Tonight's Game Thread...

If the Ms are going to win on Tuesday night, they gotta get their offense going, and everybody is going to have to contribute. Their bench minutes in the first half were lousy, it got a little better in the 2nd half
cometsluv4play said:
M's are 5 of 8 from the line tonight and seattle is 12 of 17. the M's were not aggressive tonght and did not get the calls going their way. this game could have been won at the line if they had gotten there more.
ITA! I'll take more + out of this game than anything else. No one was on today for Sacramento, yet they still had a chance to win, they still cut down that Storm lead and made them sweat. Tuesday will be fun. we go again....They definitely need to get some scoring power. And they need to start that at the beginning of the game, and not coming from behind - that just takes too much energy....
Saying that they need to score is just overstating the obvious...they always need to score. I think they need to play Monarchs ball, that Sacramento defense and stay aggressive.
We're down by 14 and come back to win by one.

We're down by 18 and come back within 4 late.

Maybe if we stopped digging ourselves a @#$%! hole every game this would be a little easier. Sheesh!
The good news (???) is that this team has not played anywhere near it's potential this series. They just need to come out and play THEIR game. If they need anything to fire them up, they can remember that punk little shot at the end.
Ok, ok, we got all of the practical reasons out of the way, but c'mon guys you know what to blame. ;) Its that "finals" thread! No offense Gulianafan, but we should have known better. Karma doesn't work that way!
Big lead, clock winding down, Monarchs just step back with about nine seconds and let them run it out. They bring it across halfcourt and no Monarch is even near. Someone - not sure who - takes (and makes) a 3-point shot from the corner with less than a second left.
ReinadelosReys said:
Ok, ok, we got all of the practical reasons out of the way, but c'mon guys you know what to blame. ;) Its that "finals" thread! No offense Gulianafan, but we should have known better. Karma doesn't work that way!
OK, maybe one of the Mods can close it, remove, burn it, or exorcise it....??? Please.....:eek:
If the Monarchs need a shot at the end of the game to get them fired up for a win or go home game? They may as well pack up and head back to Sacramento right now. They better know it needn't have even gotten to a shot at the end of the game tonight. They are the veteran team here, they know they've flubbed up game 3's of the WCF's before. If that can't get them motivated to clean up the crap stuff they did tonight then nothing will. They did not take care of the basketball when it mattered, they did not make more than 50% of their FTs when it mattered, they did not play smart defense when it mattered. Control the things you can control M's
Monty'sBiggestFan said:
If the Monarchs need a shot at the end of the game to get them fired up for a win or go home game? They may as well pack up and head back to Sacramento right now. They better know it needn't have even gotten to a shot at the end of the game tonight. They are the veteran team here, they know they've flubbed up game 3's of the WCF's before. If that can't get them motivated to clean up the crap stuff they did tonight then nothing will. They did not take care of the basketball when it mattered, they did not make more than 50% of their FTs when it mattered, they did not play smart defense when it mattered. Control the things you can control M's
Well...yeah, but you can't blame us for trying to channel our anger over to them ;)
::sigh:: it has sunk in....the A's backed themselves out of the division championship this weekend and the organization is again in offseason turmoil (a week earlier than usual).... ::sigh::
Monty'sBiggestFan said:
::sigh:: it has sunk in....the A's backed themselves out of the division championship this weekend and the organization is again in offseason turmoil (a week earlier than usual).... ::sigh::

No more Bobby Crosby, no more Rich Harden, no more, Moulder, Husdon and Zito to look at...well at least until next season.

Don't get me started on the Giants...or the Raiders....or the Niners..or the Kings ongoing injury woes. Did I mention what a bad weekend it was for Norcal sports?
...The sun will come out toooooomorrow, betcha bottom dollar that tomorrooooooow, there'll be sun....just thinkin' about tomoroooow ........ I'm really reaching......