I’ve read as much as Blade Runner, Aliens, Predator, Total Recall, Minority Report, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, The Man in the High Castle and even Star Trek and Buffy the Vampire Slayer all being in the same shared universe with Kurt Russell’s forgotten late 90s action schlock Soldier being the connecting link for a lot of them. Gets kinda ridiculous really.
Could also throw Terminator on that pile depending on if you believe Hyperdyne was a parody of Cyberdyne or a necessary last minute script revision due to copyright issues.
As for Blade Runner and Alien specifically though, mostly tons of fan service and Easter eggs sprinkled around both franchises, but fairly explicit. Would add some sweet context to Roy Batty’s “Tears In Rain” speech with the whole “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.”
<shivers> nuke it from space.