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Man Cleaning With Blowtorch Starts Fire

SARGENT, Ga. -- A Coweta County man who set his house on fire while cleaning out cobwebs with a blowtorch won't be charged, Fire Chief Bill Haynes told CBS 46 Thursday afternoon.

Authorities said Galen Winchell set fire to his home on Smith Road in Sargent around 11:30 a.m. Wednesday as he cleaned cobwebs from exterior eaves with a blowtorch. Winchell noticed the blaze when he saw smoke pouring from the attic.

Haynes said the fire was contained to one part of the house, because the home had several layers of roofing. But haynes said the entire home suffered at least some smoke and water damage.

No one was hurt.


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Batman Sues Christopher Nolan Over Success Of The Dark Knight

It's not a dream or an imaginary story - The Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan really is being sued by Batman over unauthorized use of the "Batman" name. But before we all start celebrating the first proof that, as we all suspected all along, let's face it, Bruce Wayne's troubled crimefighter is actually real, I should explain: the "Batman" in question is actually a little-known a city in Turkey. And they're pissed.
You may never have heard of Batman, the city. It's in southeast Turkey, and the home to the country's oldest oil refinery (built in 1955). Despite that, though, they're not having the greatest of times - Crime is up, as are suicides amongst women. Also, like everywhere else in the world, they're suffering from economic problems... which is where Christopher Nolan comes in:
“The royalty of the name ‘Batman’ belongs to us … There is only one Batman in the world. The American producers used the name of our city without informing us,” [Mayor of Batman city, Hüseyin] Kalkan told the Doğan news agency... Mayor Kalkan, speaking to the Hürriyet Daily News and the Economic Review, said last year foreign media picked up on Batman and the city’s increasing suicide rates among women. He said a columnist asked why Batman’s mayor did not sue the movie Batman for royalties while struggling with economic problems. “We found this criticism right and started to look for legal possibilities of a case like that,” he said.
And so, Kalkan plans to sue not DC Comics, who own the character, nor Warner Bros., who own DC Comics, but Christopher Nolan, director of The Dark Knight. I'd pretend that this would be a clash of the legal titans, but there's no way that this isn't going to get laughed out of court immediately. Which is almost a shame, really; just imagine the "Holy Lawsuit! Batman Goes To Court" we'll miss.


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Stuck on tarmac? Airlines not required to help passengers

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A federal task force approved voluntary guidelines Wednesday for airlines and airports dealing with passengers stranded for hours on the tarmac but produced no fixed limit on how long they can be delayed before being allowed to leave planes.


This is something that really needs to be addressed. I know that delays can be for various reasons, but there really is no reason (except for some rare instances of extreme circumstances) not to have refreshments and functional restrooms if trapped on the tarmac. And if stuck at the gate, there is no reason not to allow passengers who want to to get off the plane until it is time to take off.

It's even harder now to stay refreshed on the plane since you can't take your own refreshments through security....
Online divorcee jailed after killing virtual hubby

TOKYO – A 43-year-old Japanese woman whose sudden divorce in a virtual game world made her so angry that she killed her online husband's digital persona has been arrested on suspicion of hacking, police said Thursday.
The woman, who is jailed on suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data, used his identification and password to log onto popular interactive game "Maple Story" to carry out the virtual murder in mid-May, a police official in northern Sapporo said on condition of anonymity, citing department policy. more...
I was watching some commercial on TV with people and fireworks somewhere between real and cartoonish. Suddenly I was imagining a world in which we would no longer take real walks on the beach, or watch real sunsets, or watch real fireworks on the 4th.

I was imagining what it would be like if we did everything virtually and bodies became superfluous. Totally and completely scared the heck out of me and gave me major creepies. Really, really bad heebie jeebies. :eek:


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Passengers Stranded Due to Fog, Refueling Delays,2933,460890,00.html

LOS ANGELES — TACA Airlines blamed refueling delays, fog and a lack of customs staffers for keeping nearly 200 passengers in a grounded airplane for about nine hours earlier this week outside Los Angeles.
The explanation came Tuesday a day after U.S. Customs and Border Protection said the airline did not ask it for permission to deplane the passengers after the flight from El Salvador to Los Angeles was diverted to the Ontario airport because of heavy fog.
The plane sat on the tarmac at the airport, about 45 miles from its destination, while TACA and customs officials tried to work through apparent confusion.


LOS ANGELES — TACA Airlines blamed refueling delays, fog and a lack of customs staffers for keeping nearly 200 passengers in a grounded airplane for about nine hours earlier this week outside Los Angeles.
The explanation came Tuesday a day after U.S. Customs and Border Protection said the airline did not ask it for permission to deplane the passengers after the flight from El Salvador to Los Angeles was diverted to the Ontario airport because of heavy fog.
The plane sat on the tarmac at the airport, about 45 miles from its destination, while TACA and customs officials tried to work through apparent confusion.

A circle of hell never imagined by Dante. ;)


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Aw, nuts. Why won't my car start?

DEMOTTE, Ind. – Aw, nuts. That's likely what Hope Wideup thought when her car's turn signal and windshield wipers wouldn't work. It's also what she found later when she opened the hood. "There were thousands in there. They were everywhere," she said, speculating a chipmunk found its way into her car, which had been sitting idle for several weeks, and used the engine compartment as a storage depot for a trove of black walnuts.
Wideup thinks it all started last fall when a chipmunk snatched a garden glove from her yard. She later found the glove in the engine compartment when she was trying to repair the broken turn signal. Unable to fix the problem, however, Wideup let the car sit unused for a couple of weeks and then heard a loud revving sound from the engine when she tried to start the vehicle.
That's when she looked under the hood again and found the walnuts.
"Apparently this little guy stuffed a bunch of these nuts in the accelerator throttle," said Wideup, who had to spend $242 for towing and repairs.
The chipmunk hasn't returned, Wideup told the Post-Tribune for a story published Wednesday. But she's not taking any chances, alternating use of her two cars so neither one is sitting too long.
"It's funny, but it's not," she said.