Watch the Kings practice--free!

Sorry, its the one and only open practice. They have their first pre-season game on Oct 5th. After that open practice, its all serious practice after that.
Season before last it was boring and short (pre-Westphal).

Last year we actually got to see the guys scrimmaging and it was more fun. Usually Slamson is there and stuff is being given away. But I liked watching them actually play some. It was nice to get a first look at Evans up close, too. I look forward to seeing DeMarcus and Whiteside.

Since I have no life and its free, what the heck? I may stop into the team store, too. My grandaughter keeps growing.


I wonder if there is going to be a video anywhere to watch this?
People usually take photos and post them. I'll be there with my wife, son(5) and daughter(3). Last years was fun and interesting, I knew Brock would be a fan favorite after watching it. I also knew Tyreke was the real deal from watching.


Hall of Famer
People usually take photos and post them. I'll be there with my wife, son(5) and daughter(3). Last years was fun and interesting, I knew Brock would be a fan favorite after watching it. I also knew Tyreke was the real deal from watching.
I see I see, well have plenty of good fun my man.
I remember when it was called "Fandamonium" or whatever.. I went to the first one after the lockout and it was flipping amazing! Loved it. They played a full game (2 20 minute halves). I went to the one the year after and it was so-so.. Haven't been to one since then.
Ya that first one in 1999 ws freakin sweet, seeing jwill,cwebb,vlade,corliss,jb,mad max,oliver miller lol it was awesome. If I remeber correct it was full in there too. i remeber they didnt even have tickets u just got to walk in the door and sat wherever u wanted and if u got up to get concessions and came back and someone was in ur seat oh well lol. I stayed in my seat the whole time though.