webber's ovation

okay, the board went down. a lot of people want to know what happened.

can anyone give a good detailed description on what exactly happened?

did the arco announcer announce him differently? or was it the same as for any other opponent?

how long was it?

how did webb react?

how did the other players/kings players react?


furthermore, how was the pregame. what were webb and the other kings doing? lots of hugs?

you know, just stuff like that.

i'd really appreciate the details! please!

thanks :D
..they were playing that song "Hello, old friend" as he was introduced..standing ovation..showed the Maloofs and lots of signs..even the 76'ers were applauding..Chris kept wiping his face with his jersey..he was smiling and he held up his hands and applauded back to the crowd...I probably missed something as my vision was a tad blurry for some unknown reason..


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They announced him second. People were already standing. When they said, "6'10" forward from..." the ovation started. They didn't say his name the same way they do KINGS players, but it didn't matter. The crowd was THUNDEROUS!!!!!

The ovation lasted for about 15 seconds and then the announcer went on to the next player. Webber was grinning from ear to ear and he had to wipe his face on his jersey at least twice.

The pre-game was warm-up. No hugging, etc.

Just before the tip-off, when the two teams greeted each other, Webber and Bibby gave each other a pretty big hug.

Tank says that Webber is going to talk to him right after the game. I promise to bring you the details.

Okay, on a personal note: I cried like a little baby.



Super Moderator Emeritus
Oh, yeah. As Lirica said, Webber turned and held his hands up and applauded the crowd. It was awesome...
VF21 said:
They announced him second. People were already standing. When they said, "6'10" forward from..." the ovation started. They didn't say his name the same way they do KINGS players, but it didn't matter. The crowd was THUNDEROUS!!!!!

The ovation lasted for about 15 seconds and then the announcer went on to the next player. Webber was grinning from ear to ear and he had to wipe his face on his jersey at least twice.

The pre-game was warm-up. No hugging, etc.

Just before the tip-off, when the two teams greeted each other, Webber and Bibby gave each other a pretty big hug.

Tank says that Webber is going to talk to him right after the game. I promise to bring you the details.

Okay, on a personal note: I cried like a little baby.

15 seconds?? what a rip. i thought it would be more.

i'll be sure to watch nba fastbreak in oh 40 minutes to see it, i'm sure thye will show at least 3 seconds of it.
awww! thanks for the great details vf and lirica! exactly the kind of description i wanted!

thanks a lot! i really appreciate it! i'm sure a lot of fans who didn't get to watch do too :D
yes, thank you!!! i was getting all teary-eyed just from your descriptions of it!!! i could just imagine chris with his smile, wiping his face, and giving bibby a long hug.
Ok, just listened to it. From the time the cheers started when Scott Mok announces " at forward 6 '10 # 4..." to when the cheers stopped (when AI got announced) it was approximately 58.92 seconds, which when you listened to it sounds like an eternity.

Once again, kudos Arco. As much as I wanted to be there, I couldn't. I would be balling my eyes out and then yelling and cheering like a mad woman.

Well its over, the end, go Kings

P.S. I also have an interivew that Chris did, I'll try to post that tomorrow.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Oops. My apologies. That 15 seconds was supposed to be 45 seconds. But I'm glad I was off...


Thanks, Reina, for the info.
You know...that was probably the most choked up I've honestly ever been during a sporting event. I think it was the music and seeing the way Chris acted (and then seeing my MOM who isn't even a huge basketball fan wiping away tears!!)....

I've lived in Sacramento for my whole life and in my mind he was the most important athlete ever, here.
What a historic occasion!

That was the first time I've ever wanted to hug Chris Webber with purely innocent intentions.

I was so proud of my maturity for that 58.92 seconds.:D

Oh, and the crowd was great and the moment was genuinely moving...yada yada yada.
Hehe....he says he felt so stupid being up there, that he didn't know what to do. He said he told Kyle Krover that he was glad he was stading next to him becasue he felt so stupid being up there....And that it was humbling.
LMM said:
do you mind posting it? i have too many programs running right now. my computer's running slow. :eek:

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Chris Webber got a royal welcome in his return to Sacramento.

Webber was all smiles and hugs before the Philadelphia 76ers' meeting on Monday night with the Kings, who traded the five-time All-Star in a six-player deal just 33 days earlier.

[size=-2][/size][size=-1]Chris Webber[/size]
[size=-2]Power Forward
Philadelphia 76ers
[size=-2][/size]2004-2005 SEASON STATISTICS[size=-2]GM[/size][size=-2]PPG[/size][size=-2]RPG[/size][size=-2]APG[/size][size=-2]FG%[/size][size=-2]FT%[/size][size=-2]60[/size][size=-2]20.0[/size][size=-2]9.3[/size][size=-2]5.0[/size][size=-2].439[/size][size=-2].803[/size]

The early moments of Webber's much-anticipated homecoming went just as expected -- plenty of hellos and handshakes, followed by a deafening ovation for the cornerstone of the Kings' renaissance.

"When there's a trade, when somebody returns home, it's going to be an emotional night," Philadelphia coach Jim O'Brien said.

Webber spent parts of seven seasons in Sacramento, leading the team in scoring for five straight years while the Kings made six playoff appearances and won two division titles in the longest sustained period of winning in the franchise's history.

But with a chance to unload the final 3½ years of a $127 million contract for a thirtysomething power forward with a surgically repaired knee, the Kings shipped him out along with Matt Barnes and Michael Bradley in exchange for Corliss Williamson, Kenny Thomas and Brian Skinner.

And the fans haven't forgotten. Dozens turned out in jerseys and T-shirts featuring Webber's No. 4, and many others held up signs in tribute. Arco Arena was sold out for the 263rd straight time -- every game since November of Webber's second season in town -- but this crowd had a special buzz.

Barbara Rust displayed 11 handmade signs from recent seasons, including ones reading "This is Webber's World" and "4 Ever Will Be the King of My Heart," on her seats a few rows above the Kings' bench. Rust has been a Kings season ticket-holder for all of the 20 seasons since they moved to Northern California, and Webber always was her favorite.

"I keep reminding myself that after tonight, I won't get to see him again," Rust said. "The team totally changed forever when he got here. I just love what he did for the city, too. He did a lot of charity work."

Webber didn't have much to say before the game, only joking with reporters and clubhouse personnel. He attended a chapel service before taking the court for his reunion game.

When Webber was introduced, the fans immediately jumped to their feet in a raucous ovation. Webber briefly tried to ignore it before raising and clapping his hands in appreciation for the cheers -- and they would have lasted longer than a minute if the announcer hadn't introduced Allen Iverson, who drew his usual boos.

After hugging everyone in a Kings uniform, Webber opened the game with a perfect jumper from his favorite spot on the left wing. Thomas, who was unhappy and mostly unused in Philadelphia, answered with baskets on the Kings' next two possessions.

Webber hit four of his first five shots, scoring nine points in the first seven minutes. Thomas also had something to prove, had 10 points and six rebounds in the first nine minutes.


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Staff member
Saw the game on Comcast Sports and it looked like the only reason the cheering stopped was that they announced the next player. Chris got his moment, but they could have let it go on a bit longer, I think. Give the man a couple minutes of a standing O, for Pete's sake.
I was in the car on the way home from work when Webber was anounced. It totally gave me the chills. When I watched it on tape during halftime it did not have the same effect on me as it did listening to the noise on the radio. Didn't seem as loud on T.V.as well.
I noticed that errrr hug? if you can even call it. But whatever, we don't know if there even was anything between them or not. Whats done is done, so best not to start a new "C-Webb Vs. Someone" thing. Kings won, Pedja was the better man though ;) lol ;)


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Purple Reign said:
I hate to be messy, but did anyone notice the "Shaq vs Kobe" like hug that Chris gave to Peja. Real? or was it just me.
Okay, I don't want to be rude but for Pete's sake. Let it go...

Peja isn't real good at hugs. Don't you remember the really awkward hug he gave Bibby a couple of games back?

I didn't see anything wrong and, in the media room afterwards, Peja was pretty open about how he felt when he saw Webber.

If people would just let go of this whole overblown Peja-Webber war, it would be a lot easier on everyone.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Could we PLEASE keep this thread about Webber and the ovation tonight and, just for once, NOT turn it into another ad nauseum regurgitation of the old stuff?

^ Well said. But on the same note, you could tell that at the begging of the first Q, Webber was feeling at home at Arco as he was draining those sweet elbow shots, man good memories, good tears.
Warhawk said:
Saw the game on Comcast Sports and it looked like the only reason the cheering stopped was that they announced the next player. Chris got his moment, but they could have let it go on a bit longer, I think. Give the man a couple minutes of a standing O, for Pete's sake.
Actually the cheering continued on into the next couple of players that were announced, and only stopped because they announced AI and everyone felt compelled to boo. I felt like it was cut short too though, I think a few more minutes would have been nicer.