Van Gundy fined $100,000 for comments


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Van Gundy fined $100,000 for comments about refs, CubanBy JAIME ARON, AP Sports Writer
May 2, 2005

DALLAS (AP) -- The NBA fined Houston Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy $100,000 -- the largest amount ever for a coach -- on Monday, a day after accusing officials of targeting center Yao Ming this postseason and saying Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is to blame.

Speaking to three reporters at the team hotel in Dallas on Sunday night, Van Gundy said a referee not working the playoffs called him and warned that officials ``were looking at Yao harder because of Mark's complaints'' to the league office. He said that Cuban ``has been hard on them,'' and ``he's gotten the benefit.'' ``I didn't think that really worked in the NBA, but in this case it has,'' Van Gundy said, declining to identify the official he spoke to.

At a shootaround Monday before Game 5 of the series, Van Gundy said: ``I stand by what I said. I believe it. I know what was told to me, and I've seen how it played out.''

That was hours before the fine was announced. At the time, Van Gundy said he'd only been told not to say anything more about it.

``I didn't expect them to come out and say it was true, though,'' Van Gundy said.

The series was tied at two games each going into Monday's fifth game, which was to be attended by NBA commissioner David Stern.

Van Gundy said he got a call from his friend who is an official after Houston took a 2-0 lead. The coach said he was told the targeting of Yao was mentioned in an online evaluation from supervisor of officials Ronnie Nunn.

``No such directive was given to the officials regarding Yao Ming or any other player or team in the playoffs,'' NBA vice president Stu Jackson said in a statement released late Sunday to reporters from KRIV-TV, The New York Times and the Houston Chronicle, the three media outlets present when Van Gundy made his comments.

Cuban, who has been fined more than $1 million since buying the team five years ago, said in an e-mail that the accusations were ``crazy'' and ``an insult to officials.'' He also noted that Dallas center Erick Dampier has picked up quick fouls in every game in this series.

``They don't officiate individual players differently,'' Cuban wrote.

Cuban said the team sent the league a list of plays it thought should've been called moving screens on Yao and backup Dikembe Mutombo. He said the league responded that ``nine were actually moving screens and should have been called but were not.''

``So if anything, he has it completely backward,'' Cuban said.

Yao fouled out of Game 1 in 20 minutes. He had four fouls in Game 2, when he made 13 of 14 shots and scored 33 points, then had five fouls in each of the last two games.

Dampier fouled out of Game 4 in 18 minutes. He had five fouls in 19 minutes of Game 3.

Both coaches in this series have been fined. Dallas' Avery Johnson was penalized $10,000 for his postgame confrontation with official Joey Crawford following Game 1.

Updated on Monday, May 2, 2005 5:07 pm EDT


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``They don't officiate individual players differently,'' Cuban wrote.

I'm speechless. Cuban said THAT? After some of the things he's complained about that contributed to the $1 million + in fines he's paid???

I strongly suspect the truth lies closer to what Van Gundy said was told to's just a shame he made those comments public.


He's going to trip after game 5.

Something needs to be done about the pathetic officiating. Hopefuly Van Gundy will speak up and Toad.. I mean Stern will listen.
gat said:
He's going to trip after game 5.

Something needs to be done about the pathetic officiating. Hopefuly Van Gundy will speak up and Toad.. I mean Stern will listen.
Gat I really don't meant to pick on you at all just asking a question. What makes it so disgusting if Cubes speaks up about the refs, but everyone sides with Van Gundy when he makes off the wall comments about the refs.

Actually this question could be directed to anyone. I want to know just how bad the anti-Cubes bias is (hey I'm not his biggest fan either but I think there really might be something to a anti-Cuban bias after reading some responses)


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Mark Cuban has been a total and complete jerk at virtually every Mavs game in Arco. He has been boorish, he has encouraged his team to celebrate on OUR floor after a victory in a regular season game - acting as though it was the WCF or something.

Mark Cuban is ALWAYS in the face of the officials and he is duplicitous in his concerns about fair officiating.

It's bad enough if someone is a poor loser. Mark Cuban is the ultimate poor winner...and I hope he goes down in flames once again this year.


(No offense, mavsman - Your owner just makes it very hard to like anything about your team.)
VF21 said:
(No offense, mavsman - Your owner just makes it very hard to like anything about your team.)
Well VF21 no offense taken, I can see how he would really bother some folks with his attitude. I just find it very interesting though that there seems to be a growing anti-Cuban bias not just on these threads either but on others. I certainly understand why though, don't get me wrong...


Homer Fan Since 1985
mavsman said:
Well VF21 no offense taken, I can see how he would really bother some folks with his attitude. I just find it very interesting though that there seems to be a growing anti-Cuban bias not just on these threads either but on others. I certainly understand why though, don't get me wrong...
Yep! I too think that it seems to be growing. I know that I'm more than fed up with his arrogance. :(
Yao really should pay at least $80,000 for his coach

But the "best center" was not happy anymore because he was called the same way every night. 1pt/1rb/5pf where to go next year?
mavsman said:
Well VF21 no offense taken, I can see how he would really bother some folks with his attitude. I just find it very interesting though that there seems to be a growing anti-Cuban bias not just on these threads either but on others. I certainly understand why though, don't get me wrong...
I've got no problem with Cubes. It's all about entertainment for me, and Cuban is more entertaining than some old guy in a suit somewhere counting his billions. And his team was always designed to be a poor man's version of the Kings, so it's a compliment!

I don't recall that he ever actually insulted Sac-town, like say Phil Jackson.
Insomniacal Fan said:
100,000 dollars is a "wow" amount. That isn't just a slap on the wrist.
And now Stern is saying a possible "lifetime ban." !!!!! :eek:

Hey, isn't it illegal to intimidate a whisteblower?!
Bartking said:
And now Stern is saying a possible "lifetime ban." !!!!! :eek:

Hey, isn't it illegal to intimidate a whisteblower?!

I saw when they interviewed Stern on TNT.. He sent a message to
VanGundy to keep his mouth shut or else. So I guess freedom of speech does not carry over into the NBA.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bartking said:
I've got no problem with Cubes. It's all about entertainment for me, and Cuban is more entertaining than some old guy in a suit somewhere counting his billions. And his team was always designed to be a poor man's version of the Kings, so it's a compliment!

I don't recall that he ever actually insulted Sac-town, like say Phil Jackson.
He did insult the Sacramento Kings AND their fans, in person in last year's playoffs. I know - I was there. His actions were boorish, rude, and out and out disrespectful. He makes my skin crawl...

Stern is talking about a lifetime ban? Whoa... Any links?
Stern cracks down hard on players and coaches because he powerless to do anything about the officiating which keeps getting crappier and crappier...
VF21 said:
Stern is talking about a lifetime ban? Whoa... Any links?

He said further punishment is possible, even implying that Van Gundy could face a lifetime ban.
"If he's going to say things like that, he's not going to continue in this league," Stern said. "If the attitude reflected in those comments continues to be public, he's going to have a big problem with me as long as I'm commissioner."
Last edited:


Super Moderator Emeritus
ImaKingsFan said:
I saw when they interviewed Stern on TNT.. He sent a message to
VanGundy to keep his mouth shut or else. So I guess freedom of speech does not carry over into the NBA.
Freedom of speech means only that the government cannot pass laws restricting the rights of its citizens to speak out.

The NBA is a business, not a government. It has rules and regulations its employees must agree to abide by. It has nothing to do with the First Amendment. Every member of the National Basketball Association has a contract that says they agree to abide by those rules and regulations. They can't claim "first amendment" privilege.
VF21 said:
Freedom of speech means only that the government cannot pass laws restricting the rights of its citizens to speak out.

The NBA is a business, not a government. It has rules and regulations its employees must agree to abide by. It has nothing to do with the First Amendment. Every member of the National Basketball Association has a contract that says they agree to abide by those rules and regulations. They can't claim "first amendment" privilege.
Thank you for the civics lesson. I am aware of the differences. I was simply trying to make the point that the NBA even though it is well within its legal means to muzzle its employees was doing so in what I thought was an overly
zealous way, but I guess I said it poorly.:eek:
you avatar looks "awesome". Is that dirt nowitzski?

PixelPusher said:
Stern cracks down hard on players and coaches because he powerless to do anything about the officiating which keeps getting crappier and crappier...


Super Moderator Emeritus
ImaKingsFan said:
Thank you for the civics lesson. I am aware of the differences. I was simply trying to make the point that the NBA even though it is well within its legal means to muzzle its employees was doing so in what I thought was an overly
zealous way, but I guess I said it poorly.:eek:
Sorry. I jumped right off conclusion cliff...and into assumption pool. I've had to argue about freedom of speech more than once around here - go figure - and I shouldn't have put on my superior lecture tone.


CokeBee said:
He said further punishment is possible, even implying that Van Gundy could face a lifetime ban.
"If he's going to say things like that, he's not going to continue in this league," Stern said. "If the attitude reflected in those comments continues to be public, he's going to have a big problem with me as long as I'm commissioner."
Uh oh. Saber rattling from the little emperior. This could get very ugly, especially if there's any evidence around to support Van Gundy's allegations.

Oh wait... This could be a good thing. It certainly would take up the slack time of TDOS. Nothing like a good scandal to liven up the summer.

I think their asking for a bit too much... 100,000 is just way too much for a few words someone had to say about the officials. They get cheated... and yet have to pay 100,000... thats dirty. Just plain dirty.
``They don't officiate individual players differently,'' Cuban wrote.
What the bloody hell? That wasn't his tune years ago. That's not at all part of the reality of the NBA game. He knows better than that. I suspect Cuban has found his way on the inside track of the NBA whistle wheel and is now another handpuppet. I liked Cuban for not letting Stern shut him up about the problems with officials in the league. This hypocrisy is costing him any credibility be may have had.
swisshh said:
What the bloody hell? That wasn't his tune years ago. That's not at all part of the reality of the NBA game. He knows better than that. I suspect Cuban has found his way on the inside track of the NBA whistle wheel and is now another handpuppet. I liked Cuban for not letting Stern shut him up about the problems with officials in the league. This hypocrisy is costing him any credibility be may have had.
I can't believe he wasn't laughing inside when he said this. No way this quote was said straight-up. MJ? Shaq? No special rules, HA!

VF21 - what exactly did he do in Sac last year? I know he's boorish, but I don't hold that against anyone unless they are also malicious.