1 and obviously that includes us. It is not even debateable anymore that we select Rubio with the number 1 pick because that simply just won't happen. The only way I see us getting Rubio is if we trade down to get him and that is highly unlikely or we ended up with the second pick which seems more likely. Also it is a very dumb move to draft for needs with a pick that high. For goodness sake we are 16-61 and we need all the talent we can get! Portland didn't take Jordan because they had Drexler / Kings didn't take Karl Malone because we had Otis Thorpe are just some of the examples where you pick for needs with picks that high. I'm sure glad Kings fans arn't running this team. It is so damn hard to believe so many of us wouldn't take Griffin number one.
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Not everyone is convinced the talent gap is so large between the two or that it even tips in Griffin's favor.

Nah, pretty much everyone connected to NBA basketball said there is only one logical #1 choice.

Maybe you can enlighten us on which expert said he'd pick Rubio over Griffin?
Nah, pretty much everyone connected to NBA basketball said there is only one logical #1 choice.

Maybe you can enlighten us on which expert said he'd pick Rubio over Griffin?
I don't think he meant experts thought that. He meant that some people on here think that there isn't such a huge gap.
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A great PG like Deron or Paul or Rose have impacted their franchises more than the teams that took bigs like Beasley or Horford. Griffin is a better Beasley and not quite a Horford.
This really isn't a fair comparison. You named two franchise PGs along with one solid rookie forward and an above average forward. Look at the effect that Webber, Duncan, Nowitski, etc. had on their franchises.

If it was my pick I would say Griffin. I feel like I know that Griffin is a sure fire all star. Rubio may be, but he feels more like an urban legend to me. I have only seen one or two games and have little idea how to translate his Euro stats to their NBA equivelants. Frankly, I'll be very happy with either.
Nah, pretty much everyone connected to NBA basketball said there is only one logical #1 choice.

Maybe you can enlighten us on which expert said he'd pick Rubio over Griffin?
Well I'm sure Griffin would still get the edge by most, but we can't really say if that's fair because we don't know if those people are including Rubio in this draft. If Rubio isn't in this draft then I say Griffin is by far the top talent.
Jerry Reynolds who works for the Kings front office I believe said every NBA team will select Blake Griffin number 1 and obviously that includes us. It is not even debateable anymore that we select Rubio with the number 1 pick because that simply just won't happen. The only way I see us getting Rubio is if we trade down to get him and that is highly unlikely or we ended up with the second pick which seems more likely. Also it is a very dumb move to draft for needs with a pick that high. For goodness sake we are 16-61 and we need all the talent we can get! Portland didn't take Jordan because they had Drexler / Kings didn't take Karl Malone because we had Otis Thorpe are just some of the examples where you pick for needs with picks that high. I'm sure glad Kings fans arn't running this team. It is so damn hard to believe so many of us wouldn't take Griffin number one.
Consensus best collegiate doesn't translate into best pro. I like Griffin, but:

(1) Power forward is the LEAST important position on the court.
(2) Point Guard is MOST important.
(3) Rubio makes teammates better. Blake Griffin makes Blake Griffin better.

I am not saying I'd take Rubio over Griffin, but it's not as clear cut as you make it out to be.

Does anyone know if and when we have Rubio or Griffin come for a workout, we can play them 1-on-1 or 2-on-2 against are existing personnel, or are there rules that disallow it????

I'd love to see Rubio go 1-on-1 against B-Jax or BENO.

And I'd love to see a 2-on-2 of Hawes, JT vs. Blake Griffin and Donte Greene.

I am sure our scouts, front office would too.

Also, regarding Jerry Reynolds comments, haven't you heard of a smoke screen?
Consensus best collegiate doesn't translate into best pro. I like Griffin, but:

(1) Power forward is the LEAST important position on the court.
(2) Point Guard is MOST important.
(3) Rubio makes teammates better. Blake Griffin makes Blake Griffin better.

I am not saying I'd take Rubio over Griffin, but it's not as clear cut as you make it out to be.

Does anyone know if and when we have Rubio or Griffin come for a workout, we can play them 1-on-1 or 2-on-2 against are existing personnel, or are there rules that disallow it????

I'd love to see Rubio go 1-on-1 against B-Jax or BENO.

And I'd love to see a 2-on-2 of Hawes, JT vs. Blake Griffin and Donte Greene.

I am sure our scouts, front office would too.

Also, regarding Jerry Reynolds comments, haven't you heard of a smoke screen?
I think you are putting too much emphasis on which position is the least or most important.

1. Would that power forward still be the least important guy on the court if he indeed turned into an all-star? Point is you draft the guy who has the best chance to become an all-star caliber player no matter the position. A team can never have enough stars anywhere.

2. While I agree having a point guard is important, you don't pass up a potential star just because having a point guard is important. Having an all-star caliber player is more important than anything else.

3. People normally see point guards as making teammates better because obviously that is their job.. to distribute the ball and run the offense etc, but it doesn't mean guys at other positions couldn't make their teammates better. There are other ways you can make your teammates better besides constructing the offense like a point guard does.

Smoke screen? That was laughable. It is safe to say whoever gets the number one pick gets Blake Griffin anyways, so why would he put up a smoke screen?
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Okay, wait...

You're claiming Jerry Reynolds as an ultimate authority? ...









Sorry, I had to step away from the computer for just a minute.

Jerry Reynolds, who is the ultimate organization mouthpiece, could VERY EASILY be attempting a smoke screen, a case of misdirection to keep people from suspecting that Ricky Rubio is, right down to his sneakers, the ultimate type of Geoff Petrie pick in this year's draft.

Will we pick Rubio if we get the chance? Don't know. Will we actually snag Griffin as the best available if we manage to garner the first pick? Don't know that either.

But I do know that quoting Jerry Reynolds as the ultimate authority is just ...






...whew. Thanks. I really needed a good laugh.

Okay, wait...

You're claiming Jerry Reynolds as an ultimate authority? ...









Sorry, I had to step away from the computer for just a minute.

Jerry Reynolds, who is the ultimate organization mouthpiece, could VERY EASILY be attempting a smoke screen, a case of misdirection to keep people from suspecting that Ricky Rubio is, right down to his sneakers, the ultimate type of Geoff Petrie pick in this year's draft.

Will we pick Rubio if we get the chance? Don't know. Will we actually snag Griffin as the best available if we manage to garner the first pick? Don't know that either.

But I do know that quoting Jerry Reynolds as the ultimate authority is just ...






...whew. Thanks. I really needed a good laugh.

Hey now! No, I'm not quoting Jerry Reynolds as the "ultimate" authority, but there is some credibility to what he has to say because he works within the front office. I'm not sure whether I'm the only one that thinks this.. but he's a pretty knowledgeable guy in my opinion.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You need to quit assuming that on-air personalities know more about the inner workings of the organization than anyone else. In all honesty, there are times when they are deliberately kept in the dark about some things - you know the term "plausible deniability"?

Yes, he's knowledgeable as someone who has been around the league and the Kings for a very long time but he's not privvy to all the inner workings of basketball operations - nor should he be.

I just think quoting him to support your Griffin comments is a little far-fetched.
You need to quit assuming that on-air personalities know more about the inner workings of the organization than anyone else. In all honesty, there are times when they are deliberately kept in the dark about some things - you know the term "plausible deniability"?

Yes, he's knowledgeable as someone who has been around the league and the Kings for a very long time but he's not privvy to all the inner workings of basketball operations - nor should he be.

I just think quoting him to support your Griffin comments is a little far-fetched.
Will we ever agree on anything? :D