Has anyone else seen this? It seems innocent enough at first but this ends pretty horrifically. With Ben McL and Outlaw both crashing to the floor. Ben falling with his wrist down first. Im down with popcorn in the car, girl/kid backpacks. But whatever that nonsense was it needs to never freaking happen again!
Could you imagine the ESPN headline "ROOKIE of the year hopeful breaks wrist in prank at media day"? How embarrassing would that be to kick off the new start to this franchise. The ownership/front office/coaches better cut that crap out right now. jeez.
Kayte Christensen and Carl Landry were in the middle of an interview when this went down. You can view it on the Kings.com web page. its at the 59 min mark. The very first thing she says after watching both Ben and Outlaw fall was "OH GOD!!! THATS HOW PEOPLE GET HURT!!!!" "HONESTLY THATS HOW PEOLE GET HURT!"exactly what she said...totally sounded really silly/funny by someone that saw it live..
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