Watch Board of Supervisors Meeting - LIVE!!!!

Look, we all know that the people that went up and COMPLAINED today, because that's what they did- NOT voice genuine concerns, wouldn't have their problems solved through any sort of ballot measure, these are changes that come over time and STATEWIDE improvements.

Collin also says it needs to go to vote....


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
He's saying the headlines are wrong - it's about Sacramento, not an arena.

Reiterating that more money is spent in one year on the other issues raised than this project in entirety - good for him! He's debunking lots of what the detractors were saying.

Saying that the millions of $$$ brought in by these events pay for the programs these folks are concerned about.

Character and quality of life are important for Sacramento.

Facilities in other cities have benefitted downtown areas.

Economists are forgetting we live close to SF where a lot of the $$$ go - that can come here. Go to SF or San Diego, Baltimore, Cleveland, Denver. Look at the jobs and economic differences they created.

It will get developed eventually, but this can help to do a better job.

Food is exempt from sales tax, as is medicine. 12.5 cents/$50.

$$$ will never come if this measure doesn't pass (as opposed to coming a few years down the road).

Not deciding today - just want to let the people vote on it and decide. This measure, above many others, is important to let the people speak.

It is important to make that investment in Sacramento. Vote Yes.

Peters - Important to have facilities nearby for companies looking to locate in Sacramento for entertainment and employment opportunities.

Look at Denver and Indy.

People want to live in California - quality of life. Concerts, graduations, etc. Revenue from taxes help the community. This is the deal we have and has been running 7:1 for the deal in her e-mail. It is a legal measure. Vote yes.

Collin - flooded inbox with e-mail on both sides. People have the right to vote on issues, especially on tax issues.

It is a general fund issue. Priorities change over years. Maloofs stayed through the meeting. She likes the idea of a publically-owned entertainment area, no disrespect for the Maloofs and the Kings. If the Kings ever leave, we have nothing and no publically owned arena. We're back to going to the Bay Area again for quality entertainment. This is an opportunity and lots of tax money for these other projects and a publically owned entertainment facility.

Kings are low on her priority list, but the benefits of this are not. Would like to see the Kings games on "basic" cable for everyone locally if the arena is publically financed, if possible.

Sales tax is the only way to provide services and facilities for the communities of California. Property tax is not there per the voters wishes.

Memorial Auditorium is a place where memories have been built. She wants to keep building memories locally with new facilities here.
I've been watching this off and on for the last 3 hours, and I have one question....doesn't any of the board members need to go to the bathroom? They haven't had a break since I've started watching this since noontime. I would have already had to go like 3 times. Just wanted to voice my opinion. :)


Super Moderator Emeritus
As a former long-time resident of Sacramento County, I'm proud of what the supervisors have had to say, based on the reports I've been reading here. Thank you so much to each of you who has shared even a bit of this.

MacGlashan brings up the point that basketball arenas are always publicly financed. That was really the last point that I think needed to come out. Nice!


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Collin - continued

Sieze the opportunity while we have it.


over 700 pieces of correspondence. Good to listen to various thoughts and views on the issue.

Complement those who worked to put the matter in front of them today.

Complementing the Maloofs for work in the in the community. Lots of questions remain on specifics, but those will be answered as this goes forward.

Tax is a general tax. Majority vote. Advisory measure is important as well. Gives guidance. Over 1/2 the revenues to communities. Lots of programs and facilities to be funded locally with this.

The work that has been done was with the best intent to make the best measure possible. Very clear and understandable and the voters should decide for themselves and he is prepared to approve. Looks forward to discussion on this.

MacGlashan -

ARCO is obsolete. Thanking the city/county reps for their work and bringing back the best deal they could for this.

NBA is different than NFL and baseball in arena financing. Facility would be good for Sacramento, the railyards, and the region in general.

Legal opinion on tax appears to be sound, but appears to be concerned about Prop 218 application. Meets legal requirements, but maybe not the intent of Prop 218. She thinks we could have put together a package that could have gotten the 2/3 vote.

Doesn't support the measure for that reason.
County Board of Supervisors infomally vote 4-1 to adopt a resolution to vote on August 2nd.

I am very impressed, very educational. Big Ups to Roger Dickenson.


Super Moderator Emeritus
But as I understand, that means the language can still be approved for ballot, right?
This was the first discussion, as required by county charter. The actual vote of the supervisors to put the measure on the ballot will occur on Aug. 2.

The actual voting by the public will take place on Nov. 7.
Yeah, ok, that's what I thought.

So, looks like (at 4-1) we might have a good chance of getting the thing as it stands for Nov. 7.


Now get out there and TEACH THESE PEOPLE WHAT THE THING IS!!!!!!!
Also much love to the Maloofs who sat through this whole process and listened to their family name get drug through the mess. If I didn't know any better, i would think they were welfare charity cases crying poor mouth with their hat in their hand standing at the freeway intersection. What an embarrassment.

Props to Joe and Gavin.
I work downtown and was out in the field while this was going on, and I did stop by the ole' Admin. building(which is a VERY ugly building, btw) but I was in there twice while this thing was being put forth, and both times, I was next to both R.E. Graswich and Sam Amick, among others. I didnt really talk much to either one, but I will say that R.E. didnt look like he was in a very good mood as the precedings went, in comparison to the time he walked in the building earlier that morning...he had the look of someone who was beat in opinion and substance, and anything else he brings forth in his column from this time on I think will be just grasping at straws. I was there when Dave Jones was finishing making his point(which was a broken record that needed to be melted down, because he just sounded stupid), but he made a bee-line out of the building as soon as he was done speaking, almost as if he had his tail between his legs. I saw roughly 10 people speak...9 were in favor and made INCREDIBLE, SUBSTANTIAL evidence...and only 1 in opposition, and the lady pretty much wasnt making any sense and just sounded wrong on every point, and stumbling on herself, in fact. I've already convinced 5 nay-sayers, and showed them the light and facts with this tax, and they are now in favor of this and are voting yes in November....THIS is what its going to take the next 3 whirlwind months...that I now feel will lead to a win....WE WILL HAVE A NEW ARENA!!!:) I LOVE THIS CITY!!! I LOVE THIS TEAM!!! I LOVE OUR OWNERS!!!
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D*mn, I listened to all of that!! :eek:

Allright. I am totally for the arena and the deal. However, not everybody that spoke against it was an idiot or uninformed. We are not being honest if we don't acknowledge there are some good arguments on the other side. And Dave Jones is a person to be worried about. He was articulate, respectful, and had some very good arguments. He didn't give the whole picture, but he could argue the other side isn't either.

Sales tax IS a regressive tax. And it does hit lower-income people harder. Yes, many of the basics are not sales taxable, but there are plenty of things that people need that are taxable. Clothes, school supplies, cleaning products, bedding, towels, dishes, cooking utensils, furniture, appliances, etc. It is the one thing that really bothers me about this. A lot of those items are NOT optional or discretionary. Or at least they shouldn't be.

However, as Collins pointed out, the voters took away the cities' "bedrock" financial system, which was property taxes. For most local needs, the sales tax is all that local government has left to raise taxes. Homeowners already benefit from two of the biggest government subsidies going; federally-insured homeowners loans and mortgage interest writeoffs on their taxes. Lower-income people just get ever higher rents.

There are a lot of needs and many are not being met. Certainly, for Sacramento, flood control is a huge need. Its not really a matter of will a disaster happen as when it will happen. Actually I did laugh when the one guy said maybe they'll be staying at the arena when all their homes are flooded. That was pretty good.

But there were reasonable people against this measure there and you can't just dismiss them all as idiots.

Finally, I do have some niggling concerns about the 2/3s issue. I do think it is a bit disingenuous to say this is a general tax. Would there be any ballot measure to propose an increase if there were not an arena involved? Of course, I've stated how much I hate the 2/3s vote anyway, same as Collins. I think its led to a tryranny of the minority. And the really vocal single-interest people know that. They know if you really rally your supporters, you have a good chance to defeat any measure requiring a 2/3s vote, no matter how worthwhile. Becasue of generally poor voter registration and actual voting.

However, in my heart, I think this is a wonderful opportunity for Sacramento to create something special downtown. And I really believe in the long run, it will benefit the city/county as a whole. Just having a venue in Sacramento makes such a difference instead of having to go to the bay area.

Collins just about moved me to tears when she talked about creating memories with your family in places. She wanted Sacramento familes now and for future generations to be able to create memories at places that are here in Sacramento and not have those kinds of memories reside at places in the bay area. She was so eloquent, and I'm not doing her justice. Dickinson is a great spokesperson, but Collins just spoke so from the heart about the county she has served for 28 years.

By the way, so many of those special interest advocates against the arena have great, long-time supporters in both Dickinson and Collins.

The vote today was to pass the single "ordinance." Next week they will actually vote on the two resolutions which will be the final language for the ballot. They were told they can tweak that language up until the vote on the 2nd.