The Official NBA Draft Day Thread 2014 Edition

During the offseason, I've...

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I like Stauskas, I just don't understand how you go into the year with a shoot first pg, a dominant low post scorer who needs shots, and Rudy Gay who needs shots, and you add a guy whose best attribute is scoring. I get spacing the floor but none of this makes sense with it, gay, and cousons all needimg 15+ shots a game. If IT remains our pg Stauskas is wasted.
This makes Isaiah Thomas look like an even worse fit as our PG
Details please? I quit watching after our pick.
Austin lost his eye a few years ago and had secretly been playing with a fake eye. That came out a few months ago. And even with that it looked as if he was still going to get drafted as the first partially blind player. He was going to drop into the 2nd round.

Then a few days ago he was diagnosed with a heart condition that will not allow him to play professional basketball. So Silver and the League called him up to the stage saying that he was being drafted by the league. He got an NBA cap and a handshake and recognition for his hard work by Adam Silver.
To be fair, he's a good passer with great IQ as well
Agreed. Like I said no issues with the player, just the team as constructed. We need a pass first defensive pg with what we have. Gotta turn one of our surplus sgs into that since those are the only tradeable asset we have that anyone might want.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Austin lost his eye a few years ago and had secretly been playing with a fake eye. That came out a few months ago. And even with that it looked as if he was still going to get drafted as the first partially blind player. He was going to drop into the 2nd round.

Then a few days ago he was diagnosed with a heart condition that will not allow him to play professional basketball. So Silver and the League called him up to the stage saying that he was being drafted by the league. He got an NBA cap and a handshake and recognition for his hard work by Adam Silver.
Best part of the night by far. That was a really classy move from the league office. So far I'm happy with how the Adam Silver era is going (well okay, that new dunk contest format was a mistake so there's that).
the kings spent lottery picks on SG's in two straight years. f***ing SG's!! it may be the least essential position in the contemporary nba. offenses have evolved considerably at the professional level; you can get outside shooting from just about anywhere on the court these days. sure, you draft a SG if he's the next kobe bryant. nik stauskas is not the next kobe bryant. i considered the mclemore pick to be a mistake at the time, and while i don't absolutely hate the stauskas pick, i do hate that the kings continue to invest in scorers who can't play defense. i was much higher on elfrid payton, and would have even preferred noah vonleh. but here we are once again, left to wonder whether or not the front office has any idea what they're really trying to accomplish. so far, we've only heard rumors that the kings envision playing stauskas and mclemore side-by-side at times. it truly boggles the mind...


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Agreed. Like I said no issues with the player, just the team as constructed. We need a pass first defensive pg with what we have. Gotta turn one of our surplus sgs into that since those are the only tradeable asset we have that anyone might want.
Yeah - exactly. We need a pass-first defensive PG and one was right there on the board. We can maybe try to get Rondo from Boston but we can't afford Lowry or Bledsoe (not that they're pass first anyway, but they're competent PGs who contribute a lot defensively). There aren't many of these types of guys around.
I was actually warming to PDA. He's a man without a plan though. Just like a headless chicken. I hope some more moves clear up what the hell he's trying to do because this is just plain dumb.
the kings spent lottery picks on SG's in two straight years. f***ing SG's!! it may be the least essential position in the contemporary nba. offenses have evolved considerably at the professional level; you can get outside shooting from just about anywhere on the court these days. sure, you draft a SG if he's the next kobe bryant. nik stauskas is not the next kobe bryant. i considered the mclemore pick to be a mistake at the time, and while i don't absolutely hate the stauskas pick, i do hate that the kings continue to invest in scorers who can't play defense. i was much higher on elfrid payton, and would have even preferred noah vonleh. but here we are once again, left to wonder whether or not the front office has any idea what they're really trying to accomplish. so far, we've only heard rumors that the kings envision playing stauskas and mclemore side-by-side at times. it truly boggles the mind...
What they do with McLemore will determine my confidence in them. I'm fine with drafting Stauskas - just get rid of McLemore. It's like they are unwilling to admit they were wrong about him to the point that they wouldn't trade him for established vets. Now they seem to envision them playing together. I'm all for holding on to potential and giving a player time, but we are short on assets to begin with. Trades don't usually happen if you aren't willing to give up something.
I was actually warming to PDA. He's a man without a plan though. Just like a headless chicken. I hope some more moves clear up what the hell he's trying to do because this is just plain dumb.
You guys are all gonna love Stauskas... he's gonna be a Klay Thompson clone for us out there on offense for years to come. Gonna forget about all these other guys... I really think we got this one right.


Hall of Famer
The guy can certainly shoot the ball

Yes.....then watch the weaknesses part of the video.....not going to stop anyone. I get we need shooting and he has handles and all that, but man, this eliminates any thought of defense at SG unless Ben can step up....cause it won't e Stauskus playing D.
You guys are all gonna love Stauskas... he's gonna be a Klay Thompson clone for us out there on offense for years to come. Gonna forget about all these other guys... I really think we got this one right.
I have nothing against Stauskas, I like him and his game. Just not really for this team. Well at least not with Ben here. Doesn't make sense to invest in two SGs two years in a row with virtually the same strengths (yes I know they're not the same before someone points out ball-handling/passing).

If Ben is moved for Rondo, which won't happen, then I'd see Nik as a good fit in that scenario. I don't doubt that he can be a good player. I still think it's a weird pick given our roster makeup and needs.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Best part of the night by far. That was a really classy move from the league office. So far I'm happy with how the Adam Silver era is going (well okay, that new dunk contest format was a mistake so there's that).
To be fair, I don't think that was on Silver.
Yes.....then watch the weaknesses part of the video.....not going to stop anyone. I get we need shooting and he has handles and all that, but man, this eliminates any thought of defense at SG unless Ben can step up....cause it won't e Stauskus playing D.
Gonna be another season of watching opposing SG's go bonkers on us
Since I don't listen to Howdy Doody, I'm going to hazard a guess. He's ranting and raving about the fans who aren't overjoyed and ecstatic about the Stauskas pick?
He's basically saying that it's only June and there's plenty of time to make changes and then every time a team drafted someone with another established player already at that position, he would call it out and mock everyone that called and complained about back to back SG picks. It was hilarious to listen how mad he was that everyone hated the pick. He just kept saying YEAH WELL EVERYONE HATED PEJA AND SEE WHAT HAPPENED, ALL-STAR! ALL FREAKING STAR!!
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