This is why I hate Shaq

Hoops, this site would not be the same without you.

I raz you just as I do all my lakerfan friends. :)

Here is to getting plenty of oppertunity to raz you this season!

PS - I thought Shaq's FT problem was because of a wrist injury.
Thank you Kingzrool. You know I'll be hoping to get plenty of opportunities to razz you right back. ;)

I had heard about the "wrist injury" years ago, but the funny thing is, many people have said that during practice he hits his FT just fine. I guess he can't handle the pressure of making them "when they count" during a game. :rolleyes:
I was a Laker fan back in the day of Kareem and Magic, showtime. That was an awesome team.

That changed with Shaq and Kobe. Shaq, because he was so boring to watch. I liked Kobe at first as a player before I got sick of him as a person.
Thank you Kingzrool. You know I'll be hoping to get plenty of opportunities to razz you right back. ;)

I had heard about the "wrist injury" years ago, but the funny thing is, many people have said that during practice he hits his FT just fine. I guess he can't handle the pressure of making them "when they count" during a game. :rolleyes:

I always thought it strange that one who can not make a shot more than 4 feet from the basket can be so effective in the NBA. Says alot about role playing eh?
For some odd reason these 7 footers in US cant seem to make their free throws at all. You can easily count the number of 7 footers that have a decent free throw % and even the supposedly good free throw shooting 7 footers like Duncan dont have a good %. Its the Euros that have a good FT%. Shows that we really dont care about the FT here and once you are a 7 footer and as long as you can catch the ball and dunk you will get paid in millions, so why bother.

When Bel Wallace who cant catch the ball well, or even shoot from 3 feet gets a 10 mil per contract why should he bother shooting free throws. Malone didnt have a goot FT% but he worked on it and later became a better FT shooter I guess because of someone in his family commenting on it.
When O'Tag cant shoot FT, cant catch the ball and cant jump can have a career in the nba then why would he bother to shoot FT, its not going to change his pay scale.

On the other hand, Shaq's history with Rick for some reason has been rocky and I guess thats cos, one he is Shaq and he picks certain people for some odd reason. Second Rick being an *** himself and trying to act as if he is the best in basketball. I used to hear him on radio and he was so full of it and always was talking as if he is the best coach and that the teams never bothered to use him. the fact that no team has even contacted him on that shows that he has got some problems.
rick barry is always saying that he could teahc shaq hot to shoot free throws, eventually that becomes classless and shaq decided to say something back. WHat rick barry is saying is everybit as much or a jab as what shaq is saying, shaq just says it straight up, and rick shooger coats it
Shaq doesn't like to hear criticism of any kind. He once told Tex Winter, "STFU old man!" during a table session w/ the team. Shaq has refused to work with free throw coaches before Rick came around. He used one in 2000 when he was shooting 40% and got rid of the guy after and refused to work with him again once he started to slip from his lofty 54% streak.
You all are a bunch of haters.





Shaq is one of the classiest guys in the NBA...get over it
I COMPLETELY AGREE. I do not agree with what he said in this case. But I have made my case on numerous occasion, why Shaq is one of the great players and people in the game of basketball.
rick barry is always saying that he could teahc shaq hot to shoot free throws, eventually that becomes classless and shaq decided to say something back. WHat rick barry is saying is everybit as much or a jab as what shaq is saying, shaq just says it straight up, and rick shooger coats it
I don't ususally point out mis-spellings (or even notice them, I'm and abysmal speller)

but I couldn't resist here...

you spelled "sugar" like "boogar".... ew.
It's a tough road Gargy! ;)

To explain once again...I first started checking out this board years ago, since I do live in Sacto now. I am a basketball fan who happens to be a Laker fan. (Born and raised in SoCal and a die-hard Laker fan since I was a wee one growing up in the West-Baylor-Chamberlain days of old)
Since joining the board I have made some very good friends on here..people who can get past the fact that I am a Laker fan..and since I do come here often and enjoy the bball banter and general goodness of the people on here, I thought it would be a good idea to become a contributor. I am grateful for the friendships and the support I have received from the people on KF and have enjoyed the get-togethers that I've attended.
Hope that clears a few things up.
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He even yelled,"Shut up old man" to Tex Winter when he tried to give him some coaching advice. Classy, huh? :rolleyes:
He said, "STFU..." (at a team meeting). Winter said he had never (obviously) been disrespected in such a manner by a player in all his decades of coaching. Winter doesn't pull punches when people ask him about players either and he has had some unglowing things to say about Shaq's conditioning, heart, etc. I can vividly imagine Winter calling Shaq out over something about his game and Shaq blubbering about it. And this was during the GOOD years. No one here can call me a hypocrite as far as my criticism of his stupid comments of the past. I've always been embarrassed when he went beyond the limit of good taste and/or humor [mocking Chinese lang, "boyscout Bibby", "Erica Dampier", "The team's all here (with Kobe not present).", etc.] I don't even like Bibby and that comment still turned me off.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
I have never quite understood why a Laker fan would not only be a member but a contributor to a "KING'S FAN" site?:confused:
Maybe because we're a great board with intelligent discussions and a lot of people who love the game of basketball?


Super Moderator Emeritus
He said, "STFU..." (at a team meeting). Winter said he had never (obviously) been disrespected in such a manner by a player in all his decades of coaching. Winter doesn't pull punches when people ask him about players either and he has had some unglowing things to say about Shaq's conditioning, heart, etc. I can vividly imagine Winter calling Shaq out over something about his game and Shaq blubbering about it. And this was during the GOOD years. No one here can call me a hypocrite as far as my criticism of his stupid comments of the past. I've always been embarrassed when he went beyond the limit of good taste and/or humor [mocking Chinese lang, "boyscout Bibby", "Erica Dampier", "The team's all here (with Kobe not present).", etc.] I don't even like Bibby and that comment still turned me off.
And here's another long-time member of the board...another Laker fan.
