Tonight The Kings Will Win No Matter What

Our opponents in the Western Conference will be beating themselves up tonight. It will be a good night for the Kings no matter who wins. Other bad guys will lose.

Spurs vs. Suns Go Suns
Mavericks vs. Bobcats Go Bobcats
Rockets vs. Knicks I refuse to root for the Knicks
Warriors vs. Lakers Go Warriors
Grizzlies vs. Nuggets Don't care
Timberwolves vs. Sonics Ouch. Maybe the Sonics.


Twix said:
Tonight is one of those nights where I want both Suns and Spurs to lose! Too bad that can't happen, darn!! :( Hehe.
Its better if the Suns lose, it gets us closer to the division lead. If the Suns keep winning the best we can do is a 4 seed. A loss tonight puts us 1 game back in the loss column.
#1sacfan said:
Its better if the Suns lose, it gets us closer to the division lead. If the Suns keep winning the best we can do is a 4 seed. A loss tonight puts us 1 game back in the loss column.
nah. season's only half over. phoenix will burn out, imo, cuz they are not a deep team at all. much much less deep than we are, and waaaay less deep than san antonio. san antonio has played the most consistent ball out of any team this season. i think 2 games is their longest losing streak. i got a feeling they'll be at the top when its all said and done, cuz thats the kinda team they are. nothing fantastic or flashy, but more than enough to win.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
kgrichwine said:
If the Sonics lose they will be tied with the Kings for third. The Tinberwolves are not even in the playoff picture right now.
True -- but of course that's the way I want to see it stay given our matchup problems with them. Still rooting for Wolves -- I'm all about the fewer confident elite teams the better right now. But do not want to see the Wolves recover if at all possible.
Bricklayer said:
But do not want to see the Wolves recover if at all possible.
Me too. I really hope Wolves don't make the playoff. (although I think they may, hope I'm wrong!)

Sonics vs Wolves...another game I want both team to lose...hehe.
I hate to say it but Go Spurs. If we can catch Phoenix this early I like our chances. Plus if SA gets beat tonight they will be more motivated sunday than if they get beat by Phoenix. When will Jim Jackson be available for Phoenix anyway?
kgrichwine said:
If the Sonics lose they will be tied with the Kings for third. The Tinberwolves are not even in the playoff picture right now.
The Wolves will get a streak going. They will make the playoffs. As much as I would rather they not, lets be realistic here.
SacTownKid said:
The Wolves will get a streak going. They will make the playoffs. As much as I would rather they not, lets be realistic here.
The west is crazy this year! You gotta win or you're gonna get left behind real quick. Even though I agree with what you're saying (The T-Wolves will still make a run) stranger things have happened this year... wouldn't you have said the Kings catching Phoenix (from 8 games back) in just over a week and 1/2 was unrealistic?? How bout the T-Wolves hovering just over .500 at the halfway point?
It's fun to stand back and rub our hands together with glee and anticipate the losers tonight, but the reality of it is that our guys will have to beat them all anyway.

The game on Sunday with the San Antonio Spurs will be HUGE. Every media twit in our sector of the known Universe believes that the Spurs are hands-down the best team in the League. Furthermore, these twits, all of them, believe that Chris Webber and the Kings are a bunch of chokes.

Well, I now believe that the Kings are indeed the BEST team in the League. I really, really, think that the Kings have been unfairly judged over the years, and that in fact, the Kings have not won the NBA Championship mostly due to key injuries, which have been both chronic and acute.

I think Duncan is over-due for a significant injury just prior to the NBA playoffs this year. Nobody can be that good, that long, and that consistently. You can't even hate him like Shack because he seems like a good fellow.

Well, Chris Webber, our "good fellow", has suffered long enough. In fact, if you add up all the injuries and disappointments over the past four years, it is self-evident that the Kings organization and fans have suffered long enough.

Sunday will be big. I think the Kings will win. I think the Bench Mob will make a difference.

Hope springs eternal.
quick dog said:
Spurs vs. Suns Go Suns
Mavericks vs. Bobcats Go Bobcats
Rockets vs. Knicks I refuse to root for the Knicks
Warriors vs. Lakers Go Warriors
Grizzlies vs. Nuggets Don't care
Timberwolves vs. Sonics Ouch. Maybe the Sonics.
1. go spurs. gaining that 1/2 game on the suns would be a great thing.
2. go bobcats. i HATE the mavs.
3. go knicks.
4. go warriors
5. go nuggets. they are doing much worse, the grizz are hot.
6. this is an easy call. i HATE the timberpuppies, so i always root for them to lose ( unless it's against the lakers) plus i'd rather see the puppies be pushed further back in the standings, and i'm still waiting for KG to explode.
I agree quick dog, Sunday's game will be big.

After that game (and a home game vs Nets), Kings go on the road to Minny, San Antonio and Houston. Three big road games! If they do well, and especially win the game at SA, the best home court team so far this season, it'll be a more HUGE WIN!!

KP said:
I hate to say it but Go Spurs. If we can catch Phoenix this early I like our chances. Plus if SA gets beat tonight they will be more motivated sunday than if they get beat by Phoenix.
I agree with the above, but I still wouldn't mind seeing the Spurs lose... they worry me much more than the Suns, and the more they lose the less imposing they seem.
HndsmCelt said:
Im VERY interested to see how Pop handles Nash tonight. Gotta root for the Spurs.
i agree

if i had to pick a second favorite team it would be them

someones gotta win tonight...and at least if the suns lose we gain some more ground on them for the Pac Division
I would much rather see the Spurs win tonight. They are an overall good team, and I view them as nice guys, so.......But Nash still has that whole Mavs thing in him to me, I just can't like him. Plus the gain on the division is nice too. :D

I HATE, HATE the T-wolves! I would rather see ANYONE win but them, it's like a curse. We can beat all the top team, SA, Suns, no problem, but the Wolves-what is it with them? They beat us every time? (Not to mention that Cassell is my most hated player EVER!) So GO Sonics!!

BTW Quick Dog, I love how you refer to those teams as the "Bad Guys" It does seem like that doesn't it? The kings are the good guys hehe, and there fighting all the other baddies. I love thinking that way. I wonder how many other fans think were the bad guys?:p Were good at what we do, that's all that matters.
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Whenever the kings play the wolves Cassell AND Garnett play EXCELLENT.. The sonics should be lucky because Cassell A.K.A Alien won't be workin him self off tonight.
OK... I'm officially rooting for the Suns now. If the national media kissed the Spurs *** anymore they'd be wearing their rear ends as hats! They even let Greg Popovich come out onto the court and overrule calls now! Jim Grey just asked Nash (with a completely straight face) why the Spurs were able to control the "Pace" of the first half. Phoenix scored 56 pts! They are on pace to score 112 pts! Thats not they pace the Spurs want! I thought Steve was just gonna walk away for a second... I hate when there is bias against us in the national media, I've got to hate it just as much when I see it happen to other teams.
Go Suns...
Suns Spurs overtime

Wish I could see this game. It looks like the real thing.

I like Steve Nash and I like the Spurs. WHoever wins we have to take out bothg teams sometime this year. Of course my favorite nonKings team is now Orlando.

I do not like Minnesota or Utah because of the dirty fouling. And sad to say I no longer hate the Lakers. So for now I guess I have to hate the Wolves the most.