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No. Not particularly. My aunt (in Stockton) and my mother (in St. Louis) can both get... annoying after a while, but my host in New York was fantastic.

I had a good break and enjoyed my traveling, but had been away from home for almost 30 days. After all that time, and a six hour drive back, it just feels good to be with my stuff again.
Posting this here instead of the crime thread, since I don't know that it could pass for "light."

Taken from Houston I've heard of eye for an eye, but damn!

To paraphrase Chris Rock, I'm not sayin' he should have done it... but I understand...
Having a daughter now, I can say with absolute certainty and a sick sense of pride that that is A LOT less than what I would have done to the little bastard.
I wondered. I've got it on my list.

Why did the dumb down Sam on Atlantis? I like Rodney and all, but Sam isn't stupid.

Shes the commander of Atlantis. You cant have her upstaging Merideth and Zelenka. Then there wouldn't be a point to have Rodney.

They've used her IQ in in the EP to finish off the replicators...well most
This is Glen Davis's actual NBA profile picture.

How are you going to let them put this picture up and leave it there for the next 3 or 4 years. You think the photographer would ask, "are you ready? You sure you're ready? I'm going to take it now."
How does the universe always seem to know when I have extra $$$ ? No sooner do I receive my tax return than smoke starts billowing from under the hood of my older car. :mad: Here's hoping it doesn't take all the money to fix it - I've had my eye on a new gaming computer to replace this dinosaur I'm using now.