Malone fired

I'm baffled by this. I thought the Kings were turning the corner. I thought we would finally have stability in the HC position in which the carousel of coaches finally stopped rotating. Sure some of Malone's rotations were questionable but all-in-all I thought he was doing a fine job with what he had. He was teaching and the players were learning. This is something the previous coaches could not do: teach. Apparently the FO thought Malone had plenty of time to implement a system and achieve success by it. This is what happens when a head coach is hired before a General Manager is. There must have been so much tension behind the scenes with Malone and the FO for this to happen

Anyway, the carousel was turned on again. It's rotating once more. . Back to square one. o_O
the obvious end to this saga: Mullins coaxes Nellie out of retirement and all of Vivek, PDA and Nellie are hospitalised during the introductory press conference, when "an irate, New York based lawyer" (as the police will call it) storms the stage and starts beating on them with a baseball bat. unless said NY-based lawyer suffers an aneurysm first.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
the obvious end to this saga: Mullins coaxes Nellie out of retirement and all of Vivek, PDA and Nellie are hospitalised during the introductory press conference, when "an irate, New York based lawyer" (as the police will call it) storms the stage and starts beating on them with a baseball bat. unless said NY-based lawyer suffers an aneurysm first.
It could happen. :p
Biggest worry to me is the lack of stability again till we hire a new permanent head coach, and then following which my deep concern that Vivek and PDA are going to push for high paced offense with our current lineup.

Jeff Van Gundy would be awesome but I doubt we'll get him :(


Why is everyone here so pessimistic? Honestly, our FO wants to win, and win NOW. I think Kings fans need to be a lot more appreciative of the fact that our FO will do whatever they think is best for the franchise to be successful, no matter what it takes. I like it.


If the Kings don't have something better in their back pocket...and I mean something good...I just don't get it. I sure hope it's Karl.
All I did after Saturday's game was get up Sunday and. Take the train to Reno for two nights with my daughters, h ave. a little bad luck last night, got up this AM on the 12th floor of the Peppermill and turn on my iPad - BOOM!

I hope Malone and I have better luck today.
Biggest worry to me is the lack of stability again till we hire a new permanent head coach, and then following which my deep concern that Vivek and PDA are going to push for high paced offense with our current lineup.

Jeff Van Gundy would be awesome but I doubt we'll get him :(
What makes it worst is that Our franchise guy is not built for faced paced games
Why is everyone here so pessimistic? Honestly, our FO wants to win, and win NOW. I think Kings fans need to be a lot more appreciative of the fact that our FO will do whatever they think is best for the franchise to be successful, no matter what it takes. I like it.
We were winning now. Then our franchise cornerstone got sick. Before that, we were 9-5 and were in the national spotlight.
Listening to Carmicheal Dave on the morning show..... You keep spinning it dude. Says he tells like it is but he was tweeting stuff about Malone's rotations and whatnot weeks ago, setting it up for now. Spin, spin spin.... Wait until Napear comes on. Will be more of the same.
This isnt garage podcast dave its corporate dave and I dont blame him hes got a family and nice paycheck to protect now. They have him flying to china with the team staying in 5 star hotels etc . Cant expect a real opinion out of him anymore. Napier will be 1000x worse this afternoon.
While many of you go to bed in anger, I literary woke up with the news this morning and it ruined my day.
I do not know if I overreact, but this is the first time in 10 years that I am embarassed of being a Kings Fan.
The first time in years that we are respected, succesfull and not a joke for the rest of the league and they blew it.
I hope the Fans in Sacramento will make it really clear what the fans think in the next game and still find a way to support the team.

Still and always, GO KINGS !!
Why is everyone here so pessimistic? Honestly, our FO wants to win, and win NOW. I think Kings fans need to be a lot more appreciative of the fact that our FO will do whatever they think is best for the franchise to be successful, no matter what it takes. I like it.
Because this is the OPPOSITE of what good franchises do.

This is what impulsive fans with no clue want to do. Doesn't make it a good idea.

We were ****ING WINNING! Then we lost our superstar. Of course we slid.

This could set us back years.


The Game Thread Dude
Why is everyone here so pessimistic? Honestly, our FO wants to win, and win NOW. I think Kings fans need to be a lot more appreciative of the fact that our FO will do whatever they think is best for the franchise to be successful, no matter what it takes. I like it.
Look how beautiful the upholstery is on the Titanic! Ignore the gigantic hole in our hull!
Why is everyone here so pessimistic? Honestly, our FO wants to win, and win NOW. I think Kings fans need to be a lot more appreciative of the fact that our FO will do whatever they think is best for the franchise to be successful, no matter what it takes. I like it.
Because changing coaches and trading for "names" like josh smith that played horrific basketball lately isnt a good strategy. our FO is basically trying to be the Nets with less spending and talent- good luck with that...


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Why is everyone here so pessimistic? Honestly, our FO wants to win, and win NOW. I think Kings fans need to be a lot more appreciative of the fact that our FO will do whatever they think is best for the franchise to be successful, no matter what it takes. I like it.
Here's why:
  • Malone is years better than anyone on that bench since Adelman. He was coaching the players well defensively. Cousins, Gay, Collison, McLemore were having career PER years. How quickly we forget the Natt-Westphal era.
  • This roster was full of holes, and Malone still did the best with what he was given.
  • I don't trust the FO to make moves in the best interest of the team wrt to Cousins. If they didn't like the style of play, they should have shipped DMC out, because he's not a run n' gun star, nor should he be forced to play like one.
If we want to "be the Spurs", then we're going to have to learn some damn patience. Fans and front office included. But now, this is all squarely on the Gerbil. He needs to make the splash now. If this year is to go down in flames, let him light the torch now so that we can be spared another few months of Corbin either doing exactly the same thing Malone was doing with similar results, OR, running and gunning so that we put up more points, but still lose all of our games...much like what happened with Keith Smart.

If you want to gain credibility around the league, you don't fire the guy who was likely a COY candidate before Cousins went down. If you want to be the Spurs, you ride out the peaks with the valleys. You don't jump up and down like buffoons on draft days, wonder why everyone else is looking at you strangely, then throw a tantrum when you find out the rest of the NBA might have been right. So yeah, I'm pessimistic right now. I'll always side with the coach getting a raw deal, and if you think going 11-13 with this roster, given the injuries/sickness is a failure, then maybe you should see just how bad things can get before wondering why we're all down on this.
Here's why:
  • Malone is years better than anyone on that bench since Adelman. He was coaching the players well defensively. Cousins, Gay, Collison, McLemore were having career PER years. How quickly we forget the Natt-Westphal era.
  • This roster was full of holes, and Malone still did the best with what he was given.
  • I don't trust the FO to make moves in the best interest of the team wrt to Cousins. If they didn't like the style of play, they should have shipped DMC out, because he's not a run n' gun star, nor should he be forced to play like one.
If we want to "be the Spurs", then we're going to have to learn some damn patience. Fans and front office included. But now, this is all squarely on the Gerbil. He needs to make the splash now. If this year is to go down in flames, let him light the torch now so that we can be spared another few months of Corbin either doing exactly the same thing Malone was doing with similar results, OR, running and gunning so that we put up more points, but still lose all of our games...much like what happened with Keith Smart.

If you want to gain credibility around the league, you don't fire the guy who was likely a COY candidate before Cousins went down. If you want to be the Spurs, you ride out the peaks with the valleys. You don't jump up and down like buffoons on draft days, wonder why everyone else is looking at you strangely, then throw a tantrum when you find out the rest of the NBA might have been right. So yeah, I'm pessimistic right now. I'll always side with the coach getting a raw deal, and if you think going 11-13 with this roster, given the injuries/sickness is a failure, then maybe you should see just how bad things can get before wondering why we're all down on this.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
See? Now courageous moves like this are how you earn respect in the NBA:

Rich Levine @rich_levine about 2 hours ago
The Kings are desperate to run + desperate in general, with messed up priorities. If Ainge wants to trade Rondo, Sac should be the target.

Derek Bodner @DerekBodnerNBA
about 2 hours ago
Kings went from darlings of the NBA to coach firing mess in the span of one injury. Still blown away.

Brian Windhorst @WindhorstESPN 2 hours ago
As Sacramento burns & Suns are in free fall, look who is suddenly a half game out of the final playoff spot (already): OKC. Took 2 weeks

Jody Genessy @DJJazzyJody about 3 hours ago
To meet Vivek's expectations, Kings interim coach Ty Corbin must win an NBA championship before the end of 2014 or he'll also be fired.

Frank Madden @brewhoop about 3 hours ago
Just when you thought the Kings were starting to prove their critics wrong...

Steve Popper @StevePopper about 3 hours ago
So Mike Malone finally brought some respectability to Sacramento, hovering around playoffs without Cousins - and was fired. Okay, NBA.

Derek Bodner @DerekBodnerNBA about 3 hours ago
Unless there's more to situation than being reported, Kings firing Malone is one of the more ridiculous firings I've seen in recent memory.

Zach Lowe @ZachLowe_NBA about 4 hours ago
Let's just hope this ends with the Kings actually trying 4-on-5 defense.
Man, I'm so disheartened by this news.

I think Kings' fans saw a lot of Sacramento in Malone -- blue collar, get-it-done, self-accountable, no-excuses-type of coach. He took over a roster that couldn't guard Bill Wennington on a fast break 10 years from now, and turned them into a respectable defensive team. We saw improvement and hope with Malone. We saw ball movement and a structured offense. We saw a resemblance of a well-coached basketball team, which we haven't seen in many, many years. We saw player development in Cousins and McLemore (After last year, who would have thought he'd be where he is now?). We also saw a lot of mistakes by Malone -- yes, it was frustrating, but ultimately okay... due to the mere fact that we were in December and still within playoff hopes. We knew with Malone it would be trial and error, as he was a young coach. But like with any prospect, all you really want to see is growth and hope and I think we all saw that.

I absolutely hated Malone playing Sessions after it was evident that he was playing so poorly. I hated seeing the Kings lose multiple games after being up 10+, 20+ points. I hate even more that we fired Malone. And it's really not so much about firing Malone that upsets's the eerily feeling of the past regime that has settled in to my mind. The ownership meddling. The Mullins factor. The Reno Bighorns experiment (WTF?). Please, show some stability. They talk about mirroring organizations like San Antonio, and than this?


I'm not pretending to know what's best for this franchise, but I don't like being the butt of the NBA jokes. I don't like making Bill Simmons' job easy. I hope there is a plan. I hope Vivek lets PDA make decisions without intrusion. I hope PDA lets the next coach, coach without intrusion.
The Spurs winning championship after championship is too NBA 2.0. Outdated. The PHX Suns of old led by D'Antoni is the future. Run & Gun basketball and 4 on 5 = NBA 3.0
So Vivek, would you have fired Phil Jackson for not winning a title the year without Jordan?

Or maybe Pop for not winning in the playoffs the year Duncan was hurt?

Both guys went on to win multiple titles after those setbacks. Christ almighty I'm out of words.

I'm tired of hearing Vivek preach that line about hiring people smarter than him.

That bar seems to be very very low. If Mullin and PDA are smarter then him, then, we are all doomed.
I also feel bad for Corbin who has to know he will be fired regardless of what he does. He will be coaching for his next job. After having a few hours to think about it this decision is worse than I imagined initially. Laughingstock yet again, no clear direction, heck I don't even know who makes the decisions. We have somehow managed to claw our way back to sucking after almost snatching respectability. Only the Sacramento Kings can return to sucking in such grandeur. Rudy has to feel blindsided by all of this and I'm afraid to know what Cousins is thinking.
There has to be more to it. Like Malone popped off to PDA or even Vivek in such a way one of them felt head coach was too uppity or he insulted them. I thought Malone's last post game comments after Detroit were eerie as he "thanked players for their effort," "thought the offense was ok," - etc. It was like he knew he was under fire and maybe wasn't surprised at all when got Sunday night call to tell him adios.