Bibby headed to Atlanta



Hope springs eternal. For some, there's simply no validation to the season unless it lasts past mid-April. I think Petrie trading away Mike made it clear, however, that the organization isn't looking to the playoffs this year at the expense of the future. At least I hope that's the message they were sending. Looking at the West this year, there is simply no way our Kings could be competitive against the teams that are above us in the standings.

I love my Kings and want to believe...but at some point you have to accept what is, cheer them while they're here and realize we won't see a lot of them after April 15.

I think some people misunderstand and think if you don't feel the Kings are capable of winning it all that you don't care about them. And that gets us to the old ongoing argument around here. At this point, if someone wants to hope for the playoffs, I see no reason to try and talk them out of it. Let them have their hopes, I say.

Agree. I would rather perfer a brilliant future than making the playoff and getting sweep in the first round and get only an average lottery pick.

And we will play the hawks in Arco in three days and after 1 week in atlanta...That's kind of weird..
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Obviously, we ain't winning any championship this year. But a good final push for a playoff spot is good headstart for the team and for the new or young guys to boost up confidence and learning each other better. Maybe the Kings will be in the playoffs or from most(in this forum) maybe not at all. But the Kings should not be dropping the season at all, but continuing to play good competitive basketball.
Interesting Note on the Bibby Trade.

I just saw this on ... apparently salim stoudemire and justin williams where supposed to be part of the deal, but sac and atl decided to take them both out because they where affraid of williams blocking the trade with his bird rights, personally i wish they kept salim in the deal.. he's young and also an expiring contract that has a little bit more value around the league then justin.. i wonder who we would have waived if this part of the deal had gone through.. just something to think about if salim ever becomes a star in this league :D

if this doesnt deserve its own thread feel free to delete it.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Why wouldn't they just ask him whether he'd be willing to accept a trade, instead of assuming that he wouldn't? I can't imagine that he wouldn't get playing time for the Hawks...
Are the Bulls rumoured to have interest? If so, I still couldn't possibly see them giving up either of them, especially TT. It just wouldn't be worth it for a possible half season rental.
I wrote that in the Personal Moves Forum, but yeah, the Bulls have thought about getting Ron, but nothing was on the table yet. Right now, I think the Bulls are willing to part with Gordon and hold on to Tyrus. I really wanted Ben for a while and this year I just hope we can get him. The Bulls have nothing to lose. They offered Ben a contract extension and he didn’t take it. Plus, right now, they want to win and Ron brings another dimension to the team and Ben has a wrist injury, so he might be moved a little easier.

“The Chicago Bulls are being described as "all over the map" in their trade talks. In addition to trying to move Ben Wallace, one source said the Bulls are now "as open as they've ever been" to trading Ben Gordon.”


Petrie, make this trade happen!
The big picture that I'm looking at is the part where we waive a couple of good younger players in order to be able to hang on to old guys who have no value beyond ending contracts.
Someone else might have to answer this, but I don't believe you can cut players you just traded for to make the trade work. I believe you have to have roster spots available for all incoming players. I guess you could cut them after the trade is finalized, but then what difference does that make? You've already waived the others.

I agree that I'd rather have Williams and Jones than Wright and whoever else, but someone had to go in order for the deal to be possible. We have a glut at the swing positions, and Jones was the 5th swing man on the roster. Cutting Justin has fewer monetary implications than cutting 'Reef or KT. It's what had to be done.

And, to tell the truth, Williams and Jones wouldn't have been making any difference for us anyways. It's not that big of a loss.
Someone else might have to answer this, but I don't believe you can cut players you just traded for to make the trade work. I believe you have to have roster spots available for all incoming players.
Yeah, we've kind of covered that in the couple of days since the post of mine that you're quoting. There doesn't seem to be anything to stop us from waiving one or more of the oldsters (once the trade is officially a done deal) and picking one or both of the kids back up, but there was no way for us to pull off the big payroll cut without doing some, at least temporary, collateral damage to our roster.
Totally true statements re: Justin Williams. There is talk on the Hawks board to actually sign JW for the remainder of the season. So it's one of those things they didn't want him to block the trade, and after cut he might end up there anyway.

Even is JW doesn't end up in Atlanta I am sure someone will try him out. Rebounding at a 19.5/48 clip is pretty damn good, and worth a look from a team that lacks.