I’ve never turned around so quickly on a player as quick as Shump. I wanted this dude gone from the second the trade was announced. Never liked his game anywhere else. But (despite some annoying quirks in his game) I want him here for the long-haul now.
We shouldn't have to rally as a team every night.
I love rallies when the other team is better but we find a way to get the win.
I hate rallies when we just don't care about playing any defense for three quarters.
A win is a win... But I start getting worried with this.
Watching body language - for a long stretch of this game it looked like Shump was the only one who cared the right amount. He was in a fury. He is so essential
Does Kuzma get under anyone else's skin or is it just me? He's such a smug arrogant ***hole. He's the Laker I dislike the most. I'm so glad he didn't get the satisfaction of making the game winning shot.
I love this even more: Mike Trudell@LakersReporter
Lonzo said he “should be ready to play tomorrow” after having to leave the final minute and change with the cramp in his left calf. He put LAL up 3 before leaving, and finished with 20 points, 12 assists and 9 rebounds (one rebound got taken off the box score postgame).
Does Kuzma get under anyone else's skin or is it just me? He's such a smug arrogant ***hole. He's the Laker I dislike the most. I'm so glad he didn't get the satisfaction of making the game winning shot.
Does Kuzma get under anyone else's skin or is it just me? He's such a smug arrogant ***hole. He's the Laker I dislike the most. I'm so glad he didn't get the satisfaction of making the game winning shot.
His face looks like he’d be what you describe. Outside of that I have no real reason to call him that. He wasn’t really hot dogging anything and I’ve never heard him talk at length.
Does Kuzma get under anyone else's skin or is it just me? He's such a smug arrogant ***hole. He's the Laker I dislike the most. I'm so glad he didn't get the satisfaction of making the game winning shot.
Does Kuzma get under anyone else's skin or is it just me? He's such a smug arrogant ***hole. He's the Laker I dislike the most. I'm so glad he didn't get the satisfaction of making the game winning shot.
Does Kuzma get under anyone else's skin or is it just me? He's such a smug arrogant ***hole. He's the Laker I dislike the most. I'm so glad he didn't get the satisfaction of making the game winning shot.