Malone fired

He knows that we, as a fanbase, focused on the past. So that is all he wants to focus on. Well now that we've tasted anything that resembles success, I'd like to move on. Lets remember the past, but we cannot live there.
The last thing the FO should be doing now is saying they told Cousins ahead of time if that in fact was not true. That trust thing between the FO and your best player? GONE
PDA still babbling about style of play.

This weasel has no clue as to why fans loved our golden era team and what went into building it. Slap in the face the extent to which he mischaracterizes what that team was.

The more this weasel talks, the more it's clear he has no idea what he's doing.
PDA concerning Karl: No, I'm not gonna...look, we hired Tye...I want to make thing clear - we want to give Ty a chance here.

Concerning Jent, we came to a "mutual agreement"'s probably better to step away....I want to appreciate the honest outlook we had and wish nothing but the best.'s the movement of the ball, the flow of the ball...we see a team like San Antonio...We've spent a lot of time with data...
Yeah the spurs move the ball but when push comes to shove and defenses clamp up in crunch time they rely on the ISO plays of Manu and Tim to get rings.

People clamering about wanting ball movement on the final plays dont seem to realize that its usuually very difficult or impossible to run a set bacause NBA defenses can turn it up a knotch thus making the iso the safest way to gareuntee a shot attempt.
Quick summary of notes taken during PDA's interview with Grant

PDA talking about how this was falling apart and he and Vivek provided stability.

Michael did great job, now ready for next phase. Again mentioned style of play.

Say we have one goal, success in our new arena.

Referencing tough decisions, and mentioned Jimmer.

Michael tried to switch things up to look like our summer league team.

Brought locker room together, created order and structure. But in fairness, not seeing style of play envisioned for future.

Not going to comment on Karl. We hired Ty Corbin.. errr... Michael hired Ty Corbin.. he's done a good job in Utah and we'll pull full weight of org behind him and give him a chance to succeed. Always going to be speculation.

Make one thign clear "Ty has a real chance here"

Worried about Cousins reaction? of course. not as concerned because he knows DeMarcus. Has seen his growth and maturity. In this business together and thinks there's trust.

He's a believer that everyone can run, and that its a mindset.

How does he deal with the national criticism? "i've got a great wife".. waits for laughter... and there is none. Thinks we are on a great track, and we will get there, because it starts with ownership.
Well, it looks like we are going to sink or swim with the run n gun approach. As for me, I am going all in on sinking for this one. We aren't designed to run any more than my 71 year old grandmother is. It's not just a mindset. Some are anatomically/physically/born with the ability to run better than others. Not to mention the fact that we currently have ONE good shooter from deep, and he barely ever sees the ball.
Pie in the sky BS from PDA, we were a top 10-12 team playing Grizzly type bully ball with no bench and we were clearly a team still gelling. Best post player in the world "look lets run up and down hahaha" -PDA weasel laugh.
Should have spent time getting players who actually fit that style.

This is just an asinine stance PDA keeps taking. He doesn't appear to have any clue how the Spurs were built.
Absolutely! What happens when you speed up the tempo with a group that can't pass the ball in a slower offense? Turnover city! And where are these dead-eye shooters that can pull up off the run and hit a 3-point shot?

Also, the Ty Corbin thing makes no sense whatsoever. What makes him any better than Malone when it comes to a motion offense?
Really though if these scumbags lied and said the whole team was told ahead of time, and yet Cousins actually found out via twitter. I just... Wow. Did they think that we wouldn't find something like that out? That's insane.
Calling them scumbags is a bit much.

I'm not defending the shady **** that went on today, I just think we need to put our pitchforks away until we see whose walking through that door.

Like him or not, Vivek played a huge part in saving our team and keeping them here for the next 30 years. Lets see what happens the next couple days.