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Homer Fan Since 1985
It is now 105 degrees, but feels like 111, according to the weather channel. If it reaches the projected 112 degrees, how hot will it feel then? :eek:
I came in here to work this morning and the ac wasn't working and it was sweltering. So they started sending people home for the day. But just as my group was getting ready to leave, it came back on. Darn!! But now all those people that went home now to have turn around and come back here, so at least we don't have to do that.
Wow. Hardly anyone who left this morning has come back to work. Either they didn't get the message via their bosses that the ac went back on a loooong time ago, or they're just all deciding to just stay home for the day. Who do these bums think they are anyway? Nice work ethic for ya. At least they can't get PTO for it, though. Now if only the ac would break down again, and stay down so that we can all really go home for a legit reason.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
It turns out that potatoes will not survive indefintely...

If you ever find your home infested with flies, and you don't know where they're coming from, you might want to check to make sure that you don't have a bag of rotten potatoes decomposing in your pantry underneath a pile of plastic bags through which you cannot see them.
Why are they all being closed?:( The +1 maybe but on the last one to post, we were having interesting conversations. Well I was anyway.
Dad- we need to talk.:mad:

apparently the mods feel it is necessary. will be interesting to see what threads survive. my bet is on the survivor and the welcome thread. outside of that.. well, like i said, let the countdown begin.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Why are they all being closed?:( The +1 maybe but on the last one to post, we were having interesting conversations. Well I was anyway.
Dad- we need to talk.:mad:

What was wrong with the last one to post thread? It was one of the more active threads. Why was it closed with no comment?