Where are KingsFans members from? (Follow link and mark map!!)

Why or How did you become a Kings Fan

What a very cool graphic, and because i have never paid much attention to where everybody is from it really made me curious.

I know why I am a Kings Fan. I have been living in Sacramento for the last 18 years. So these are and always will be my homeboys no matter what goes down. But my love affair really took place, on May 14, 1998, the day Christopher Mayce Webber was sent to the Sacramento Kings. That move gave this listless franchise life even before he stepped on the floor. I had been a Kings fans for years. I had been a Webber fan for years, and the two together made me a fan for life, no matter what went down.

But those that live outside of California what made you a fan, especially from so far away with teams that I am sure much closer to you.

Are you from Sac?
Are your parents from Sac?
Is it just the style of play?
Was it or is it a particular player that may or may not still be here?

I am just curious?
kingsville said:
I am from college station , TX. All my friends are rox , mavs and spurs fans . But i am the BIGGEST kings fan from texas .

Well, I wouldn't say BIGGEST in Texas, but one of the few thats for sure. ATX!!
Purple Reign said:
But those that live outside of California what made you a fan, especially from so far away with teams that I am sure much closer to you.

Are you from Sac?
Are your parents from Sac?
Is it just the style of play?
Was it or is it a particular player that may or may not still be here?

I am just curious?
Are you from Sac? No
Are your parents from Sac? No & none of my friends
Is it just the style of play? Yes
Was it or is it a particular player that may or may not still be here? #10 #16 still here
Purple Reign said:
Are you from Sac?
Purple Reign said:
Are your parents from Sac?
Purple Reign said:
Is it just the style of play?
Purple Reign said:
Was it or is it a particular player that may or may not still be here?

When I started to follow the NBA I needed a team to barrack for. I could have done the easy thing and gone for one of the glamour teams at the time but that would have been too easy so I decided to chose one of the struggling teams and stick with them. Chose the Kings because I liked the name :).

Needless to say, I have experienced some great highs and devestating lows since then and I am still waiting for that elusive Championship. When Divac decided to sign with the Kings as a FA, I was over the moon considering the great man is the biggest legend amongst us Serbs :D
I really like this. I said "hi" to Reuel in Sydney, Nova Scotia. When I went back and looked some more I saw that his shoutout said Sydney, Australia! mmmm.....correction needed there?!? About a half a world apart, hahahaha. I went back to double check...can't open the site right now.
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Looks like Purple Reign and I are in the same neighborhood here in SE Sac.

6th, What I consider the first house I called home was right there just north of the Airport. and i also ived just south as well.

Nice to see wheres every at. PFFt, Paraguay. Cool.
Here's a fan from Slovenia! I guess I'm the only one.
My dad would say: "Bolje ista nega nista" (in Serbian, it means something is better than nothing)

Now let's go get that elusive ring already...

P.S. Sadly, Slovenia is too small to be written on the map. I know you people won't be able to sleep if I don't tell you exactly where it is. ;)
It lies betwen Italy and Croatia.

Lep pozdrav!!!

Edit: Wow, you can actually zoom in. :eek:
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Reminder: I know some people don't always read the beginning of a thread. So, as a reminder, if you're posting your location here, make sure you use the link in the first post and enter your info there, too!

It's really pretty fascinating to see how truly international our membership is...

It's nice to see where Kings Fans are from. We have people from all over the world.

Hey VF21 maybe you should make this a sticky thread, so that more fans put themselves on the map. I think it's an important piece of information.

Well, it's just a suggestion.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Savo - Believe it or not, these kinds of threads actually do better if they're NOT stickied. For some reason, some people ignore stickied threads...


I'm sure we can keep it fairly active. The good threads always seem to stay on the first page of the forum for quite a while.



Super Moderator Emeritus
I agree - and I think, if nothing else, we can keep an eye on it and "bump" it should it become necessary...
