Just finished Fallout 3 for the second time (with bad karma this time). It's cool how the endings are different. I hear there are a LOT of possible endings to this game based on decisions you make during the game. Gonna take a break from this game for now, but gonna play through it again at least once more to get the remaining trophies (neutral karma).
Also finished Green Grass and High Tides on Rock Band since I last checked in here.
Not sure what games to play next. Still play CoD and GH from time to time. Also recently bought Namco Museum Essentials from the PS Store. It's pretty good, it has Pac-Man, Dig Dug, Dragon Spirit, Galaga, Xevious, and Xevious Resurrection on there.
Oh, and thanks for the videos of Twilight Princess Jespher, it looks awesome! I don't have a Wii but I have a GameCube so I'm definitely picking that one up at some point
P.S. For anyone who has a Wii, please post if you bought or played Tales of Monkey Island. I used to be a pretty big fan of that series (still never played the 4th one though) and I'm interested in hearing if it's anything like the old ones. Thanks