warriors own us


I don't think they exactly own us. We've proved that we can beat them. They're a beatable team but we're just not playing hard enough on this back-to-back stretch.
The Freak said:

I don't think they exactly own us. We've proved that we can beat them. They're a beatable team but we're just not playing hard enough on this back-to-back stretch.
Let me point out the injuries in this game in particular(not even bringing up Brad and Jackson in the last game)but we didnt have Skinner, Mobely, Williamson, Brad and Jackson. Thats a hell of alot to be without, and I know it probably took a bit of wind outta the sails when Skinner couldnt go the second half, we literally have no one in there who can rebound outside of Thomas and Evans...but there's only so much they can do at their height. Peja 6-10, Songaila 6-10...thats it...everyone else is 6-7 or smaller, and going up against the Warriors who bring in 5 guys 6-10 or bigger, its going to be a long night on the boards. I think it probably would have been a different outcome had Skinner not gotten hurt.
...you do realize they're beatable?

So you're saying...because they beat us twice at home, we're owned?
...then that must mean we own the Lakers because we beat them twice at home.

....not. :rolleyes:
Circa_1985_Fan said:
Let me point out the injuries in this game in particular(not even bringing up Brad and Jackson in the last game)but we didnt have Skinner, Mobely, Williamson, Brad and Jackson. Thats a hell of alot to be without, and I know it probably took a bit of wind outta the sails when Skinner couldnt go the second half, we literally have no one in there who can rebound outside of Thomas and Evans...but there's only so much they can do at their height. Peja 6-10, Songaila 6-10...thats it...everyone else is 6-7 or smaller, and going up against the Warriors who bring in 5 guys 6-10 or bigger, its going to be a long night on the boards. I think it probably would have been a different outcome had Skinner not gotten hurt.

Exactly my point. They're beatable;but not freakin owned. If everyone was playing I'd probably consider it, but now?
and if theres no point to a thread, why take the time to reply ? i mean since it is, a waste of your time..ill get u guys dont care when i get 300 views and 0 replies
yeah, GS owns us. I hope we don't meet them in the playoffs this year...Oh! Wait! That's right, they're not in the playoffs they suck and always will...
PixelPusher said:
yeah, GS owns us. I hope we don't meet them in the playoffs this year...Oh! Wait! That's right, they're not in the playoffs they suck and always will...
i dont know about they always will suck...if they have this team next year, they'll be in the playoffs for sure
GoSACtown said:
i dont know about they always will suck...if they have this team next year, they'll be in the playoffs for sure
Agreed...and they get a lottery pick, AND they have money to spend. Just another good team in the Western Conference....get in line.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I'm actually quite impressed with what Mullin's doing over there -- that franchsie has pissed away so much talent in the past few yers, but Mullin is now stockpiling it. Not only Murphy, Richardson, and now Davis, as a core, but Peturs and Dunleavy as well, and now Carbarkapa, White, and even Tskitishvili as guys with a ton on potential that we have actually talked about picking up for the Kigns on this board before. Veery young, almost Clipeprsesque sort of squad, but if Mullin is smart and holds it together, going to be a handul in a few years.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bricklayer said:
I'm actually quite impressed with what Mullin's doing over there -- that franchsie has pissed away so much talent in the past few yers, but Mullin is now stockpiling it. Not only Murphy, Richardson, and now Davis, as a core, but Peturs and Dunleavy as well, and now Carbarkapa, White, and even Tskitishvili as guys with a ton on potential that we have actually talked about picking up for the Kigns on this board before. Veery young, almost Clipeprsesque sort of squad, but if Mullin is smart and holds it together, going to be a handul in a few years.
Clipperesque? That could be scary, considering the main problem with the Clippers is Sterlings' refusal to actually spend anything more than the minimum pittance. If the Warriors actually put out some $$$ to retain their talent, they could get even more interesting.

VF21 said:
Clipperesque? That could be scary, considering the main problem with the Clippers is Sterlings' refusal to actually spend anything more than the minimum pittance. If the Warriors actually put out some $$$ to retain their talent, they could get even more interesting.

His monetary decisions have been about 50/50 in truth. Sometimes he lets a guy go that he shouldn't. Other times he refuses to drop a boatload of cash at the wrong dood's feet (Mo Taylor, for example).

There's nothing that makes me believe Mullin won't give Daron Bavis $272 million dollars over 5 years. And I think it was unmitigated luck that Mullin had the perfectly seasoned expiring K that New Orleans wanted in return.
actually the maloofs own us ;)

the warriors don't own us by any stretch of the imagination. until last year's game in oakland, they had lost their last 20 to the kings. TWENTY. so they've beat us when we are REELING, no biggie. the december game had no strings attached to it, but these past 2 losses, it doesn't exaclty make me fear the warriors.
seeing as they've built a good team that's beating everyone right now, they kinda did.

while im certainly not going to change my allegiances, im a norcal sports fan. the kings will always be my team, but im happy to see the warriors playing well. (besides, i get fsn-bay area and not csns or kxtv, so ill be happy to watch some games where i can root for a quality hometown team)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Gargamel said:
There's nothing that makes me believe Mullin won't give Daron Bavis $272 million dollars over 5 years. And I think it was unmitigated luck that Mullin had the perfectly seasoned expiring K that New Orleans wanted in return.
Still sore that that Davis-to-L.A. rumor at the break didn't work out huh? ;)
Evenstar said:
actually the maloofs own us ;)

the warriors don't own us by any stretch of the imagination. until last year's game in oakland, they had lost their last 20 to the kings. TWENTY. so they've beat us when we are REELING, no biggie. the december game had no strings attached to it, but these past 2 losses, it doesn't exaclty make me fear the warriors.
The problem seems to be that the current Kings team suffers from the same delusion. They expected to cruise into the playoffs and right over teams like the Warriors. Adelman's comments in todays Bee reflect that he believes the team can't take other squads like the Warriors lightly.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Joker112 said:
The problem seems to be that the current Kings team suffers from the same delusion. They expected to cruise into the playoffs and right over teams like the Warriors. Adelman's comments in todays Bee reflect that he believes the team can't take other squads like the Warriors lightly.
That problem has not been confined to the members of the team. A vast number of fans seemed to hold the same opinion. If nothing else, I hope they can realize it is by no means a done deal for us to be playing after April 20.
The last time Warriors won the series vs Kings was 1994 season.

Bricklayer said:
I'm actually quite impressed with what Mullin's doing over there -- that franchsie has pissed away so much talent in the past few yers, but Mullin is now stockpiling it. Not only Murphy, Richardson, and now Davis, as a core, but Peturs and Dunleavy as well, and now Carbarkapa, White, and even Tskitishvili as guys with a ton on potential that we have actually talked about picking up for the Kigns on this board before. Veery young, almost Clipeprsesque sort of squad, but if Mullin is smart and holds it together, going to be a handul in a few years.
^I agree with Brick. They got a good group of guys now and it may only get better for the team's future. Good work by Mullin.