Fun things for me are:
a) two rival cities - this would be like the Lakers having the #2 pick (or getting Doncic, take your pick)
b) Portland fans voted for Oden, so no "you blew the layup"
c) Seattle doesn't have a basketball team anymore
That Portland core of Oden, Aldridge and Roy won something like 75% of the 82 total games they played together over 3 seasons.
Not fun thing here:
I moved to Portland in 2005, the beginning of our final playoffs season.
Portland was hot garbage. I routinely got free tickets WITH FOOD the first two years I was here.
They put together the aforementioned Oden, Aldridge and Roy lineup while we missed the playoffs.
That team imploded.
They put together a new core around Dame that reached the WCF.
All during the same timeframe we have not sniffed a playoff game