The Official NBA Draft Day Thread 2014 Edition

During the offseason, I've...

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i'm envious of philly's gm. he got his s*** together. he knows they will be bad so what do they do? prep for it. grab as much talent as possible.

he scored nerlens noel, mcw, embiid and saric in 2 yrs time. what is gerbil doing? he's like a dog in heat trying to hump anything that becomes available with no real plan.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I don't think Nik Stauskas is a bad prospect. It's mostly just the missed opportunity which continues to grate on me. It's frustrating watching other teams make huge improvements while we continue to move sideways. I didn't hate Jimmer out of college either, I just thought he was a poor fit and there were still 5 or 6 players on the board who were at least as talented and would have been a better for us. That's basically how I feel about the Stauskas pick. It takes some imagination perhaps to see how it all fits together, but resorting the depth chart doesn't make me very optimistic. Best case scenario is Stauskas seizing the starting spot and making Ben expendable. We improve our shooting efficiency but have we gotten any better defensively? If you have any faith at all in McLemore improving after his rookie year than it's difficult to see how bringing in another SG helps us much when there are so many other needs we could have filled instead.


Hall of Famer
I suppose my big issue is with people acting like this pick has somehow ruined their life.

Maybe it's just that as a revering manic-depressive, I have an issue with people acting like a team's draft pick is going to irrevocably alter every aspect of their existence. Is it a bad pick? Maybe. Is it a good pick? Maybe. Either way, the overreactions on both sides really bother me.

And this is coming from a dude who is NOT a fan of the Stauskas pick.
Your over reacting to others overreacting :)


Hall of Famer
Folks, let's take a deep breath and get some perspective. We have Boogie and Gay is staying. We didn't need a star and none were available. I don't understand the choice except that we probably filled another starting position. Stauskas is better than Mclemore although I won't guarantee it. :) Now in my mind we need a defensive big and a real starting PG. They can come via trades - I hope Landry and the rest of the herd are worth something.

Point is that at the beginning of last year we had one legitimate starter in Boogie. We almost randomly traded bodies and eventually ended up with Gay giving us two starters. I think it is highly likely Stauskas is a third starter. Does this make sense? Certainly a trade can plug the PG or defensive big hole and give us 4 legitimate starters although I wouldn't count on it. Without any more improvements, we have a great big guy and a great SF. We have a long range shooter. We are inching towards having a team.

If Stauskas sucks ................................ I don't know what to say.
There is a problem in my opinion when you spend two straight lottery picks on SGs and will probably still have the worst SGs in the league still.
i'm envious of philly's gm. he got his s*** together. he knows they will be bad so what do they do? prep for it. grab as much talent as possible.

he scored nerlens noel, mcw, embiid and saric in 2 yrs time. what is gerbil doing? he's like a dog in heat trying to hump anything that becomes available with no real plan.
Let's be honest here, other than probably the Bucks, who has a worse roster than us, talent wise?
I like Stauskas, I just don't understand how you go into the year with a shoot first pg, a dominant low post scorer who needs shots, and Rudy Gay who needs shots, and you add a guy whose best attribute is scoring. I get spacing the floor but none of this makes sense with it, gay, and cousons all needimg 15+ shots a game. If IT remains our pg Stauskas is wasted.
With how much talk this week with on how "active" our FO has been this was about as big of a let down as you can get.

We reached on a guy at 8 and couldn't get any teams to bite on what seemed like endless proposals.

I wonder if we could make a move to get that little Buddy Holly looking kid from Cleveland so we can actually get a real ****ing lottery pick next year!
as a person that loves to watch good shooters get hot, i am excited to see Stauskus play. i just feel that there were better options available that we will look back on and regret.

I just hope there is a lot of moves made in the next couple months.
I like Stauskas, I just don't understand how you go into the year with a shoot first pg, a dominant low post scorer who needs shots, and Rudy Gay who needs shots, and you add a guy whose best attribute is scoring. I get spacing the floor but none of this makes sense with it, gay, and cousons all needimg 15+ shots a game. If IT remains our pg Stauskas is wasted.
To be fair, he's a good passer with great IQ as well
I wasn't necessarily taking about Monitoring the fan base through other platforms has seriously made me question the meaning of life.

Then again, on the flipside maybe it causes the fans on the other side of the coin to do the same. It's like watching someone walk into the same wall over and over and expecting it to move out of your way eventually.

Don't mind the player but is there any concrete idea of how to get the most out of him?


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I wasn't necessarily taking about Monitoring the fan base through other platforms has seriously made me question the meaning of life.
I'll take grumbling on various forms of social media any day over the rioting and looting that happens in LA whenever some team remotely connected with the city wins something. We talk a lot but in the end most of us are right back in the same place watching the games and cheering for our guys through all the losses. It's a roller coaster at times, but that just shows how much we care. Probably too much, really.
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