Malone fired


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If Cousins is disgruntled and demands out, do you think the Kings dysfunctional FO would consider this trade? They get two players (Rondo, Smith) that they desperately wanted....
Oh I'm sure they'd consider it strongly. If Cousins is disgruntled then obviously the answer is to create a lopsided trade where not only do the Kings get worse but Boston and Detroit do as well while taking on a bunch of junk to help the Suns improve.
Please, hold your emotional bias there.
If Malone did everything right, we wouldn't be 11-13 now. We all know the coach made some terrible mistakes which he seems to repeat again and again and especially during those games we should have won. If we are 14-10 now, coach Malone will still be coaching this team. Vivek was very clear the team will be graded based on win-loss this season. We cannot wait until we are 11-30 when all hope is lost. Something has to be done and firing an inexperienced coach (who puts the ball on a rookie at a crucial time to win a game) is a good start.
Given the information floodgates that just poured on us about the motives and actions of multi-headed FO, you can't say with 100% certainty, that Malone wasn't told to find a lot of minutes for Sessions, Williams or Stauskas.

OK, I'm really starting to think fans are getting ahead of themselves with the perceived intentions in building this team. They aren't looking for every midget in the league who can score. I don't think so at least. Pete D is saying some of the right things and seriously, Cuz can be a pretty good Webber clone if they get guys that can and will cut for him. Years ago the first footage I saw of Cousins in high school had me saying, "Wow, that could be the next Chris Webber right there." All the tools are there. We just have to hope they really know what that Kings team was because it wasn't a Don Nelson team. A Karl team isn't too far off, but maybe they ought to look at Rick Adelman if that's how they want to play.
Cuz drifting to perimeter to play like Webber should be a counter, not the main play. Boogie had tremendous success punishing opponents with inside stuff, that works just as well in PO, it's simply stupid to go away from that for "style".
Skilled inside behemoth + mid-range shooter, who likes going to ISO - that's a good basis for uptempo motion offense [/sarcasm]
Pencil me in as surprised. The only logical conclusion I can come up for this move is that they have their sights set on George Karl and soon...because otherwise you were just better off letting Malone finish the year off. Sacramento continues to be a coaching carousel and we wonder why no body wants to come here...the organization changes coaches under 2 and a half years more than I can remember any other team in the league doing so. At some point you have to ride it out and have some continuity...the players obviously liked playing for Malone, Malone was flawed as a coach and we knew that. What has me scratching my head is that they knew Malone's defensive background from the get go with his stints in Cleveland, New Orleans and Golden State, yet...they proceeded to bring him along anyways and in the process expected him to turn offensive minded players into defenders. It doesn't help that the roster is absolutely putrid after the starting five. If we don't see George Karl here then the Kings fans need to do some serious protesting, Corbin won't be around for too long unless they decide to keep him as an assistant which I might add he is good at.

Mike Monroe ‏@Monroe_SA 24m
Pop on Malone dismissal: 'One has to hope you have ownership that's patient, non-meddling, understands what's going on and things take time'
No brainer.:rolleyes:

Pop has to say what is politically correct. You don't put down someone who is down already.

Can you imagine any coach saying: "Good for him he got fired because he cannot make his team win games they are supposed to win".
Interesting read:

"Pete D’Alessandro’s mentor from Denver, the much-lauded Masai Ujiri, is currently kicking tail in Toronto while working with a roster and coaching staff primarily hired by the much-maligned and since-fired Bryan Colangelo. There are no easy answers in this gig. It’s more than possible that Michael Malone may not be the sort of coach to push a team over the top. He was thought to be the defensive mastermind in Golden State while working under Mark Jackson, and yet the Warriors shot up from 14th to fourth and then first in defensive efficiency in the seasons following Malone’s leave from the Bay Area (the actual basketball players involved may have also had something to do with that). George Karl could be in the wings. Tyrone Corbin may have been hamstrung by a mismatched Utah Jazz roster. The Kings could win the 59 or so games it will take to secure the seventh spot in the Western playoff bracket. We don’t know. What we are aware of is the fact that the Kings fired a very good basketball coach over the weekend, and that the owner has made some curious moves since taking over this team. It’s just fine to judge them from afar, and it’s up to the Sacramento front office to prove us all wrong."
KOVR-13 just had very good thorough report on Malone firing. Most telling was describing how Ranadive is used to Silicon Valley atmosphere where moving very quickly to stay ahead of high tech competition is be all end all. That now relived on his daily duties managing TIBCO after the sale he has even more time to "meddle" and maybe not showing necessary patience, not being perceptive at the level of knowing how NBA actually works - with no easy short cuts!
ummm, Cousins just posted a video on Instagram of a rapper and the last line he sings is "They let a brother steer the ship but never told him that the ship was sinking" :eek:

another quote from the video "Maybe he had good intentions, but was stifled by the system and was sad to learn he couldn't bring any"

cryptic stuff

have a look:
It's not cryptic. J.Cole just dropped one of the best and maybe the most acclaimed rap album of the year. A lot of big names are loving Forest Hill Drive. Would recommend it to anyone who has any interest in the genre.
It's not cryptic. J.Cole just dropped one of the best and maybe the most acclaimed rap album of the year. A lot of big names are loving Forest Hill Drive. Would recommend it to anyone who has any interest in the genre.
The fact that there are ZERO features on Cole's new album is that much more enjoyable to listen to.
It's not cryptic. J.Cole just dropped one of the best and maybe the most acclaimed rap album of the year. A lot of big names are loving Forest Hill Drive. Would recommend it to anyone who has any interest in the genre.
he picked a very specific part of the song to post. If you don't think that it has something to do with Malone you are crazy
I was never a fan of Malone's lineups, rotations or offensive sets. Although, He was the only coach to get Cousins playing smart basketball and I think that is sorely over looked in this firing process.
There is nothing to speculate here.

We should just accept that our favorite coach (Malone) is "not yet" a very good coach and that is why he got fired. Yes, he is the nicest players' coach we have had since Adelman and probably the most charming coach to the fans, but still not experienced enough to win those games we are supposed to win. Go back to the numerous game threads to see what I mean. He continuously used terrible substitution patterns, poor game plans, and very poor in-game adjustments. And there are no signs he was learning from his mistakes. Tell me if you remember an NBA coach putting the ball in an under-performing rookie's hand to take the shot to win in a crucial time?

That should tell you coach Malone is either smoking dope or just flatly not a decent coach.
There is everything to speculate here.

Your post has nothing to do with what I said. I'm speculating on why the FO decided to fire Malone now versus the offseason. You're talking about why the FO decided to fire Malone. Subtle difference, but a difference nonetheless...
True, but the rhetoric about Corbin being your guy is just incredibly patronizing. The community is still waiting to trust the Kings after what the Maloofs did, and this way of doing things does not build trust. You can simply say "Corbin is our interm coach." instead of this nonsense.

It doesn't help that you're piling "exciting basketball" on top of that, which is also a way to patronize fans as if they were rubes who will go along with high scoring games without question.
I agree, the patronizing banter I find extremely offensive. It insults the serious fans, and it's meaningless to casual fans.
What about the Brown/Garner cases? Sounds much more relevant to those.
not really
"They let a brother steer the ship but never told him that the ship was sinking". could be saying that they let Malone run the team but he never had a chance, they knew all along they wanted something different. team is sinking.

"Maybe he had good intentions, but was stifled by the system and was sad to learn he couldn't bring any" Malone had good intentions for this team, but was stifled by the front office who want to implement their gimmick ball vision of the future rather than what Malone was doing