Look, I am no Derrick Williams fan. People still give him all this credit for being a #2 pick, but you know what? We just got done playing the Wovles #4 pick, Wesley Johnson. That one they took over Cousins. Maybe we can go find Johhny Flynn, who they took #5 as well. Point being being a #2 pick means nothing for him. Fans, and indeed people in general, often buy into hype, especially fro athletes. Ooh, look he can dunk! Yeah, nifty. In a dunk contest maybe. But tweeners are deadly beasts. Normally to their own teams. This year we're seeing it again with Anthony Bennett. Fact of the matter is that Williams has been dumb, soft, inefficient, and unable to carve out a starting role for a team that would have handed it to him. And the only two reasons fans have kept on going ooh! Derrick Williams! Is because he was the #2 pick. And he can dunk. End analysis.
Now all of that said, ALL of that said, and with it said that there will come a day when Mbah a Moute will be precisely the sort of roleplayer we will want piles of, there is a clear theory to trading him for Derrick Williams. Call it Daryl Morey theory. The same way that Morey was running around the last few years shipping off every asset that wasn't tied to a chair on the theory that you need stars to win,a nd he didn't want to acquire anybody who didn't have at least a chance to be a star, well...here we are. We took a 2nd round pick, turned it into a roleplayer, and turned the roleplayer into a former #2 who was thought to have star potential. So it is what it is. You install him at SF, croiss your fingers. If it doesn't work out, then you lose while claiming to be reaching for the stars, and go draft somebody better.