Bibby headed to Atlanta

Those "older" people are coming off the books at the end of the year, and clearing 9.5 million off the books, and removes what we would have to pay Bibby next year. The "getting older" is short term. If that's all you see, then you aren't looking at the big picture.
The big picture that I'm looking at is the part where we waive a couple of good younger players in order to be able to hang on to old guys who have no value beyond ending contracts. I'm looking past the end of this season. From that perspective, the trade itself is unexciting, but acceptable. Sheldon Williams is nothing special, as the Hawks have already noticed, but his contract's small, the other guys are enders, and we get a second round pick. All in all, it works out about the same (2nd round pick versus not having SW's contract to pay) as if Bibby declined his player option this summer, which is okay. The decision on who to waive is what makes it unacceptable, and makes it seem like cost cutting rather than rebuilding, unless one or more of the aging scrubs is traded by Friday. Since the waivers probably won't clear until at least Monday, I don't really expect that to happen.

And that part of this whole deal really makes no sense. It hurts our future, and gives us nothing (beyond some pocket change savings for the Maloofs) in return.
The big picture that I'm looking at is the part where we waive a couple of good younger players in order to be able to hang on to old guys who have no value beyond ending contracts. I'm looking past the end of this season. From that perspective, the trade itself is unexciting, but acceptable. Sheldon Williams is nothing special, as the Hawks have already noticed, but his contract's small, the other guys are enders, and we get a second round pick. All in all, it works out about the same (2nd round pick versus not having SW's contract to pay) as if Bibby declined his player option this summer, which is okay. The decision on who to waive is what makes it unacceptable, and makes it seem like cost cutting rather than rebuilding, unless one or more of the aging scrubs is traded by Friday. Since the waivers probably won't clear until at least Monday, I don't really expect that to happen.

And that part of this whole deal really makes no sense. It hurts our future, and gives us nothing (beyond some pocket change savings for the Maloofs) in return.
I do agree if Justin is waived I don't like that part, just that part. But, VF said that is the rumor. It hasn't been confirmed yet as far as I have read. And you never know. They may do that to make the trade happen, then sign Justin Back to a 10 day contract for the remainder of what he would have made this year, since it was a 1 year contract anyway.

Everything hasn't settled out the way it's going to be yet I don't think.


Super Moderator Emeritus
It's not a rumor. Justin Williams and Dahntay Jones are being cut. But I can understand if you want to wait until you see it from another source.
It's not a rumor. Justin Williams and Dahntay Jones are being cut. But I can understand if you want to wait until you see it from another source.
I just hadn't saw it confirmed. If that's the way it stays then I am unhappy with that part. But again, we'll see how it all shakes out.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Unfortunately, it's not about whether or not Bibby is happy. He works in a very unique industry where employees are paid incredible sums of money to play games. And, as a part of the compensation, they have to live with the possibility of being shifted to other teams. The players union is the one who first brought free agency to the NBA. Before that, players often stayed with the same team. Now, though, a Reggie Miller is rare indeed. They follow the money. It works both ways. If they're going to accept the concept of free agency they also have to accept the possibility of being traded.

Jason Williams wasn't very happy when he was traded for Mike Bibby. It's the circle of the NBA.


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You know what?

I am really not that upset to see Mike go.

Vlade, Chris, Peja, DC, Bobby - I got a little sentimental about. Mike? I just am not all that "invested", apparently. I respect what he has done, but when I heard he was traded it was like we gave a $20 to the cashier and got for $5 bills. Just.....nothing really there.

I don't know if it is because all the previous trades conditioned me for this or if I was never as big a Bibby fan as some others or what. I liked watching him over the years hit those big shots and do some great things, but for some reason I am not upset to see him go.

Now I am not saying I specifically care for the return items, this is strictly how I feel about Mike leaving. I wish him well and hope he gets a shot at a ring (like most former Kings) if we are not in contention, but I just can't get worked up over this trade.
I am really not that upset to see Mike go.

Vlade, Chris, Peja, DC, Bobby - I got a little sentimental about. Mike? I just am not all that "invested", apparently.

i'm not sad about mike leaving particularly because it's mike (wish him the best with his future team(s)), but more so because it's the final, final note of the golden era kings. not that we all didn't see this happening eventually, but still, the sentimentality (sp?) is there for me.
It's still bleeding talent...that's a bad move...and ONE LARGE expiring NEXT year > many small expirings THIS year.
Didn't think of this when I first read the news, but it does make sense. We are not saving any salary this year, and unless, we are able to trade some other guys too, won't be much under the cap to do anything significant next year either (even with good cap space, it is diffcult to get a good FA). So effectively, we have traded Bibby (and Justin & Dahanty) for Sheldon Williams.

This does save the owners quite a lot of money next year (can't scoff at that). However, as a fan, it is reasonable to wonder if we could have gotten more around the draft next year, or at the deadline next year.
You know what?

I am really not that upset to see Mike go.

Vlade, Chris, Peja, DC, Bobby - I got a little sentimental about. Mike? I just am not all that "invested", apparently.

I don't know if it is because all the previous trades conditioned me for this or if I was never as big a Bibby fan as some others or what.
I know I'm not as upset as over those other players leaving. And I know it's because we are so much farther removed from that special team and the dreams they allowed us to dare dream. In a way, I've sometimes thought it might've been hard for Bibby to be the last one remaining, with the dreams heart-breakingly unfilled here.

I'm still a bit sad to see him go, just because of sentiment. It's time, though and I wish him all the best.
Didn't think of this when I first read the news, but it does make sense. We are not saving any salary this year, and unless, we are able to trade some other guys too, won't be much under the cap to do anything significant next year either (even with good cap space, it is diffcult to get a good FA). So effectively, we have traded Bibby (and Justin & Dahanty) for Sheldon Williams.

This does save the owners quite a lot of money next year (can't scoff at that). However, as a fan, it is reasonable to wonder if we could have gotten more around the draft next year, or at the deadline next year.
Unless we got rid of some salary at the end of this year, we might not have been able to re-sign Beno this summer. At least now it's possible, without going over the luxury cap.
The big picture that I'm looking at is the part where we waive a couple of good younger players in order to be able to hang on to old guys who have no value beyond ending contracts. I'm looking past the end of this season. From that perspective, the trade itself is unexciting, but acceptable. Sheldon Williams is nothing special, as the Hawks have already noticed, but his contract's small, the other guys are enders, and we get a second round pick. All in all, it works out about the same (2nd round pick versus not having SW's contract to pay) as if Bibby declined his player option this summer, which is okay. The decision on who to waive is what makes it unacceptable, and makes it seem like cost cutting rather than rebuilding, unless one or more of the aging scrubs is traded by Friday. Since the waivers probably won't clear until at least Monday, I don't really expect that to happen.

And that part of this whole deal really makes no sense. It hurts our future, and gives us nothing (beyond some pocket change savings for the Maloofs) in return.
Agree on all, but don't understand these parts. The money going out of the owners' pocket remains the same, right? Irrespective of who they cut, they have to pay the same salary, right (unless JW and Dahanty had some non-guaranteed parts)? So, why not cut one of the senior citizens.
National media is dominating Petrie on this. A failed first rounde and three expirings for Bibby. no taking Thomas. no promising talent. The more i think about this trade the more I tend to agree.


Super Moderator Emeritus
National media is dominating Petrie on this. A failed first rounde and three expirings for Bibby. no taking Thomas. no promising talent. The more i think about this trade the more I tend to agree.
I don't. The more I think about it, in fact, the more I like it because of the expirings. And "failed first round" is a bit premature. I'd like to at least see Shelden before making that conclusion. The national media lampooned Petrie for taking Martin, too.

This isn't an end-all trade. It's a definite positioning move for more things to come down the road. Before the deadline? Maybe, or maybe not. But I'll stick to my assumption - and that of LPKingsFan - that Petrie is looking towards 2010.

At least SOMETHING happened. That's been our biggest complaint around here. Check out the PacersDigest board. They would kill to have their front office do something like this. At least the status quo has been changed.
I don't. The more I think about it, in fact, the more I like it because of the expirings. And "failed first round" is a bit premature. I'd like to at least see Shelden before making that conclusion. The national media lampooned Petrie for taking Martin, too.

This isn't an end-all trade. It's a definite positioning move for more things to come down the road. Before the deadline? Maybe, or maybe not. But I'll stick to my assumption - and that of LPKingsFan - that Petrie is looking towards 2010.

At least SOMETHING happened. That's been our biggest complaint around here. Check out the PacersDigest board. They would kill to have their front office do something like this. At least the status quo has been changed.
I like the activity too. I don't like the fact that we traded Bibby and we still have Kenny and SAR on our payroll, we didnt really get great talent. As far as preparing us for 2010 this trade actually set us back 4 million in Williams contract.
Again, not a horrible trade and nothing that I would directly cry fire Petrie about but I was hoping for a hair better.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Of course we still have SAR and Kenny Thomas. And we'll have them until the Maloofs buy them out or their contracts expire. That's just one of those things you have to learn to live with, much like the effect gravity has on your body as you age.

Of course we still have SAR and Kenny Thomas. And we'll have them until the Maloofs buy them out or their contracts expire. That's just one of those things you have to learn to live with, much like the effect gravity has on your body as you age.

Here's to hoping against that.
It would be so nice to get rid of Kenny, not just on a cap level, playing ability level, team chemistry level, but on an emotional level for me. That Webber trade still ticks me off every time I watch him play (as in play, I mean pout on the bench)
Finally we traded. It shows that the organization is making a move, moving forward and taking another step. I was hoping we get a point guard in return and some better players but I’m just excited that we finally made a move. Hopefully Ron is not that far behind, considering we don’t have that much time to trade him. I hope that the Bulls really work with us here. That would make my year (TT and Ben Gordon).

I wasn’t expecting to trade Bibby and Kenny together. They both have big contracts so it would be really hard. But Geoff might be able to put Kenny in with a Artest Deal.
Finally we traded. It shows that the organization is making a move, moving forward and taking another step. I was hoping we get a point guard in return and some better players but I’m just excited that we finally made a move. Hopefully Ron is not that far behind, considering we don’t have that much time to trade him. I hope that the Bulls really work with us here. That would make my year (TT and Ben Gordon).

I wasn’t expecting to trade Bibby and Kenny together. They both have big contracts so it would be really hard. But Geoff might be able to put Kenny in with a Artest Deal.
Are the Bulls rumoured to have interest? If so, I still couldn't possibly see them giving up either of them, especially TT. It just wouldn't be worth it for a possible half season rental.
Never, actually got all my wish for a Kings/Hawks trade. But just glad we pulled one. Shelden Williams is a poor man's Nene, while his still in his rookie contract. And the expiring contracts is a good boost towards rebuilding. If chemistry will work out faster than expected, there is a very slim chance that we can do a good run for the 8th spot in the playoffs( still crossing my fingers on this).

Bibby on the other hand should be able to tilt the Eastern conference standings and the Hawks will be heading to playoff again. Good luck Mike!


Super Moderator Emeritus
I don't understand. Why are people still thinking the Kings can make the playoffs? :rolleyes:
Hope springs eternal. For some, there's simply no validation to the season unless it lasts past mid-April. I think Petrie trading away Mike made it clear, however, that the organization isn't looking to the playoffs this year at the expense of the future. At least I hope that's the message they were sending. Looking at the West this year, there is simply no way our Kings could be competitive against the teams that are above us in the standings.

I love my Kings and want to believe...but at some point you have to accept what is, cheer them while they're here and realize we won't see a lot of them after April 15.

I think some people misunderstand and think if you don't feel the Kings are capable of winning it all that you don't care about them. And that gets us to the old ongoing argument around here. At this point, if someone wants to hope for the playoffs, I see no reason to try and talk them out of it. Let them have their hopes, I say.
