What are you reading right now?

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Bricklayer said:
this thread :D
:rolleyes: It's been done.

Bricklayer said:
Thank you! Thank you! Excessive priase, cash donations, panties with phone numbers, etc. etc. can be sent to me in my dresing room after the show.
Why would you want to call a pair of panties? I doubt they would make particularly interesting conversationalists.
i just finished "digital fortress" by dan brown

i've since started, and am almost finished with " a girl named zippy" by haven kimmel. it's an autobiography about growing up in small town america. it's good, and quick read.
I am not listening to it on the radio, but I have that lame 80's song "We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off" going through my head right now, and it's drving me crazy. It's one of those songs that I am embarrassed to admit that I like. :eek:
doone said:

I just read Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club and now I'm all out of books. Anyone got any suggestions?
Cormac McCarthy: No Country For Old Men

But if you have time and patience give David Foster Wallace a try "Infinante Jest" or "Oblivian"
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slugking50 said:
I have that.... Been sitting on my desk for 2 months. Its a thick book. If I start im afraid I might have to finish it which may take me a month;)
Yeah I got really into it and halfway done, but now classes are starting and my free time is evaporating... pretty fascinating way to look at the world though.
^ I actually haven't read any of her books under her pseudonym, have you? I love her books though. Once I read the first one in the trilogy I have to get the other 2. I have to take a break from the "fluff" though and read something more intense.
I just checked out from the library, "Still Woman Enough: A Memoir", Loretta Lynn's second autobio published in 2002. She felt that her first autobio, "Coal Miner's Daughter", was manipulated by the publishers and her management to be somewhat inaccurate of her life, plus her second autobio updates since the first one. She is such an amazing woman, a great musician and a very intelligent, honest person. I can't wait to delve into this book!
Austin Chronicles NEWS OF THE WEIRD segment. thought I would post a couple of storys featured:

-Reba schappell, of Reading, Pa., a professional country singer who is also a conjoined-at-the-head twin with sister Lori, told a BBC radio audience, "when I am singing, Lori is like any other fan, except she's up on the stage with me [covered by a blanket to reduce the distraction]." Said Lori: "I do not ask for anything from Reba. I don't get in to her concerts free just because she's a conjoined twin. I have to pay, just like any other fan" BBC News, Sept 21

-Mark Nuckols, a business student at Dartmouth, began selling the tofu-like Hufu, flavored to resemble human flesh. His target audience is tofu eaters who want a challenge, plus any actual cannibals who might settle for artificiality in order to avoid legal problems and logistical hassles. Nuckols based his recipe on cannibals' reported description of the flavor. Stanford Daily, May 25

Its a weekly segment that I get a kick out of sometimes.

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