who is the best defensive SG we could get for martin?

we need a doug christie replica at sg. im not sure who around the league is good defensively at the position. And then get okafor and you would have a solid team to build chemistry with:
Evans SG
Casspi Okafor Greene

or maybe we can draft a defensive sg with the lottery pick? but defense takes time to develop.

maybe courtney lee? douglass roberts? that guy on the heat, brewer?


Super Moderator Emeritus
We do not need to trade Kevin for another freaking guard. We've got 2/3 players coming out of our ears. If the time comes when trading him seems to be the only move to get this team back to where it appeared to be heading, it needs to be for something taller than Donte. Seriously.
yea well " seriously" no ones gonna give a good big man for martin. seriously. might as well get what you can and make us better.
Maybe not for Martin alone. We have KT and excess young wing players to possibly get a deal done. It needs to be for a big man. Why trade Martin if you're gonna get a worse player that plays the same position? Seriously.


Super Moderator Emeritus
yea well " seriously" no ones gonna give a good big man for martin. seriously. might as well get what you can and make us better.
Getting more guards isn't going to make us better, unless it's someone nanmed Wall. It's gonna make us look like Don Nelson's perfect team...


The Game Thread Dude
um we would be losing martin in the deal so we would not be "adding" any more sg's.
We would have the same amount of SF/SGs plus Garcia would be back.

As it stands now, we have Omri, Donte, Martin, Nocioni, Udoka, and Garcia (with some 'Reke thrown in for good measure since we like to use Beno or Sergio with him on the floor) all playing those positions. Of those players, Omri and Donte both are the young guns that we most certainly want to keep, Garcia is the seasoned vet whom we still aren't sure of on this current team, Udoka is a serviceable role player guy, and Martin and Nocioni are, well, Martin and Nocioni. There's 96 minutes to go around between those two positions and six guys we can play there. Something's got to give.
I would actually trade Martin for Brewer straight up. Brewer is younger, more athletic, an improving shooter, and a top notch lock down defender. I remember in their last game against the Kings, Brewer defended Tyreke as good as anyone I've seen this year. Brewer could easily become the Doug Christie we've been looking for.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I would actually trade Martin for Brewer straight up. Brewer is younger, more athletic, an improving shooter, and a top notch lock down defender. I remember in their last game against the Kings, Brewer defended Tyreke as good as anyone I've seen this year. Brewer could easily become the Doug Christie we've been looking for.
Okay, if that's true, then why would anyone trade Brewer to us for Martin?



So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
If we trade Martin and get another 2/3 then we better be moving Noc and possibly Beno in the deal as well. But ultimately we need big men and Martin is our best shot at that outside the draft.
You don't need a doug christie type defensively next to Tyreke as much as you need a dough christie type offensively with Tyreke. Or you just need a real PG that can D up.

Basically the "ideal" Robin to Batman here is: Smart offensive mind, sees the floor, very willing to pass, can knock down the three, can play decent defense, isn't a midget.

This can come from the 1,2 or 3 position. Of anyone available, I don't really know who matches that.


The Game Thread Dude
You don't need a doug christie type defensively next to Tyreke as much as you need a dough christie type offensively with Tyreke. Or you just need a real PG that can D up.

Basically the "ideal" Robin to Batman here is: Smart offensive mind, sees the floor, very willing to pass, can knock down the three, can play decent defense, isn't a midget.

This can come from the 1,2 or 3 position. Of anyone available, I don't really know who matches that.
Francisco Garcia?
Andre Iguodala. He meets the requirements and then some. But the question is can he play with Reke. He's been the "man" in Philly since iverson was traded, but things would be different here.
We do need perhaps a defensive wing specialist--that's why we claimed Udoka off waivers, but he's only a temporary fix given his age--but this is the sort of problem that could be solved after we shed some of the contracts that create a logjam at our wing positions (Noc, Garcia, and Martin, for starters--out with the old, in with the new). And this problem can we addressed in the draft--exclusive defensive players don't tend to be drafted high, so if we want one we can always reach for one (remember Wesley Matthews in our training camp this season? He's now a defensive ace for Utah). Yeah, some defensive guys might be available--Corey Brewer and Tony Allen may be primary names out there--and they are proven commodities and are highly disruptive. But simmer down first and this can be addressed in the offseason--there's no need to be brash about this.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
You don't need a doug christie type defensively next to Tyreke as much as you need a dough christie type offensively with Tyreke. Or you just need a real PG that can D up.

Basically the "ideal" Robin to Batman here is: Smart offensive mind, sees the floor, very willing to pass, can knock down the three, can play decent defense, isn't a midget.

This can come from the 1,2 or 3 position. Of anyone available, I don't really know who matches that.

That's more or less my list of ideals as well, and why I have been advocating:


And this:

Andre Iguodala. He meets the requirements and then some. But the question is can he play with Reke. He's been the "man" in Philly since iverson was traded, but things would be different here.

for months now.

Evan Turner sounds interesting too.
Evan Turner is almost exactly that type.

My question with Francisco is how he gets to fit in with the logjam. I just don't see how he can come back and a trade doesn't happen. Sometimes I think Kevin's days as a King come to an end once Garcia shows he's fully back.
do a lot of people really think garcia is gonna solve our problems? i've seen his name pop up alot as the answer to our problems. it's just all these years garcia has always seemed to me as a role player thats been very streaky. i swear almost every game i've seen him make a couple bonehead offensive fouls while we're building momentum. then again he's also hit game winners and is a very good defender and spot up shooter. what i'm waiting for him to come back for is his leadership and tenacity but i dont know if that will automatically fix our problems. i guess me seeing all these "garcia coming back will be fine" is like others seeing "when martin comes back it will be fine"