who is the best defensive SG we could get for martin?

do a lot of people really think garcia is gonna solve our problems? i've seen his name pop up alot as the answer to our problems. it's just all these years garcia has always seemed to me as a role player thats been very streaky. i swear almost every game i've seen him make a couple bonehead offensive fouls while we're building momentum. then again he's also hit game winners and is a very good defender and spot up shooter. what i'm waiting for him to come back for is his leadership and tenacity but i dont know if that will automatically fix our problems. i guess me seeing all these "garcia coming back will be fine" is like others seeing "when martin comes back it will be fine"
Garcia will not solve all our problems but he goes a long way to solve one problem, and thats having a best fit next to Tyreke.

Garcia just needs to be himself, nothing more, nothing less. Garcia is a classic example of "jack of all trades, master of none" type players. He is solid at everything without being excellent at anything.

What we need next to Tyreke in the backcourt is exactly what Garcia is, a role player. He handles the ball, he is a solid passer, scrappy defender and a good spot up shooter. He doesn't need to have the ball in his hands to be effective and he is a leader. He fits the persona of the team that started this season.

He is arguably the best fit for Tyreke in the whole league. Sure, he is not perfect. He makes dumb mistakes at times and has bone head moments, but he is a role players, and a pretty good one (and exactly what we need). Equally effective as a starter as he is coming off the bench. He doesn't need to play 40 mintues, and score 20 each night but all he needs to do is play solid defence, pass the ball well, spot up for Tyreke's passes when the defence collapses on him.

This still doesn't address the front court issues but it cleans up what has become a messy backcourt. If we could use Martin to get some frontcourt help, then all the better but I just don't see GP trading Martin this year. Maybe in summer but I don't think he is traded by the deadline.
or a solid point guard to go along with Evans....

some how the martin jt for jefferson and rights to rubio sounds pretty tasty to me now... no way rubio plays for them as long as flynn is there.. i wouldnt mind nabbing flynn from them though ;)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
or a solid point guard to go along with Evans....

some how the martin jt for jefferson and rights to rubio sounds pretty tasty to me now... no way rubio plays for them as long as flynn is there.. i wouldnt mind nabbing flynn from them though ;)

PG is not the route to go. It lets opposing teams off the hook. You want their PG to have to guard Reke.

As for Cisco the point is not that Cisco is a savior or whatever. The point is that he doesn't have to be. Addition by subtraction. You put a guy at that position who can do all the little things you'd like a guy to do next to Reke and it just fits. You aren't asking Cisco to win games for you. You are asking him not to lose them, not to get in the way, and to fill in all the holes in classic roleplayer style.

Reke is 21 5 and 5 now. As a 20 yr old rookie. And look at the problems already trying to shoehorn in another 20ppg guard in next to him. And that's as a 20yr old rookie. Next year he'll be 23 6 and 6. The year after that 26 7 and 7. Maybe more, who knows. Point is that Reke will win the games for you, the guy next to him just has to be able to fill the role of "guy next to Reke", and be able to thrive with whatever is leftover after Reke gets done. And that whatever is leftover is probably going to continue to shrink as Reke climbs the superstar ranks. Cisco is a roleplayer. He can do that. Score 15ppg now and do the little things needed. Score 13ppg next year and do the little things. 12ppg the year after that and do the little things. And be ok with that without it being a dimunition of his game. He certainly doesn't have to be the long term solution, but he's a reasonable fit we have here right now.
This team needs a big not another wing, if you could package Martin, K9, and either Hawes or Thompson and get a good to great big and then draft Turner with our 1st pick, I'm all for it, but if you can't, you gotta get a defensive big, see if Martin can come off the bench to add a scoring punch, and hope Garcia can compliment Evans.

The best line up I can think of after the draft is:

Defensive Big/Thompson/Brockman
Hawes/Defensive Big

This could be a great line up with time and patience
I know the big I want, either Dalembert or Okafor. I want someone who can alter shots and get boards and have a little offensive game. We should trade K9's expiring he should be able to get either one hopefully.
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Hall of Famer
I like Brewer. I'd rather have him than Martin. His outside shot is improving, and he's head and shoulders better than Martin at the defensive end of the floor. He's extremely quick for his size. (Garcia isn't nearly as quick as Brewer). If you had Tyreke, Brewer and Greene in the game you'd have an uber athletic lineup. At least initially, though, they wouldn't be a very good outside shooting lineup. I'd still be interested. We're not going to get a name big for Martin. The only way we get a big for him is if he's a multi-year project, like Thabeet. The problem with all of this is: Who wants Martin anyway? He's playing like a nobody out there. If you had never seen Martin play before, you'd think he was a journeyman they got out of the D league.
Maybe Corey Brewer and Johnny Flynn. then we can let sergio go at the end of the year.
Let me finish your rant..

Maybe Corey Brewer and Johnny Flynn. then we can let sergio go at the end of the year and cry about not taking Blair and saying screw the whole Portland trade.


Hall of Famer
I love all these people saying to get "a bigman" and never come up with realistic ideas or specific names.
I would say that there has been a ton of names and ideas proposed in the personal fourm. I'm not going to bother going through them again. Just go back and read them. Some were good ideas and some were terrible.
Garcia will not solve all our problems but he goes a long way to solve one problem, and thats having a best fit next to Tyreke.

Garcia just needs to be himself, nothing more, nothing less. Garcia is a classic example of "jack of all trades, master of none" type players. He is solid at everything without being excellent at anything.

What we need next to Tyreke in the backcourt is exactly what Garcia is, a role player. He handles the ball, he is a solid passer, scrappy defender and a good spot up shooter. He doesn't need to have the ball in his hands to be effective and he is a leader. He fits the persona of the team that started this season.

He is arguably the best fit for Tyreke in the whole league. Sure, he is not perfect. He makes dumb mistakes at times and has bone head moments, but he is a role players, and a pretty good one (and exactly what we need). Equally effective as a starter as he is coming off the bench. He doesn't need to play 40 mintues, and score 20 each night but all he needs to do is play solid defence, pass the ball well, spot up for Tyreke's passes when the defence collapses on him.

This still doesn't address the front court issues but it cleans up what has become a messy backcourt. If we could use Martin to get some frontcourt help, then all the better but I just don't see GP trading Martin this year. Maybe in summer but I don't think he is traded by the deadline.
good and thorough answer to my question. im hoping thats the reason he keeps coming up. not to be our savior, but to be a fitting piece to the puzzle. if he returns and we still lose but play competative, i just dont want a lot of people all of a sudden wanting to trade him too. also im more concerned about the front court but right now it seems our whole team is a mess
Andre Iguodala and Evans would be The best backcourt in the nba that would be crazy. I would at least inquire to philly on what it would take to make a deal.