Malone fired


With Malone being fired so quickly it starts one to wonder. Does Vivek somehow compare this to the Mark Jackson firing with the GSW??? Lacob had wanted a fancier offense and had disagreements with Jackson. Now we have a similar firing in Sacto.

Vivek and company are quickly using up all the good will with the fans they earned by saving the Kings. First not signing Tyreke, then not signing IT and now firing Malone. Each of those moves alienated a portion of the fans. Then there is the goofy style of play in Reno which most know is not a system that will work in the NBA. Now we have Malone fired before the season even gets rolling. With Boogie out due to being sick it just appears to be a bogus firing of a successful young coach. This is not the Spurs ladies and gentlemen.

To top this off is all of the negative ramifications firing Malone will have with DeMarcus Cousins and Rudy Gay.

Vivek, Pete and Mully....dumb, dumb, dumb..... Have they tossed in the towel on the season already??? Is this the begining of a tank?

This is hauntingly familiar for those of us that were around to see the Magoofs fire Adelman. Allegedly Adelman could not coach Defense. This after "The Greatest Show on Earth team" had very good team defense.

This is shaping up as another NBA disappointment for us Kings fans:(

good point. vivek likes emulating the team he came from
Anyone else worried that management/ownership is actually looking for just a yes man that will just do whatever they say? Seems to me a guy like Karl wouldn't work for them, and they just want someone they can give directions to. Knowing that it was Malone that nixed the Josh Smith trade we are forever in his debt to him for taking one for the team.
Well, its been said that PDA likes Karl's style so I am not sure there would be mich conflict there.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
I don't know who that is. the idiot up at Reno?

Anyway, I've been pondering names like Jim O'Brien -- will run n gun with no prompting.

Of course same thing as Karl, has never proven he can actually coach a post player, and may be actively abrasive to the one guy in the entire league you don't want to be abrasive with, but hey, after you do the big stupid might as well complete the thought.
Yeah, it's the Reno guy. On your second point, I'm incredibly concerned. Their cornerstone franchise once-in-a-lifetime-for-a-town-like-Sacramento player isn't built to run and gun. Frankly, most of the team isn't. I'm not sure who you bring in that will be an upgrade, given the talent.
What a foolish move! This just set the team back in a huge way, I was actually enjoying Kings ball for the first time in a decade, but of course it was too good to be true.

I don't give a damn how much money Vivek has... it wont fix this mistake. What a damn shame.
Yeah, it's the Reno guy. On your second point, I'm incredibly concerned. Their cornerstone franchise once-in-a-lifetime-for-a-town-like-Sacramento player isn't built to run and gun. Frankly, most of the team isn't. I'm not sure who you bring in that will be an upgrade, given the talent.
I can think of one name - Jeff Van Gundy. Build a team around Cousins and Gay that can play hard nosed D (Part of the way there thanks to Malone) and a grind it out style of play that works in the Playoffs. The Kings can still fast break at every opportunity and shoot threes. JVG's style suits Cousins and gay to a T!!!

Open that wallet Vivek and bring in the best available.
Listening to Carmicheal Dave on the morning show..... You keep spinning it dude. Says he tells like it is but he was tweeting stuff about Malone's rotations and whatnot weeks ago, setting it up for now. Spin, spin spin.... Wait until Napear comes on. Will be more of the same.
i had to shut it off. diarrhea on the airwaves
I'm starting to lose trust with the FO with every move they make.
-not signing reke who is averaging (17-6-5) mostly at the 3
-bringing greivis instead of robin Lopez who would've been perfect for us (viveks meddling?)
-not signing IT who still played out of his mind starting or not (averaging 15 and 4 off the bench), and is outplaying that scrub sessions in every aspect
-signing a washed up Landry
- the "STAUSKAS!!!" Pick over Payton (who's having the better year?)
- and now firing a tough defensive coach who couldn't show is true potential because of this ass backwards roster. I certainly feel like Ray McCallum getting minutes over sessions and stauskas in the Detroit game was Malones last F-U to the FO

It's only a matter of time before DMC starts throwing subliminals at the FO and we will be in disarray again
Woke up this morning and.... nope.. it wasnt terrible dream. This sucks.

Now to read that Boogie didnt even know about it before hand, and to read that they didnt like Malone's hard nosed Defense appraoch and that Vivek wanted more exciting offense with points...?

What a freaking joke.

I love Peja and I'm so sorry his night has to be marred by this.. but at this point I hope his ceremony at half time is filled with boos once Vivek takes center court.
You think his old coach would for an instant take any of the meddling from our neophyte front office personnel? He'd probably just elbow them to the nose and toss them out of his office by the seat of their slacks.
LOL yup like I said chance in Hell, but Sloan does have the cred to be able to elbow them in the nose and toss them out then keep on doing his thing.
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With Malone being fired so quickly it starts one to wonder. Does Vivek somehow compare this to the Mark Jackson firing with the GSW??? Lacob had wanted a fancier offense and had disagreements with Jackson. Now we have a similar firing in Sacto.

Vivek and company are quickly using up all the good will with the fans they earned by saving the Kings. First not signing Tyreke, then not signing IT and now firing Malone. Each of those moves alienated a portion of the fans. Then there is the goofy style of play in Reno which most know is not a system that will work in the NBA. Now we have Malone fired before the season even gets rolling. With Boogie out due to being sick it just appears to be a bogus firing of a successful young coach. This is not the Spurs ladies and gentlemen.

To top this off is all of the negative ramifications firing Malone will have with DeMarcus Cousins and Rudy Gay.

Vivek, Pete and Mully....dumb, dumb, dumb..... Have they tossed in the towel on the season already??? Is this the begining of a tank?

This is hauntingly familiar for those of us that were around to see the Magoofs fire Adelman. Allegedly Adelman could not coach Defense. This after "The Greatest Show on Earth team" had very good team defense.

This is shaping up as another NBA disappointment for us Kings fans:(
Quickly. Someone upgrade this photo to our new trio of clowns. Vivek/PDA/Mullin.

We've gone full Who level Won't Get Fooled Again.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. photo.JPG
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Listening to Carmicheal Dave on the morning show..... You keep spinning it dude. Says he tells like it is but he was tweeting stuff about Malone's rotations and whatnot weeks ago, setting it up for now. Spin, spin spin.... Wait until Napear comes on. Will be more of the same.
You shouldn't bother listening to sports talk in Sacramento. We are absolutely not the hotbed of riveting analysis.


I have been calling for weeks now for Corbin to be given the head coaching position. I loved the way he closed out the game when Malone was kicked out.
I have been calling for weeks now for Corbin to be given the head coaching position. I loved the way he closed out the game when Malone was kicked out.
I'm expecting for Corbin to step in as the interim HC and surprise us with solid decisions and more wins, we'll get attached again and say maybe this was the right decision, and then they'll dump him for D'Antoni or Del Negro because they fit the vision of this team. *insert face palm here*
so, in essence this was a power move by PDA that he had been setting up for some time and that he now got Vivek on board with, because he's not entirely realistic about what a bad roster this is without Cousins, right? terrible mistake anyway. Malone was and is the right coach for this team, barring any pipe dreams. the players seem to like him, he had the team trending in the right direction and he's only been set back by terrible timing. I don't see any available coach out there that'd be able to reproduce Malone's results on the defensive end with this roster. this has the potential to go horribly awry.


Hall of Famer
We should have been getting a roster full of Chicago Bull type players who mirror Thibs personality because, Malone is cut from the same cloth....... But no, we give him literally zero defensive oriented players. Zero.

Think of the acquisitions....not one is considered a defensive guy....Collison is an upgrade over IT but hardly known for his defense. No shotblocking Dalembert type guy even. Damn...the closest thing we got was Moute and he was shipped off...LOL

Malone coached his ass off here with what he was given. Dumbasses should have never hired the guy then. Malone is going to land a head coaching job soon and when he gets the right roster fit for him, I think he will be more than fine.... Because he turned a roster full of non-defenders into a decent defensive unit. JT got better, Cuz got better, Ben locks many of his guys..... ****, ****, ****
I noticed our owners fall in love with players who are exciting high flyers, who can put points on the board and nothing else. (D-will, gay).
With this FO I feel like our ceiling is the suns with Nash and stoudemire. Good and exciting team but when it's crunch time we will get a early exit in the playoffs


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I noticed our owners fall in love with players who are exciting high flyers, who can put points on the board and nothing else. (D-will, gay).
With this FO I feel like our ceiling is the suns with Nash and stoudemire. Good and exciting team but when it's crunch time we will get a early exit in the playoffs
and it fits with the Smith idea too.

This is what you get when you get some neophyte who coached his daughter's basketball team making NBA decisions. Its like every casual fan or 10yr old kid just learning the game. Run run run! Score score score! Ooooooh! dunk! Yay! Ooooooohhh!! Three pointer! Yay!! This is fun!! Analysis consists of "um...he's a good player because he dunks good and stuff."